Modi’s Third Term: An Intrusive Grip on Sri Lanka

As Sri Lanka approaches its presidential and parliamentary elections, Indian influence will be unmistakable.


As Narendra Modi embarks on his third term as India’s Prime Minister, the implications for Sri Lanka are increasingly alarming. Modi’s mandate, underpinned by coalition partners, might initially appear to offer some restraint on his power. However, this hope is misguided. The nature of Modi’s control and its regional repercussions for Sri Lanka necessitate urgent scrutiny.

Despite the BJP’s dependence on coalition allies, these partners, driven by their own local agendas, lack the influence to meaningfully challenge Modi’s policies. Instead of curbing Modi’s centralised authority, this coalition fortifies it, enabling him to exert considerable influence over neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka.

Prime Minister Modi

Following Sri Lanka’s declaration of bankruptcy, India’s economic interventions have intensified. Prominent Indian business figures, such as Adani—a close associate of Modi—have secured significant projects without adhering to standard procurement procedures. This raises grave concerns about transparency and independence, as Sri Lanka’s autonomy is increasingly undermined by India’s economic and political dominance.

The Sri Lankan government appears paralysed by India’s supremacy. The recent compromise of the visa system to a purportedly corrupt Indian agency underscores this vulnerability. These actions, driven by political expediency rather than national interest, severely undermine Sri Lanka’s independence.

A troubling trend is the silence of major Sri Lankan political parties on Indian interference. Apart from a few small parties and social groups, resistance to India’s encroachments is minimal. This silence extends to the media, where mainstream outlets and social media influencers remain conspicuously mute on these critical issues. Reports indicate that Indian interests have co-opted key media figures, stifling dissent and critical coverage.

In Sri Lanka’s North and East, the BJP’s ideological wing, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), is expanding its influence, particularly within higher educational institutions. This cultural penetration aims to reshape the socio-political fabric of these regions, embedding Indian ideological and political footholds.

As Sri Lanka approaches its presidential and parliamentary elections, Indian influence will be unmistakable. The electoral process is likely to witness increased Indian intervention, steering outcomes favourable to New Delhi’s interests. The mainstream media’s silence and compromised integrity exacerbate this threat, leaving the democratic process vulnerable to external manipulation.

Sri Lanka stands at a pivotal juncture. The pervasive Indian influence under Modi’s government demands a robust response from Sri Lankan political, social, and media entities. Ensuring transparency, accountability, and national interest must be paramount.

Sri Lanka must reclaim its narrative and independence, resisting external pressures that compromise its democratic processes and economic sovereignty. The upcoming elections are a crucial opportunity for the nation to assert its autonomy and safeguard its future from undue foreign influence.

The resilience and vigilance of Sri Lanka’s people, political leaders, and media will be the bulwark against the erosion of national independence. The path forward requires a concerted effort to uphold democratic values and ensure that Sri Lanka’s future is shaped by its own citizens, free from external dominance.