Russia Condemns New Ukrainian Anti-Religious Law

Russian Embassy in Colombo Condemns New Ukrainian Law on Religious Organizations

The Russian Embassy in Colombo has issued a strong condemnation of a new Ukrainian law, alleging it is a deliberate move to undermine Christianity. The press release highlights the recent adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the controversial “On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Sphere of Activities of Religious Organizations” law, which was passed on August 20, 2024.

During a solidarity visit to Ukraine in 2022, the WCC delegation visited Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra. Photo: Ivars Kupcis/WCC

According to the Embassy’s statement, this legislation allows the Ukrainian judiciary to ban the activities of any religious community associated with Russian religious organizations. The law specifically targets the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which is accused of having affiliations with Russia. The Embassy argues that this law represents a severe attack on religious freedoms and the canonical unity of Orthodoxy.

The press release criticises the Ukrainian government’s disregard for the opinions of millions of believers, the UOC, and the international legal community. It describes the law as an infringement on religious freedoms, potentially leading to the closure of hundreds of monasteries, the disbandment of thousands of communities, and the displacement of millions of Orthodox believers in Ukraine.

The statement from the Russian Embassy underscores that despite warnings from the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and criticism from various international human rights organizations, the Ukrainian government has proceeded with what the Embassy describes as a flagrant violation of fundamental human rights and international religious freedoms.

The Russian Embassy has called upon international human rights organizations to respond objectively to what it views as severe religious persecution in Ukraine.