Canada and Terror: A Controversial Dance with Unsettling Alliances

The echoes of Canada's diplomatic discord with India resonate in Sri Lanka's struggle, highlighting the interconnectedness of global terrorism issues.

by Jude Amory

In the grand theater of international relations, where diplomacy meets intrigue, Canada finds itself at the center of a gripping narrative, not of conventional political alliances, but of alleged dalliances with terrorism. The accusations reverberate beyond the recent strains with India, delving into the intricate world of Canadian politics and the unsettling alignment with groups accused of terrorism, including Khalistani militants and sympathisers of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). As the curtain rises on this complex drama, the spotlight unveils a tale of political ambition, electoral maneuvering, and a delicate dance with terrorism-related narratives, all against the backdrop of a global stage where the stakes have never been higher.

Khalistani sympathisers were allowed to hold a parade depicting and commemorating the assassination of elected Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi

The heart of the matter lies in Canada’s perceived endorsement of Khalistani terrorists against India – one that culminated into near-diplomatic suicide when Trudeau accused the Modi administration of conducting an assassination on Canadian soil. This strained relationship, however, is not an isolated incident but part of a larger narrative that implicates the Canadian government in tolerating the activities of terror groups and their sympathisers who flee wars when the tables turn and cry foul to the self-proclaimed Western referees after the bell has rung. Interestingly, this issue has long been a concern for Sri Lanka, though its pleas had previously fallen on deaf ears, given the country’s rather trivial political influence on the global stage. However, the tide seems to have turned with Canada’s decision to go after India – a nation with a massive population, economy, military and international diplomatic support.

Politicians, obviously, are not immune to the allure of political gains, even if it means cozying up to LTTE and Khalistani sympathisers. Critics argue that the Canadian government’s reluctance to take decisive action against these groups is not merely an oversight but a calculated move to secure votes in key constituencies. The LTTE issue is mainly applicable in Tamil populated areas in Canada such as Brampton and Scarborough, where like wolves in sheep clothing, LTTE-sympathetic factions reside amongst the peace-loving Tamil diaspora.

The controversial claims of a genocide in Sri Lanka and assertions of innocence on behalf of the LTTE have become tools in the political arsenal, showcasing a disconcerting willingness to exploit terrorism-related narratives for electoral advantage. Although no international court has suggested anything even in the ballpark of genocide, the international LTTE network run by former associates of the megalomaniac Prabhakaran, including TGTE’s Rudrakumaran, Nediyavan and Vinayagam, run effective propaganda campaigns claiming systematic war crimes and genocide against the Tamil population in Sri Lanka. Quite ironically, it was the LTTE who banished all other races, including the Muslims and Sinhalese from the North of the country in order to create a monoethnic state, which the LTTE networks now claim is a ‘traditional Tamil homeland’.

Unfortunately for these war-loving, power-hungry separatist hooligans, the Tamil community in Sri Lanka does not share the same views and are content to live alongside their Muslim and Sinhalese counterparts in the country. The falsified narratives of these terror sympathisers would not heed any notable attention if it were not for foreign politicians who have given into these lobby groups for funds and votes. In the UK, groups such as the British Tamil Forum continuously lobby politicians for funds and votes and the same is done in Canada by groups such as the Canadian Tamil Congress. Although there were other powerful fronts in the past, such as the World Tamil Movement (WTM), most of these were exposed, sanctioned and sealed by counter-terrorism units in the Western world for aiding and abetting terrorism.

Canadian politicians like Brampton mayor Patrick Brown play the textbook role of the ‘useful idiot’ of these terror-sympathetic groups by disseminating LTTE talking points. Most recently in November 2023, Patrick participated in an LTTE ritual of commemorating cadres of their terror group in an infamous event known as ‘Mahaveer Naal’ (translating to ‘Heroes Day’), where he hoisted the LTTE flag in his city. Canadian war heroes who fought for freedom are probably turning in their graves seeing their own politicians commemorating terror groups who killed civilians and children, designed suicide vests, used child soldiers and human shields. Previously, sympathisers of the Khalistani terrorists who assassinated India’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi were allowed to hold a parade with a depiction of her assassination in Brampton. It is not too far a prediction to see Canadian politicians saluting the IS flag or images of Bin Laden at the rate at which this issue is escalating.

