Conspiracy Behind Sheikh Hasina’s Downfall in Bangladesh

I saw thousands of students independently looting everything they could from the house of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

by Anwar A. Khan

Medieval DARKNESS has now descended on the sacred land of independent Bangladesh. Law and order have failed. Robbery is common everywhere in rural or urban areas. Bangladesh is now in the hands of looters. Army Chief Waker-Uz-Zaman failed to honour our Father of the Nation and Sheikh Hasina. He could not protect the Bangabandhu Museum, murals, and statues of Bangabandhu all over Bangladesh. Hyenas are all over our motherland. Bangladesh is now in the hands of the defeated criminals of 1971.

Bangladesh: Museum honouring Hasina’s father, torched

Sheikh Hasina’s downfall from power in Bangladesh did not happen due to the anti-quota movement by students. The anti-quota movement was simply a pretext for Uncle Sam from the very beginning. In fact, it was a well-prepared, well-planned, lynx-eyed, well-ordered, and hawk-eyed billion-dollar blueprint by the dreaded CIA of America, conjoined with despicable forces like Prof. Dr. Yunus, a bootlicker of Uncle Sam, Jamaat-e-BNP, Pakistan’s vile spy agency ISI, some extreme right-wingers, so-called Islamists, the Bangladesh Army Chief, his loyalist cronies, and maybe the Chinese Dragon, which led to the unlawful removal of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from power in Bangladesh on 5 August 2024. Their evil design was to set up a military base on our Saint Martin Island, in the northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal, about 9 km south of the tip of the Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf peninsula, and forming the southernmost part of Bangladesh, from where they want to control Southeast Asian and Eastern Asian countries, making Bangladesh a feudatory state to serve their evil purposes.

The bare-faced truth is: Sheikh Hasina didn’t cede to Uncle Sam for their military base in Bangladesh! So, she was booted out from power.

After Sheikh Hasina’s removal from power, looting, vandalism, arson, the forceful occupation of houses and properties of Hindus and other communities, and the destruction of temples, churches, and other assets of Hindu and other religious communities are ongoing with unflagging resolve by extremely communal and reactionary forces, especially by so-called Islamist-fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami mass murderers of 1971, their dreaded scions, direful Shibir cadres, and other Islamist extremists in Bangladesh. These are acts of extreme barbarism, savagery, and viciousness.

On TV channels, I saw a Hindu girl being picked up by some so-called Mullah boys in a van while her helpless father was running behind the van, shouting and crying to get her back. Thus, the minority communities, particularly Hindus, are being persecuted in Bangladesh.

Some educated and uneducated people belonging to Jamaat-e-Shibir, the illegitimate political squad BNP born in Dhaka cantonment, and other small factions of so-called left-wing political parties support these hateful acts as they continue to happen. There is nothing to blame but goddamned and doggone for these sub-humans.

I saw thousands of students independently looting everything they could from the house of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. A young couple proudly displayed the sarees they looted in front of a TV camera. A student was seen hanging her grandmother with the equivalent of the Prime Minister’s underwear.

The house at Dhanmondi 32 is not just a house; it is uppercase and majuscule history. The students of this so-called second independent country have already burnt so many mega development establishments founded by HPM Sheikh Hasina to ashes.

After Sheikh Hasina’s forceful removal from power, the army-backed (dreaded Jamaat-e-Islami emblazoned) ‘Interim Government’ was formed on the night of 8 August 2024—not conforming to the country’s laws, led by disputable octogenarian Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus, who has been found guilty of allegedly violating labour laws and has been given a six-month jail term and fined.

These people are also so imbecilic that they destroyed all mega establishments valued at billions of dollars made for the benefit of all people by the Hasina government. The entire development landscape of Bangladesh was revolutionized, almost on par with any developed nation across the world, by her government. They also committed unpardonable offences by destroying Bangabandhu Bhaban (now Bangabandhu Museum) at 32 Dhanmondi and looting all its valuables and memorabilia!

These hellish creatures didn’t want to keep any sign of the Brobdingnagian development works of the AL government led by Sheikh Hasina, playing ill-advisedly into the hands of America’s dreaded CIA in collusion with Prof. Dr. Yunus, a bootlicker of Uncle Sam, Pakistan’s direful ISI, and the Jamaat-e-BNP killing squad.

