Iran to Label Canadian Army as Terrorist Group

Iranian Parliament Urges Designation of Canadian Army as Terrorist Group in Retaliation

Tensions between Iran and Canada have escalated following a controversial move by the Canadian government to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. In a retaliatory gesture, Iran’s parliament has passed a motion urging its government to reciprocate by labeling the Canadian army as a terrorist group.

Iran's parliament [Photo: IRNA]

The motion, supported by 250 members of the Iranian parliament, was prompted by Canada’s recent decision to blacklist the IRGC, citing concerns over its alleged role in regional instability. The Iranian lawmakers condemned Canada’s move as unjustified and accused the Canadian government of aligning itself with what they termed as “criminal and child-killing Zionist regime.”

“The Canadian government’s decision to blacklist the IRGC is a hostile act that disregards international laws and norms,” stated the parliamentary statement. It praised the IRGC for its contributions to Iran’s security and regional stability, attributing the Canadian action to recent geopolitical shifts that have bolstered Iran’s influence in the Middle East.

The statement called upon Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to leverage diplomatic channels to condemn Canada’s actions and mobilize international support against what it perceives as Canadian aggression towards Iran’s armed forces.

Canada’s move to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization recently was met with unanimous approval in the Canadian House of Commons. The decision was framed within the context of international efforts to counter terrorism and uphold global security measures.