Dangerous Games of Netanyahu Must Stop

What is crucial now is unity among Arab nations and the implementation of measures to alleviate the suffering of ordinary people, whether Palestinian or Israeli. Holding the Netanyahu government accountable for its actions is essential.


Evil reigns; hypocrites applaud; innocents perish. The nature of power, war, and hypocrisy has been starkly evident. As Sun Tzu noted in The Art of War, “All warfare is based on deception.” This lesson seems to be well-learned and applied by modern-day leaders, notably Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Last hours of Hamas Political Head in Tehran

Netanyahu’s strategy of simultaneously engaging Lebanon, Syria, and Iran reveals a calculated effort to escalate regional tensions while playing the perpetual victim. His rhetoric, particularly during his address to the US Congress, underscored his so-called peace plan for Palestine, rooted in “demilitarisation and deradicalisation.” This narrative is eerily reminiscent of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s justification for his military operations in Ukraine, which he framed as aims for “denazification and demilitarisation.”

The American political arena’s response to these leaders highlights a troubling hypocrisy. Congress members who cheered Netanyahu’s address with whistles and applause fail to exhibit the same condemnation for Netanyahu’s actions as they do for Putin’s. As the ancient Greek philosopher Plato stated, “The measure of a man is what he does with power.” By this measure, American politicians and policymakers reveal their duplicity. Their selective outrage underscores a fundamental dishonesty in addressing global social issues, driven by geopolitical interests rather than genuine moral principles.

The ongoing war in Palestine has reached a tragic milestone, surpassing 300 days. During this period, over 115 Israelis remain in Hamas custody, and more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in what Netanyahu terms “America’s war which he was compelled to fight.” Despite several rounds of peace talks in Doha, a key figure in these negotiations was assassinated in Tehran. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the political head of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, was targeted through the same mobile device he used in Doha. If the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is correct in claiming the attack originated from foreign soil, it represents not just a breach of international law but an outright declaration of war.

Following Haniyeh’s assassination, Israeli authorities circulated the news that they had also eliminated Mohammed Deif in an attack that claimed the lives of hundreds of unarmed civilians on July 15. Well after two weeks, Israel’s authority waited to share this news, three days after Israeli soldiers were prosecuted for serious sexual abuses on Palestinian prisoners and a day after Israel allegedly killed Hamas’s political head. Whether this claim is true or not, it serves as a diversion from the severe criticisms Israel faces for Haniyeh’s killing in Iran. Such actions only escalate tensions, potentially igniting unprecedented attacks and a full-scale regional war – precisely what Netanyahu anticipates and desires.

As Shakespeare penned in Julius Caesar, “Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war.” Netanyahu’s dangerous game threatens to do just that, turning the Middle East into a powder keg of conflict. What is crucial now is unity among Arab nations and the implementation of measures to alleviate the suffering of ordinary people, whether Palestinian or Israeli. Holding the Netanyahu government accountable for its actions is essential.

Regrettably, Netanyahu’s recent actions demonstrate a lack of suitability for governance. His strategies are a severe issue for the global community. The world must not allow such politicians to wreak havoc on our planet out of greed for power and a shortsighted nationalism masquerading as patriotism. As Abraham Lincoln wisely observed, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Netanyahu’s character, tested by the power he wields, reveals a dangerous propensity for conflict over peace.

The international community must recognise and confront the hypocrisy that allows leaders like Netanyahu to perpetuate war and suffering under the guise of national security and patriotism. The future of peace in the Middle East, and indeed the world, hinges on our collective ability to see through these deceptions and hold accountable those who seek to divide and destroy for their gain.