Politicians like Patrick are easy prey for these terror-aligned groups. Patrick has been the centre of multiple scandals, including when he was disqualified from running for Tory leadership after being found to use money orders to purchase memberships and allowed non-compliant membership sales through a portal that would give him illegal advantage over his opponents. Allegedly, most of these fake memberships were bought by members of the Tamil community in Canada – probably the LTTE wolves in sheepskin. Previously, Patrick was also accused of using state funds to purchase a $200,000 hockey rink in his backyard. When Patrick-like politicians sit on the mayoral seat, the corrupt and terroristic groups could benefit the most.

Supporting these dangerous organisations is not some political case study as some Western politicians seem to think –harbouring and supporting terror sympathisers have widespread effects on the national security of countries. After the Sri Lankan security forces militarily defeated the LTTE in 2009, the LTTE international network operational internationally launched multiple operations in Sri Lanka from abroad. In March 2012, a Tamil man named Muttu was assassinated by the LTTE on the instruction of Kamalanathan Sadeeshkumar, alias Kumaran, who was stationed in France under the leadership of Vinayagam. Similarly, in December of that same year, cross-border investigations found an organised LTTE cell operational in Chennai, India, that was planning resurgence of the LTTE in Sri Lanka through the use of many Sri Lankans, including multiple rehabilitated ex-LTTE militants. Again in 2014, arrests were made on LTTE operatives in Sri Lanka who were found to be operating under instructions of LTTE-sympathetic groups based in Europe. This protection of LTTE sympathisers in Canada and the like, is a national security concern for the peace loving Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslim communities across the world. Reconciliation in the country could be heavily compromised through the actions and propaganda of these foreign groups.

One must never forget how Babbar Khalsa International, a Sikh terror group born in Canada, conducted the world’s deadliest act of aviation terrorism until the 9/11 attacks. Khalistani terrorists bombed Air India Flight 182, a passenger flight operating on the Montreal–London–Delhi–Bombay route on 23 June 1985. As a result of an explosion from a bomb planted by Canadian Sikh terrorists, the plane disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean killing all 329 people on board, including 268 Canadian citizens, 27 British citizens, and 22 Indian citizens. The bombing of Air India Flight 182 is the worst terror attack in Canadian history. Similarly, LTTE terrorists in Canada funded the Central bank bombing in Sri Lanka on 31 January, 1996. A lorry containing about 440 pounds of high explosives crashed through the main gate of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka where the suicide bomber detonated the massive bomb, which tore through the bank and damaged eight other buildings. The blast killed 91 people and injured 1,400 others. At least 100 people lost their eyesight.  The LTTE support base in Canada is the largest and its supporters have infiltrated the Canadian parliament and government. If anyone has the slightest doubt of how terrorist networks in Canada fund and provide votes to politicians, a simple read of “Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World” by Stewart Bell, a respected Canadian journalist, should provide adequate insight into this dangerous ordeal.

The echoes of Canada’s diplomatic discord with India resonate in Sri Lanka’s struggle, highlighting the interconnectedness of global terrorism issues. The exploitation of LTTE talking points for political advantage within Canada adds a layer of complexity to the broader conversation on counterterrorism efforts. As Canada grapples with accusations of tolerating and even endorsing terrorist sympathisers for political gains, the international community watches closely. The intricate dance between politics, votes, and the specter of terrorism casts a shadow over Canada’s reputation on the global stage. It is a precarious balancing act that demands a closer examination of policies and actions to ensure a more secure and principled future.

Justin Trudeau’s next moves would not only determine the future of his political legacy, but would also shape Canada’s standing on the global stage. India’s rising influence on the world map is too great for Canada’s allies in America and Europe to ignore, and they would rather shake hands with India than allow Modi to drift into the Russian sphere of influence, possibly leaving Trudeau with his tail between his legs by the end of the day.

Although Sri Lanka remains vigilant of the actions of the LTTE network, a sigh of relief settles in the atmosphere with our neighbourhood political machine joining the fight against Canada’s terror harbouring issue. Whilst time will tell how this international fight against terror would turn out, it is undeniable that ordinary Western civilians have had enough of their own politicians supporting anti-national narratives.

As the spotlight intensifies on Canada’s precarious dance with terrorism, the stage is set for a denouement that will echo far beyond diplomatic circles. With accusations of political pandering and a disregard for the international consequences of harboring terror sympathisers, Canada’s reputation hangs in the balance. The nexus between votes and terrorism-related narratives underscores a disturbing trend that transcends mere political strategy. Will Canada’s reputation collapse due to the vested interests of politicians who would rather support terror sympathisers from the third world than secure the interests of their nation and legacy? Only time will tell – and the clock ticks on.

Jude Amory is a national security analyst []