Sri Lanka: Why JVP Leader Asked People to Boycott the Election

Wijeweera strongly believed that "None of the country’s problems were solved by the presidential elections. Neither will they be solved by the conspiracy of the general elections"

Editorial Note: This article, originally published in Lankadeepa, a Sinhala-medium  newspaper in Colombo in February 1989 and later featured in the English edition of Lanka Guardian on February 15, 1989, presents the views of Rohana Wijeweera, the founding leader of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP). Wijeweera strongly believed that “None of the country’s problems were solved by the presidential elections. Neither will they be solved by the conspiracy of the general elections,” and thus urged the people to “boycott them and join the liberation struggle of the motherland.” However, the JVP has since undergone a significant transformation. The current leadership has realigned the party, forming a new alliance called the National People’s Power (NPP) with individuals who were previously involved in undermining the founding leaders. This shift has led to the sidelining of the party’s old guard and the exclusion of Wijeweera’s own family members. The upcoming presidential elections on September 21 will reveal the impact of this historic transformation and will underscore the paradox of whether betraying founding principles to achieve new goals is a necessary compromise or a fundamental contradiction.

JVP founder-leader Rohana Wijeweera [File Photo]

Jayewardene-Rajiv Gandhi Pact

The Jayewardene-Rajiv Gandhi pact has created a situation more dangerous than conceding Eelam. If Eelam had been granted,  Sri Lanka would have lost a third of the country, covering the north and east. Now, Indian imperialists have brought a third of the country under their control and are setting up armies of EPRLF men for their future plans for the rest of the country. Of the 26 joint ventures India has entered into with foreign countries, 18 are in Sri Lanka. Today, can the Sri Lankan security forces buy equipment from any country of their choice? Are you aware that India forces Sri Lanka to buy cheap, substandard goods it produces? Our information is that recently, when the Air Force wanted to buy helicopters from another country, India opposed it. The government suppressed the people’s opposition to stay in power. In December 1987, President Jayewardene told the UNP annual sessions at the Sugathadasa Stadium that the JVP would be destroyed and the UNP would continue in power with another referendum.

Indian Bosses

Mr. Jayewardene and the UNP conducted the presidential election to remain in power, not to be removed by the people. This election was organized on the instructions of their Indian imperialist bosses and with their cooperation. They took care to ensure that there was no room for a candidate who was against Indian imperialism to contest. They used the provincial council election in the northeastern province as a rehearsal. They ensured that the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) would not be able to field a candidate for the presidential elections. When the attempt to destroy the JVP through the conspiracy of proscription failed, they attempted to destroy the JVP by making announcements that the proscription had been lifted. At the same time, they set up armed groups called Green Tigers, PRRA, and SRRA, comprising members of certain political parties, to destroy the JVP. The presidential elections were conducted while the state of emergency was in force, using emergency regulations. The presidency was not vacant at the time of the election. Besides the emergency regulations, this helped the UNP and its candidate. The Parliament, cabinet, provincial councils, municipal councils, and district councils in existence at the time of the elections were all utilized. The UNP used all those who constituted these bodies, along with corporations, bases, IPRF, and all security forces in the country.

Boycott Election

It was evident from the beginning that this was going to be the situation. Therefore, the JVP clearly declared that it would not participate and requested the people to boycott the election. While the majority in the SLEP understood this, Sirima Bandaranaike, Anura Bandaranaike, and the Ratwatte clan thought differently. The SLEP was planning to rise to power on the shoulders of the JVP and the patriotic masses through trickery and then suppress them. The Indian imperialists knew that their position in the country was unstable. They knew very well that only a small minority was in favor of their presence. Therefore, Mr. Jayewardene, on one hand, and the Indian imperialists, on the other, began sending envoys to Mrs. Bandaranaike. Talks were held between Mrs. Bandaranaike and Mr. Dixit, and between Mrs. Bandaranaike and Mr. Jayewardene.

Join Common Front

Our appeals to the SLFP to join a common front to defeat the UNP and Indian imperialists were like playing “Veena” to deaf elephants. Mrs. Bandaranaike opposed holding the general election alongside the presidential election. What she wanted was to make false promises to trick the people and the JVP in order to sit in the president’s chair. To achieve this, she intended to make all her promises, place her agents in Parliament, and continue with her old game. She opposed holding the presidential and general elections together. The SLFP split into three factions over this. The Bandaranaikes and Ratwattes said the SLFP should contest alone, join Mr. Jayewardene after victory, and work with India to suppress the JVP. Another section wanted to reach an agreement with the JVP. The third group said Mrs. Bandaranaike should withdraw her candidacy and join the struggle against the election.

Liberation Struggle

None of the country’s problems were solved by the presidential elections. Neither will they be solved by the conspiracy of the general elections. We appeal to fellow citizens to boycott them and join the liberation struggle of the motherland. Indian imperialists will not leave voluntarily; Jayewardene and Thondaman will not leave voluntarily; Tamil Eelam terrorists will not voluntarily give up the privileges they have obtained. The country will not escape from slavery unless it is rescued from it.