Julian Assange Finally a Free Man

Assange’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of journalistic integrity and the resilience of those who seek the truth.


The news of Julian Assange’s release from the UK’s Belmarsh Prison, after an agonising 1901 days in confinement, is a moment of triumph for press freedom and an indictment of the global powers that sought to silence him. Assange’s story is not just about a man but about the very essence of democracy, transparency, and the role of journalism in holding power to account.

Julian Assange, through WikiLeaks, provided the world with a glimpse behind the curtain of global diplomacy. The 2010 Cablegate disclosures exposed the duplicity of U.S. diplomacy and the grim realities of its covert operations, painting a stark contrast to the public image of a nation promoting democracy and justice. These revelations were not just scandalous headlines; they were a call to arms for citizens worldwide to demand accountability from their leaders.

Julian Assange boarding a plane to depart from the UK.

Assange’s ordeal, culminating in his release on bail and eventual return to Australia, underscores the high price of truth in a world where power often trumps principle. His acceptance of a plea deal, while a pragmatic step towards freedom, highlights the punitive measures used to deter others from exposing government malfeasance. This plea, under the Espionage Act, is a sobering reminder of the risks faced by those who dare to challenge the status quo.

The global campaign for Assange’s release—spanning grassroots organisers, press freedom advocates, and political leaders—demonstrates the widespread recognition of his contributions. It is a testament to the collective will of individuals and organisations who believe in the sanctity of free speech and the press. The United Nations’ findings on Assange’s arbitrary detention and the UN Special Rapporteur’s declaration of his psychological torture further validate the injustices he endured.

Assange’s case has set a precedent in the treatment of journalists and publishers. Historically, the Espionage Act targeted leakers, not those who publish leaked information. By prosecuting Assange, the U.S. government blurred these lines, threatening the foundation of investigative journalism. This shift has profound implications for the media’s ability to report on matters of public interest without fear of retribution.

The plea agreement that sees Assange free, albeit with health issues and a tarnished peace, is a victory for the relentless activism of his supporters. It reflects a crucial compromise, allowing Assange to reunite with his family and avoid the brutal conditions of an American prison. This outcome is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that sustained advocacy can influence even the most formidable adversaries.

Assange’s release should not signal the end of the fight but rather the beginning of a renewed effort to protect journalistic freedom. Civil rights groups rightly argue that charging publishers under the Espionage Act is a gross violation of the First Amendment. The journalism community and civil society must continue to champion these freedoms, ensuring that the truth can be told without fear of imprisonment.

Assange’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of journalistic integrity and the resilience of those who seek the truth. His release is a moment to celebrate but also a reminder of the ongoing battle for transparency and accountability in governance. As Assange steps out of the shadows of Belmarsh and into the light of freedom, the world must not forget the lessons learned from his ordeal. We must strive to protect those who dare to unveil the hidden truths, for they are the guardians of our democracy and the vanguard of justice.

Historically, we have witnessed similar attempts to stifle journalistic voices. The imprisonment of Eugene Debs during World War I for his anti-war speech, and the detention of Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi in 2009, reflect the perennial struggle between truth and power. These cases, like Assange’s, highlight the essential role of journalism in preserving democratic values and the perennial threat posed by those who fear the light of transparency.