Since Sheikh Hasina’s removal from power, looting, vandalism, arson, the forceful occupation of houses and properties of Hindus and other communities, and the destruction of temples, churches, and other assets of Hindu and other religious communities have continued with unflagging resolve by extremely communal and reactionary forces, especially by so-called Islamist-fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami mass murderers of 1971, their dreaded scions, direful Shibir cadres, and other Islamist extremists in Bangladesh. These are acts of extreme barbarism, savagery, and viciousness.

On TV channels, I saw a Hindu girl being picked up by some so-called Mullah boys in a van while her helpless father was running behind the van, shouting and crying to get her back. Thus, the minority communities, particularly Hindus, are being persecuted in Bangladesh.

Some educated and uneducated people belonging to Jamaat-e-Shibir, the illegitimate political squad BNP born in Dhaka cantonment, and other small factions of so-called left-wing political parties support these hateful acts as they continue to happen. There is nothing to blame but goddamned and doggone for these sub-humans.

I saw thousands of students independently looting everything they could from the house of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. A young couple proudly displayed the sarees they looted in front of a TV camera. A student was seen hanging her grandmother with the equivalent of the Prime Minister’s underwear.

The house at Dhanmondi 32 is not just a house; it is uppercase and majuscule history. The students of this so-called second independent country have already burnt it to ashes.

Russia gave the signal of an American wretched cabal about Sheikh Hasina earlier in time. The current generation has been entrapped by the United States. I am sure people in Bangladesh have forgotten about December 15, 2020. On this day, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a press briefing that if Sheikh Hasina’s government came to power in the next elections in Bangladesh, the vile Yankee imperialists would apply all their power to overthrow Sheikh Hasina’s government. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said the U.S. would create a scenario like the ‘Arab Spring.’ The Arab Spring would be used to bring students of universities, colleges, schools, etc., into its roughshod fold to unseat Hasina from power.

Donald Lu and Peter De Haas, their friendship spans almost 31 years. Peter De Haas was the US ambassador to Bangladesh. We must not forget that. When Peter Haas was appointed in Bangladesh by the world’s chief secretary, i.e., the varlet America, his special assignment was to reduce China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific Region and include Bangladesh as a member or strategic partner.

But Peter De Haas couldn’t achieve any success. Then Donald Lu came to Bangladesh a few times before the elections. Many efforts were made regarding the election, but they did not succeed.

The United States can bear everything but never forgets an insult in foreign policy for thousands of years. Wherever the US is involved in removing any government across the world, a bay of blood flows in that country, killing many people and causing goliath destruction of invaluable public properties to achieve their evil designs.

The United States suffered a significant defeat in Bangladesh in foreign policy. It is foolish to think they will endure this insult. Bangladesh is a name of defeat for Peter Haas, Donald Lu, and the US administration.

Sheikh Hasina often indirectly spoke about her death because she knew of the USA’s vengeful spirit. She said she is not afraid of death. Now we can understand why she said that.

Russia clarified on 15 December 2023 that after the election, there would be student protests in Bangladesh, leading to an Arab Spring-like situation. We saw this protest in July 2024.

Earlier, the U.S. intelligence agency CIA had completed preparations to put all their associates on the field. Some of these associates are organizations, some are individuals.

The thing to notice is the whole sequence of events. How did the US intelligence agency monitor the issue of Quota? How did the court keep an eye on the writ filed? How did the High Court keep an eye? How was this issue able to spread outrage among students?

The state must file this writ, followed by a judgement after the writ, with the High Court chronologically adjusting and collecting information everywhere.

This generation of children stepped into the conspiracy of the US without realizing anything. This deep diplomacy is beyond their understanding.

Our youth did not witness the war of liberation nor the aftermath. I don’t believe they fully comprehend Bangabandhu’s murder under the US-Pakistan conspiracy and the subsequent events.

Once upon a time, people realized what Bangabandhu’s murder was, under whose direction it happened, and what the US-Pakistani organizations actually wanted.

What they do not understand now, they will understand after twenty years. By then, they will cry and lament, but it will be too late. They will feel utterly devastated and attacked, but no one will come to save them or us.

If Sheikh Hasina is misinterpreted by the current generation, it will be a huge responsibility. This unstable generation will regret their actions later if they possess any humanity, unlike the rogue state of America.

As a direct witness to the brutal birth of Bangladesh in 1971 and a frontline Freedom Fighter during the 1971 war, I promise to chant “Joy Bangla, Joy Bangabandhu, Joytu Sheikh Hasina” until my last breath. I look forward to seeing Sheikh Hasina back in Bangladesh.

Anwar A. Khan is an independent political analyst based in Dhaka, Bangladesh who writes on politics, political and human-centred figures, current and international affairs