Terrorists in Britain: The LTTE’s Troubling Presence in the UK

Peering behind the curtains, one cannot ignore the whispers of political dalliances between British parliamentarians and LTTE sympathisers.

by Jude Amory

In the intricate landscape of counterterrorism and geopolitics, the British government’s maneuvers often resemble a perplexing tango, where their steps seem choreographed with contradictory grace. Amidst this dance, one glaring anomaly stands out: the UK’s curious tolerance of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), an organisation steeped in terror and infamy.

Picture this: a group known for its macabre mastery of suicide attacks, the LTTE held the world record until the rise of ISIS. Yet, despite its grisly resume, the LTTE finds a cozy haven on British soil, unfurling its flags and ideologies with impunity. It is a spectacle that raises eyebrows and begs questions.

A picture of a small child forced to attend a protest organised by quislings of the vanquished Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorist group was published on social media.

In a flagrant display of disdain for the principles of peace and unity, the LTTE international network unleashed a brazen spectacle on the streets of the UK last week. Brandishing their LTTE flags, banners adorned with images of Prabhagaran, and other sinister iconography, they boldly pushed forth the LTTE’s agendas by calling for a separate state in Sri Lanka. Their actions, occurring on Sri Lanka’s revered Independence Day, were not just provocative – they were a deliberate affront to the very essence of sovereignty and solidarity. By dubbing this historic occasion a ‘black day’, they not only spurned the celebrations of freedom but also sought to sow seeds of division and discord amidst a nation striving for unity and reconciliation.

LTTE supporters raise the terrorist flag next to the Union Jack during separatist protests in London

The demonstrations in London where financed by the ‘Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam’, a proscribed LTTE front group headed by Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran, the lawyer, friend and financier of Prabhagaran. Would the UK extend a similar welcome mat to the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, or Hezbollah, inviting them to strut their stuff on British streets? It is a rhetorical query that underscores the inconsistency in the government’s counterterrorism stance, akin to hosting a circus of chaos under the guise of free speech.

Have the British forgotten that not too long ago, international ships were always in threat of piracy by LTTE’s ‘Sea Tiger’ wing off the North-East of Sri Lanka, or have they forgotten the scores of suicide bombings that massacred innocent civilians across the country. It is common truth that the British stand for democracy; yet, is there any democracy in tolerating a terrorist group that has carried out assassinations of elected leaders of not only Sri Lanka but of India as well?

Peering behind the curtains, one cannot ignore the whispers of political dalliances between British parliamentarians and LTTE sympathisers. With heavy LTTE lobbyists behind the Tories and Labour, funds and votes blind the very principles of some English politicians. These lawmakers are swayed by the allure of donations and votes, turning a blind eye to the specter of terrorism lurking in their midst.

But let’s not overlook the glaring paradox – the UK’s robust crackdown on Muslim extremist groups juxtaposed with its leniency toward non-Muslim terrorists like the LTTE. It is as if the government is playing a game of selective outrage – doling out justice based on ulterior motives rather than fundamental principles of security and integrity. By enabling LTTE groups and supporters from openly operating in the UK, the British government collects leverage against Sri Lanka by using one of the most pressing factors in Sri Lankan security, politics and foreign policy. The failure to hold the orchestrators of LTTE demonstrations accountable sends a clear message – terrorism, it seems, is a crime worth celebrating. It’s a slapstick comedy of errors where justice takes a backseat to political expediency.

In the shadowy corridors of the UK’s LTTE network, a dangerous echo persists – a chorus of separatism and strife that seeks to resurrect the specter of Tamil Eelam, the dream child of the megalomaniac Vellupillai Prabhakaran. Multiple LTTE fronts in the UK continue to unabashedly peddle this divisive narrative, openly advocating for a separate state carved out of the fabric of Sri Lanka. Yet, these perilous calls for terrorism find scant resonance among the peace-loving Tamil community in Sri Lanka, who have long yearned for reconciliation and unity. Instead, the LTTE’s international network, largely comprising former militants, abettors, financiers, and sympathisers, along with select Tamil politicians in Sri Lanka, persist in championing a separatist agenda driven by personal ambition and vested interests. Their misguided efforts stand in stark contrast to the aspirations of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka, who seek not division, but the embrace of a shared future rooted in harmony and mutual respect.

In this theater of the absurd, the UK unwittingly sets a precedent, inviting other nations to follow suit in tolerating terrorist demonstrations. And what of the audience – the impressionable minds witnessing this sinister spectacle? The glorification of terrorism through public displays risks planting seeds of radicalisation in fertile soil. It is a chilling reality where the applause of the few drowns out the cries of reason and morality. Amidst the chaos, the silence and inaction of the British government speaks volumes.

In the end, the UK’s dalliance with terrorism is not just a dance – it is a dangerous liaison with darkness. The time has come for the government to trade in its dancing shoes for boots on the ground, to confront terrorism with unwavering resolve and unyielding principles. For in this grand theater of geopolitics, there can be no encore for those who sow the seeds of chaos and terror.

In the face of such brazen displays of separatism and terrorism, it is imperative that the UK government and the international community stand firm in their commitment to upholding the principles of peace, unity, and justice. The LTTE’s misguided endeavors to resurrect a divisive agenda rooted in violence and discord must be met with resolute condemnation and decisive action. As we look towards a future defined by collaboration and coexistence, let us not forget the lessons of history nor forsake the aspirations of those who seek a path towards genuine reconciliation and unity. In the end, it is through unwavering resolve and unwavering solidarity that we can truly overcome the shadows of division and pave the way towards a brighter, more harmonious future for all.

Jude Amory is a national security analyst [amoryjude@gmail.com]