Sri Lanka: Is Military Intelligence the Bane of Betrayers?

The relentless assault on the Military Intelligence is not merely a random act of malice; it is a calculated campaign designed to sow discord and division within the ranks.

by Our Defence Affairs Editor

In the game of espionage, loyalty is a luxury few can afford. – John le Carré

The importance of intelligence in safeguarding national security cannot be overstated. In Sri Lanka, as in any nation facing threats both internal and external, the role of intelligence officers is paramount in identifying and neutralising potential dangers before they can wreak havoc upon our society. These brave men and women operate in the shadows, gathering vital information that forms the backbone of our defence strategy. Yet, tragically, the sacrifices made by these unsung heroes are often overshadowed by political and administrative negligence. However, irony is their unsuccessfulness heard loudly, while success never even acknowledges the one sitting next to them. All too often, their warnings go unheeded, their pleas for resources and support fall on deaf ears, and their lives are put at risk by those who fail to grasp the gravity of the threats we face.

File photo of an event held at the Military Intelligence Training School within the Military Intelligence Corps (MIC) Regimental Headquarters compound in Karandeniya.

However, the weaponisation of social media for baseless attacks against the pillars of our nation’s security strikes not just at the heart of institutions, but at the very fabric of our society. The recent onslaught targeting the Military Intelligence, with unfounded accusations against esteemed officers, exemplifies not only the depths of malice within those who propagate such venom but also lays bare the sinister machinations of those who manipulate them.

One such individual, a former member of the Sri Lanka Police, now finds himself at the nexus of this whirlwind of deceit. His sordid past, marked by a callous indifference to duty and a cavalier disregard for the lives entrusted to his care, serves as a chilling reminder to the depths of moral bankruptcy from which these agents of chaos emerge. Those acquainted with history are familiar with the incident when the Morawewa police station fell under terrorist attack, while the officer in charge was elsewhere indulging in sexual pleasure. He came to the police station in a towel to witness the tragedy. This illustrates the extent of irresponsibility among these aimless YouTubers, trying to course correct in the country’s system from a distance.

However, it’s not solely the actions of one individual that should concern us the most; rather, it’s the covert network of supporters and informants who operate in the background, spreading falsehoods for personal gain.

The betrayal of trust by those entrusted with the defence and honour of our nation is not merely a stain on our conscience; it is a grave injustice that demands our strong condemnation. As American journalist Alex Berenson aptly noted, “In the realm of espionage, trust is a rare commodity, while betrayal reigns as the most common currency.” The insidious actions of opportunists who forsake their duty for personal gain, hiding behind the facade of disinformation, represent a true picture of betrayal. At least two men who worked in Military Intelligence are now scheming to win refugee status abroad, trying their best to manufacture stories so then they would tell, “We are not safe in Sri Lanka”. These self-serving individuals, masquerading as defenders of our nation’s secrets, have shamelessly abandoned their posts, seeking refuge in foreign lands under the pretext of fabricated threats to their safety. Theirs is a narrative crafted from falsehoods and deceit, a chain of lies merged to ensnare the unwitting sympathies of foreign authorities.

But the true victims of this treachery are not these charlatans, but the very institution they purport to represent. For every baseless accusation levelled against our Military Intelligence, every slanderous insinuation cast upon its most honourable officers, serves only to undermine the foundations of our national security. The machinations of these perfidious actors, driven by a toxic brew of professional jealousy and personal ambition, threaten to erode the trust upon which our intelligence services depend. Theirs is a game of smoke and mirrors, designed to distract from their own moral bankruptcy and to tarnish the reputations of those who have dedicated their lives to the service of our nation.

The relentless assault on the Military Intelligence is not merely a random act of malice; it is a calculated campaign designed to sow discord and division within the ranks. For decades, we have borne witness to the insidious tactics employed by those with nefarious agendas, seeking to undermine the very fabric of our society. From the dark days of the Millennium City series to the many other tragic deaths of senior intelligence officers, and now the despicable exploitation of the Easter attack series, the playbook of our enemies remains the same: to erode trust, to incite fear, and to destabilise our nation from within.

The path ahead may be fraught with peril, but true patriots will not falter. They will press on, undeterred by the darkness that surrounds us, guided by the light of justice and the definite resolve of those who stand by our country side. For in the end, it is not the strength of our adversaries that will determine our fate, but the strength of our convictions and the righteousness of our cause. And on that battlefield, we will emerge victorious, for truth and honour will always prevail over deceit and treachery. For the strength of our nation lies not in the shadows, but in the courage of those who stand tall in the face of adversity, who refuse to yield to the temptations of greed and betrayal. And it is upon their shoulders that we will build a future worthy of the sacrifices made in defence of our homeland.