The Rot Within: Sri Lanka’s Epidemic of Sexual Violence

The time for half measures is over. We must confront this evil with the full force of our collective will, and we must do so now.


The horrifying account of a gang-rape involving an underage girl by her schoolmates, allegedly with the knowledge of elders and teachers, is a stark reminder of the deepening moral decay within our society. This incident is not an isolated event; it is part of a broader, festering problem that threatens to destroy the very fabric of our nation. Sri Lanka is being consumed by a crisis of sexual violence, particularly against women and children, and the time for complacency has long passed. We must act decisively and ruthlessly to confront this growing menace.

File photo of school kids in Sri Lanka [ Photo: Sri Lanka Guardian]

Sexual violence in Sri Lanka has reached epidemic proportions. Despite the existence of legal provisions, enforcement remains a dismal failure. The pervasive culture of misogyny, coupled with the abject failure of our institutions, has allowed these crimes to flourish with near impunity. The fact that elders and educators—those entrusted with the care and protection of our children—may have been aware of this heinous act yet did nothing, is not only shocking but also a damning indictment of our societal values.

This is not just a failure of law enforcement; it is a failure of our entire society. The normalization of sexual violence is a cancer that is spreading unchecked, eroding the moral and ethical foundations of our country. The continued availability and unchecked proliferation of sexually explicit content, including pornography, in the public domain has played a significant role in desensitizing our society to such violence. It is not just irresponsible to ignore this issue; it is criminally negligent.

We must confront the harsh reality that such content is poisoning the minds of our youth, fostering a dangerous culture of objectification and entitlement. The absence of stringent laws to ban and regulate these materials is inexcusable. It is a failure of our government to protect its citizens, particularly the most vulnerable, from the corrosive effects of such content. A complete and uncompromising ban on all sexually explicit material must be enacted immediately. This is not merely a matter of censorship; it is a matter of survival. We are in a battle for the soul of our nation, and we cannot afford to lose.

The consequences of inaction are not hypothetical; they are being played out in the lives of countless victims across the country. If we do not take bold, uncompromising steps to address this crisis, we will witness the further destruction of our society. The normalization of sexual violence, particularly against children, will continue to spread, infecting every aspect of our lives. This is a darkness that, if left unchecked, will consume us all.

Our leaders must rise to the challenge with the urgency and determination that this crisis demands. There can be no more excuses, no more justifications, and no more delays. The legal system must be empowered to act swiftly and decisively against perpetrators, and those who enable or ignore these crimes must also face severe consequences. The time for half measures is over. We must confront this evil with the full force of our collective will, and we must do so now. Sri Lanka stands on the brink. We can either allow our society to be devoured by this moral rot, or we can take a stand, fighting back with all the strength we can muster. The choice is clear, and the time for action is now.