Israel and the US Plot to Destroy Palestine as Arab Leaders Slumber in Disunity

Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza—more than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

by Mahboob A. Khawaja

Monsters of History Defy Truth, Justice, and Humanitarian Values

The Israeli-American fraudulent ceasefire ended in Cairo without any agreeable outcome. There was nothing new but wasted time and missed opportunities to restore normalcy and humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza, who were denied the chance to breathe freely while the bombing and killing of civilians continued unabated. The so-called Arab leaders – authoritarian “puppets” of the US – never had the capacity to think outside the decadent box or question their masters about this war and its ultimate goal of dominating the Arab world. The US and Israel manoeuvred through all quagmires, ensuring the continued killing of Gaza’s people under the false pretext of terrorism. Meanwhile, new settlements were allowed, strengthening Israel’s control over the West Bank and delivering a final blow to the Palestinian freedom movement. Throughout history, many monsters have claimed good intentions and righteous ambitions, but in reality, they inflicted horrors, death, and destruction on fellow humans to achieve personal ambitions of power and glory. The US Congress has bestowed undue political honour upon PM Netanyahu, who is accused by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) of committing crimes against humanity and genocide in Gaza. Does the US Congress have any manifesto rooted in human morality and political values?

Palestinians check a damaged vehicle after Israeli strikes in central Gaza Strip city of Deir el-Balah, on April 2, 2024. (Photo by Yasser Qudih/Xinhua)

Philip Giraldi, Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, explains in his piece, War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the US Congress (Global Research, 7/26/24): “Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation by any foreign dignitary invited and honoured with the privilege of addressing the US Congress.” Netanyahu claims that “Hamas raped women and burned babies alive,” but Dr. Giraldi views this as false propaganda meant to garner US support for the continued war against Palestinians, clarifying:

“The reality is, of course, it is the Jews who are killing Palestinians in large numbers using American-supplied weapons. The highly respected British medical journal The Lancet estimates that Israel has already killed more than 186,000 Palestinians since last October, most of whom remain buried under the rubble of their homes. For Netanyahu, however, only Jewish lives matter. The unrelenting savagery of Israeli soldiers has been confirmed by multiple independent sources. Netanyahu would also do well to acknowledge the new Knesset law passed last week, which entirely rejects the idea of a unilaterally declared sovereign Palestinian state alongside Israel, confirming that Israel’s intentions do not include peaceful coexistence with its neighbours.”

Israel and America Will Not Stop at Gaza, and Arab Leaders Just Wait for the Unknown

Gaza and the West Bank have been obliterated by Israeli insanity over ten months of continuous war and the bombardment of civilian infrastructure. Arab-Muslim leaders have neither the wisdom nor the courage to challenge Israel’s planned onslaught against the Palestinian people. They profess friendship with Netanyahu, even as Israel shows animosity towards them. Arab leaders appear morally, intellectually, and politically bankrupt—mere scum floating on the tide of naïve puppets and discredited officials. The American-Israeli collaborative war on Gaza, and its immediate consequences, have rendered Western institutions redundant and devoid of civility, human rights, freedom, justice, and civilian safety in the 21st century. Crimes against humanity are met with inaction, indecision, and deliberate silence from the UN Security Council. If Israel is not stopped, it won’t be long before oil-exporting Arab states might fly Israeli-American flags as a symbol of the new order.

Those Bombing the Earth are Enemies of Humanity and Peace

So far, Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza—more than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. It seems the Israeli and American leaders do not believe in the sanctity of life or accountability to God for their actions. Both the Torah and the Bible emphasise human responsibility and warn of divine punishment for violating sacred covenants. The Earth is not a property of the US or Israel, but a divine trust given to humanity for life, survival, and stewardship. Those bombing and destroying it are mentally sick and defy divine truth. The Earth spins at 1,670 km per hour and orbits the sun at 107,000 km per hour. Imagine the consequences if this delicate balance were disrupted. The Earth is 93 million miles from the sun, and the moon is currently 384,821 km away from us. The Earth exists and floats by the will of God, without any pillars. So, “Fear God Who created life and death.” Is human intelligence still intact to understand this reality? Wherever there is trust, there is accountability. All human beings are accountable for their actions.

The divine warning in The Quran (7:56) advises: “Do no mischief on the Earth after it has been set in order, but call on God with fear and longing in your hearts; for the Mercy of God is always near to those who do good.” And The Quran (40:64) further clarifies:
“It is God Who made for you the Earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and made your shapes beautiful, and has provided for your sustenance of things pure and good; such is God, your Lord. So glory to God, the Lord of the worlds.”

The killing of innocent people is also prohibited in the Ten Commandments (Torah):
“Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13; also Deuteronomy 5:17). Jewish law views the shedding of innocent blood very seriously and lists murder as one of three sins (along with idolatry and sexual immorality) that fall under the category of yehareg ve’al ya’avor—meaning “One should let himself be killed rather than violate it.”

“Phase One of Israel’s genocidal campaign on Gaza has ended. Phase Two has begun. It will result in even higher levels of death and destruction,” reports Chris Hedges. This is not a war against Hamas. It is a war against Palestinians.

Israeli strikes are generated at a dizzying rate, many of them from a system called “Habsora”—The Gospel—which is built on artificial intelligence that selects 100 targets a day. The AI system is described by seven current and former Israeli intelligence officials, in an article by Yuval Abraham on the Israeli sites +972 Magazine and Local Call, as facilitating a “mass assassination factory.” Once Israel locates what it assumes to be a Hamas operative based on a cell phone signal, for example, it bombs and shells a wide area around the target, killing and wounding dozens or even hundreds of Palestinians, the article states.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany