The Fall of Bangladesh: CIA Plots and Islamist Extremism

Sheikh Hasina’s removal was a meticulously planned operation involving billions from the CIA, allied with Prof. Dr. Yunus, Jamaat-e-BNP, Pakistan’s ISI, and extreme right-wing Islamists. This scheme led to the unlawful ousting of Hasina on August 5, 2024.

by Anwar A. Khan

The army-backed, Jamaat-influenced ‘Interim Government’ is illegal, unconstitutional, and morally reprehensible in Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina did not resign from Premiership on 5 August 2024 in Bangladesh; she was forced out at gunpoint by the army, manipulated by the CIA, ISI, and local conspirators. Their goal is to turn Bangladesh into a Taliban-ISIS-style banana republic.

US delegation, including Brent Neiman, Assistant Secretary for International Finance; Donald Lu, Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs; and Lamiya Morshed, Principal Coordinator on SDGs Affairs, meets with Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus and Bangladeshi officials at state guesthouse Jamuna

Mob rule has been going on in Bangladesh since 5 August 2024. So unblushing! So outrageous!!

In 1971, we created a humane Bangladesh at the bay of blood taking mighty support and cooperation from India and USSR for peoples of all religions to live together in peace and harmony! But without doubt or question, that glorified Bangladesh has been devastated after the CIA-ISI-Bangladesh army sponsored coup d’etat which unlawfully forced Premier Sheikh Hasina to step down from power on 5 August 2024 and take sanctuary in India.

Right off the bat, that glorified Bangladesh has ceaselessly been getting undressed under Dr. Yunus led Interim Government or the Puppet Government. The first assault was thrust out to religious minority families, especially our brothers and sisters belonging to the Hindu community, by some so-called Muslim hoodlums. They are still being targeted and persecuted by those extreme communal and reactionary forces.

Being humane, I constantly excoriate these heinous crimes in the most corrosive language and demand exemplary punishment for those ultra-infrahumans, expressing my strong solidarity personally standing with a Protest Assemblage & Human Chain Programme with the slogan ‘Save Hindus, Save Bangladesh. We want Justice’ under the banner of “Sanatan Ohikar Shurakkha Parishod” which was held on 6 August 2024 in front of the National Press Club, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Programme began chanting our glorified National Anthem “Amar Sonar Bangla, Ami Tumai Bhalobashi…” (“My golden Bangla, I love you”).

The Puppet Government of CIA-ISI-Bangladesh army, led by Dr. Yunus and his cronies, is good for naught; they are just only gushing, but doing nothing in practical to ameliorate this state of affairs. Those sub-humans under the guise of Muslims must not escape the tight rope of justice.
The Asian Age reports on 14 September 2024 that ‘Hindus under the banner of Hindu Jagaran Mancha, National Hindu Forum and Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance have once again blocked Dhaka’s Shahbagh intersection at 4 pm on Friday, the 13 September 2024, demanding not just assurances but concrete action against the attacks on members of the religious minority in Bangladesh.

‘They are demanding an end to the harassment, attacks on religious places, and damage to homes. They presented an eight-point charter of demand and shouted slogans.’

‘They accused the government of failing to address their demands even a month after taking office. They highlighted ongoing attacks on minority communities, vandalism of temples and the lack of arrests of the perpetrators.’

A student participating in the protest said, “We have eight demands. Each incident of attack on Hindu families must be investigated. We need rehabilitation for the victims, enhanced security laws, and the formation of a separate commission for Hindu protection. In addition, there should be a five-day holiday for Durga Puja.”

The interim government’s Chief Adviser Dr. Muhammad Yunus’s address to the nation on 11 September 2024 resonated deeply with the public that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

But after taking over Bangladesh’s reins by him, the Freedom of Speech has solely become one-sided and all media outlets are exceedingly busybodies in praising formally and eloquently him, his buddies and anti-Awami League compadres.

Anarchy, disarray, discord, disorder, lawlessness, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil, et al., are now going on in Bangladesh. Mobocracy is now a perfect ochlocracy in the country.

The great festival of arresting kingpins and general activists of AL government of HPM Sheikh Hasina, murder and murder cases are going on in Bangladesh by the CIA-ISI led puppet government. There is no law and order. It seems that we are citizens of a murderous country.

To safeguard democracy, the people must have a keen sense of independence, self-respect, and their oneness. The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.

Since it is not a good and beneficial government under the care of Dr. Yunus and extremist Islamist forces, humanity is so much at stake now in Bangladesh. A more colossal debacle for people is soon expected in our beloved homeland.

