State Minister of Justice’s Audacious Assault

The State Minister of Justice must not find refuge from accountability. The consequences must be severe, mirroring the gravity of the offence.


Sri Lanka is a country like no other. Recent reports reveal that the State Minister of Justice and Prison Affairs stands accused of orchestrating a repugnant assault on justice and the very fabric of the rule of law. Alas, this individual holds the position of State Minister of Justice. The scion of former Prime Minister D. M. Jayaratne, Anuradha Jayaratne’s daring land grab, the construction of an illicit cultural centre with public funds, and the shameless personal exploitation of the gains have violently shaken the foundations of our justice system. The sordid details are nothing short of staggering – a piece of government property audaciously seized in the Divisional Secretary’s area, transformed into a personal fiefdom by Anuradha Jayaratne. This isn’t merely about an illicit acquisition; it’s an unrestrained misuse of public funds, a blatant betrayal of the public trust.

This is not a mere transgression; it is an unapologetic assault on the bedrock of justice.

Legal consequences loom ominously. Section 3 of the Government Land Acquisition Act unequivocally condemns such actions. Jayaratne, recognized as the competent authority of this ill-gotten asset, has been served a stern notice to vacate the premises forthwith. The Divisional Secretary, Atma Dilrukshi Jayaratne, has left no room for misinterpretation, demanding the surrender of the property within a stipulated timeframe. Non-compliance not only exacerbates the tarnish on the Minister of Justice’s character but also undermines the very essence of our justice system. The urgency of the situation cannot be emphasized enough. Jayaratne, entrusted with safeguarding justice, is duty-bound to uphold the very principles he swore to defend. The legal notice has been issued, and the countdown has begun. The law must be allowed to take its unimpeded course, impervious to political influence or familial ties.

This is not a mere transgression; it is an unapologetic assault on the bedrock of justice. Anuradha Jayaratne must acknowledge the gravity of the charges against him and respond with immediate rectification. The recklessness displayed in this debacle casts a long, ominous shadow over the sanctity of our justice system.

As citizens, we demand more than mere compliance – we demand a comprehensive investigation, complete transparency, and an unwavering commitment to justice. Anuradha Jayaratne’s actions, if proven true, epitomize corruption at its pinnacle. The State Minister of Justice must not find refuge from accountability. The consequences must be severe, mirroring the gravity of the offence. In the face of these grave allegations, the public scrutinizes the justice system’s response. Anuradha Jayaratne must not only comply but confront the consequences head-on, illustrating that justice is blind to power and lineage. Anything less than this would be a direct affront to justice itself, and the public will not tolerate such an assault on our shared values.