Pakistan: Let the Nation be Free of Criminals

There are many educated Pakistanis of global moral and intellectual integrity to plan political change and meanwhile prepare and govern the country for a legitimate national election in a few months.

by Mahboob A. Khawaja

Looking Beyond the Obvious Political Lens

The current Pakistani ruling elite (a few Generals and the Sharif-Zardari Families) have no credibility of any kind and are well-known conspirators, extortionists, thugs, killers, and indicted criminals who should be tried in a court of law. Evil has its own power and institutions, and consequently, every inch of Pakistani socio-economic, intellectual, and political life is infested with corruption, exploitation, and irreversible moral decadence. The masses are the net victims of neo-colonial conspiracies to degenerate the nation through five military coups since its inception in August 1947.

Asif Zardari reviews the graduating police commandos in formation during the passing-out ceremony of the Special Security Unit (SSU) in Karachi on June 15, 2015. (Photo: Rizwan Tabassum/AFP)

After 77 years of so-called national freedom, the country is devoid of the basic notion of freedom to exercise its rights for political change. The Generals and their accomplices among a few landlord families are at the crux of problems across the besieged nation, floating without a legitimate system of political governance or authentic public institutions of law and order and accountability. Emerging political chaos, corruption, and dishonesty to national interests are the new normal. History is a learning tool and medium, but not to the neo-colonial agents dragging the nation to an uncertain future and a lost sense of national identity and freedom.

Progressive nations are built by educated thinkers, people of new ideas and ideals belonging to new generations of informed and honest individuals. Deprivation of the new generation is a systematic process to keep the old bags and corrupt families in power with the alignment of a few Generals. Pakistan has lost more than 50 years of time and opportunities for a new beginning and nation-building. How do you cure evil when people cannot think of evil as a monster of history to disrupt and destroy the hope for systematic political change? Could Pakistan survive another decade under the authoritarianism and governance of a few indicted criminals?

Imran Khan is a Hope for Political Change

Pakistan is no exception; wherever military generals bring coups, they destroy the ideological, moral, and intellectual foundation of the nation. Pakistan has had more than five coups stabbing its body and political foundation. The Generals and their accomplices viewed Imran Khan (Tehreek-e-Insaf Pakistan – “Justice Party”) as a threat to their survival and wanted to eliminate him by all means – fair or foul. The arrest and illegal imprisonment of Imran Khan unfolds an unwarranted and fraudulent scheme of things orchestrated by the Sharif brothers and a few Generals to arrange fraudulent national elections in February 2024 and betray the nation.

Some of the Generals view the new generation of educated and intelligent Pakistanis as a challenge to their authoritarianism and could drive the country to self-destruction. Imran Khan, a sportsman and well-known personality worldwide, appeared to carry a moral and intellectual profile unseen in previous leaders. His PTI party alleges American intervention in the political coup against him and his removal from office. Strangely enough, often Imran Khan spoke of political changes but lacked the capacity to dismantle the neo-colonial systems of corruption and intrigues across the board.

A few Generals and the Sharif brothers feared the return of Imran Khan to power; if fair elections were held, he could hold them responsible for corruption, looting of the treasury, and egoistic political belligerency. If Imran Khan were conscientious and had reasoned advisory, he could have called an early election to undo the political conspiracy. Khan sounded more truthful and a man of moral and intellectual integrity to assume the new generation leadership and be part of the urgently needed domestic harmony and future-making.

To Foster Political Change, the Nation Needs a New Generation of Educated and Proactive People, Not the Sharifs and Not a Few Generals

The dramatic political changes happening in Bangladesh and the removal of PM Sheikh Hasina bring optimism to Pakistani masses striving for political change. The symbolic structure of Sheikh Mujib is dismantled in Dhaka, as the masses in Pakistan could force the Sharif brothers, Zardari, and a few Generals to flee the country. Criminals always fear accountability and voices of reason and masses to question them. Pakistan is being stabbed by vengeful intrigues of political power and the insanity of the few. Progressive nations produce and bring the best and most intelligent ones to the role of leadership and responsibility. Rationally arguable was the coming of PM Imran Khan – a hope for the future crushed by political intrigues, conspiracies of a few Generals and the Sharif brothers – the indicted criminals. Something evocative and hauntingly familiar is about the current imagery of failed political governance emerging across Pakistan.

We, the People of Pakistan, lost half of our country (East Pakistan), and India occupied Kashmir by force. We continued to lose more in socioeconomic and political domains because of the dishonesty and failed leadership of the Bhuttos, Sharifs, and the Generals. These thugs stole billions and billions to buy palaces in the UK, France, Dubai, and elsewhere in Europe. Please see more by this author: British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost National Freedom and Pakistan, Planned Political Chaos: Imran Khan a Victim of Hope for the Future.

Few Generals Made Pakistan a Dead-Ended Culture of Thinking but the Neo-Colonial Elite are Wrong

If Bangladeshi students and masses could oust the politically corrupt Sheikh Hasina, surely Pakistani masses could do much better to drive the monsters out and bring a democratic political change. At the edge of reason, cynicism about politicians and a few Generals is endemic and exposes the imagery of a dead-ended culture of moral, political, and intellectual landscape. Those occupying the political powerhouse view Pakistan as their own property, not a trust, and play with its destiny. They consider themselves above the law and reject any criticism against corrupt governance. Pakistan lost its natural capacity for change, progress, and nation-building under the military dictators and continuous martial laws. Nations cease to exist when educated people of new generations who could have replaced the old and redundant guards leave the country and never return to build the nation.

Truth-telling is maligned and persecuted by the ruling neo-colonial elite. The British changed the sub-continent in 90 years, but Pakistan, after 77 years, has no viable system of political governance. The five Generals under the current Chief of the Army Staff, the Chief Justice Qazi Esa, and Raja, the Election Commissioner, must be tried for their crimes – holding fraudulent elections and deceiving the nation of its legitimate rights to foster political change. Otherwise, Pakistan and its freedom could be lost forever.

The phony five Pakistani Generals have no credibility or respect of the nation. There is nothing to celebrate about Pakistan’s 77th Independence Day after the fraudulent national elections depriving the PTI and its leadership of forming the next legitimate government. The Bangladeshi masses discard the military and corrupt Awami League Party of Sheikh Hasina and suggest Dr. Mohammad Yunus – a Nobel Laureate – to form the interim Government.

There are many educated Pakistanis of global moral and intellectual integrity to plan political change and meanwhile prepare and govern the country for a legitimate national election in a few months. The Chief of the Staff, General Assem Munir, and five conspiratorial Generals must see the mirror and realize what went wrong with their thinking, professionalism, and honesty as they took an oath to serve the nation. They all betrayed the nation and must be punished. Pakistan is fast becoming a trajectory of crime-riddled political culture, signaling not just decadence but a downfall of the nation.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution, Germany