Currently, Bangladesh is witnessing the presence of two parallel governments. One is an army-backed, illegal, and unconstitutional ‘Interim Government,’ or ‘Puppet Government,’ formed on the night of 8 August 2024 under the CIA-ISI sponsored coup d’etat. It is led by the controversial octogenarian Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus, who was found guilty of violating labour laws and has been sentenced to six months in jail. Despite this, Yunus assumed the position of Chief Advisor of this ‘Interim Government’ throwing out his jail term and other legal accusations in the jungle at his own volition, disregarding all legal norms. Many of his associates are seen as anti-Bangladesh liberation forces.

The second power is led by the notorious Jamaat-e-Islami mass murderers from 1971, along with their successors and the brutal student wing, Shibir. They are working in conjunction with groups like Hefazat, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Ansarullah Bangla Team, and other extreme Islamist factions, operating overtly across the country.

For these groups, the ‘Interim Government’ is merely a façade, and something resembling mob rule has taken over, with extreme right-wing extremists dominating the country. Adding to the chaos, numerous individuals awaiting trial have been inexplicably freed from jail, while politicians aligned with the Awami League (AL) and its allies are being incarcerated in large numbers, facing prolonged remand under questionable legal circumstances.

Hundreds of murder cases have been filed against Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina now in exile in India, her cabinet, and party leaders, and more are expected. Some rogue politicians are even calling for her extradition from India to face trial. Despite the severity of the situation, both local and international human rights organisations have remained surprisingly silent.

Bangladesh appears to be veering towards a Taliban-like state, a development the majority of the population will never accept.

The so-called Islamist groups are wielding 7.6mm rifles—arms that even Bangladesh’s police and RAB forces do not possess—using them to murder students, police officers, and civilians during the anti-quota protests of July-August 2024. These acts were part of a covert attempt to discredit the Sheikh Hasina-led Awami League government and deceive the international community.

The mastermind behind this violence seems to be American CIA, which is believed to have supplied sophisticated arms in collaboration with Pakistan’s notorious spy agency, the ISI. This unholy alliance of Jamaat-e-Islami and its supporters has been drawn into a web of American geopolitics, with Bangladesh set to become a pawn in their strategy to control Southeast Asia.

These local fundamentalists, along with their Pakistani handlers and Western backers, are now operating in secret, staging dirty campaigns and lodging false cases to prevent Sheikh Hasina from returning to Bangladesh.

Most of the leaders of the anti-quota movement belong to the militant wings of Jamaat-Shibir-Hefazat, who are acting on orders from the aforementioned malign forces. These factions are seeking revenge on the Awami League government, which crushed them in 1971 under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, with support from India and the former Soviet Union to establish Bangladesh.

There are rumors from reliable sources that this ‘Interim Government,’ or any future administration, may attempt to change national symbols like the flag, anthem, and the Joy Bangla and Joy Bangabandhu slogans—pillars of the humane Bangladesh that was established through immense sacrifice in 1971. They even demolished the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum in Dhanmondi 32 and replaced it with something horrific in name, using government funds. But these achievements, born of bloodshed, cannot be erased from the glorified history of Bangladesh.

More clearly, Sheikh Hasina’s removal from power was a well-prepared, well-planned, lynx-eyed, well-ordered and hawk-eyed – billions of US Dollar blueprint by the dreaded western spy agency CIA conjoined with forces like Prof Dr. Yunus, a close ally of America, Jamaat-e-BNP, Pakistan’s vile spy agency ISI, some extreme right-wingers – so-called Islamists killing rams, Bangladesh army chief, his loyalist cronies which led the ruction of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government from power in Bangladesh unlawfully on 5 August 2024.

We should uncloak below the belt of the Secret History of America’s deep state CIA fitfully to the world society to block off them with barricades eternally!

As the Interim Government or the Puppet Government has been installed by American CIA and Pakistani ISI with an evil design to serve their purpose, they have chosen not to identify those who caused this colossal mayhem during July-early August 2024 and bring them to justice. People’s confidence in the natural movement of life has not been restored. Rather, a terrible mob rule is still going on in Bangladesh. The mob is the most ruthless of tyrants. The land of Bangladesh, which we attained at the supreme sacrifice of 3 million people in 1971, is now set to become a banana republic—a lawless society where the monkeys will only rule.

Views expressed are personal

Anwar A. Khan is an independent political analyst based in Dhaka, Bangladesh who writes on politics, political and human-centred figures, current and international affairs