Sri Lanka: The Distorted Narratives and Silent Threats

The future stability of the nation and the broader region hinges on acknowledging the silent threats lurking beneath the surface and taking decisive action before it's too late.


In the deceptive guise of freedom, an ominous past resurfaces, echoing the chilling repercussions when terror ideologies are permitted to thrive unchecked. The recent observance of “Maveerar Naal” or “Mahweer day”, in the North, exposes a deeply unsettling spectacle of indoctrination and perilous historical distortions perpetuated by a faction. This commemoration, masquerading under the banner of freedom of expression and belief, carries implications that extend far beyond the confines of Sri Lanka.

[Photo: Special Arrangement]

Children, mere toddlers aged 3 to 4, are coerced into donning attire reminiscent of child soldiers once exploited by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), infamous for their brutal massacres. These innocent minds are made to wear glass vials, symbolizing cyanide capsules. The resounding silence in mainstream media concerning this celebration underscores a blatant disregard for the gravity of the issue. The peril lies not only in the dissemination of a terror ideology but also in its potential to irreparably rend the societal fabric, especially the representation of the Tamil People.

These children, unknowingly participating in this celebration, are being fed a twisted version of history, nurturing animosity towards other ethnicities, including Sinhalese and even fellow Tamils. Cultural and linguistic ties to Tamil Nadu further alienate them from their Sri Lankan identity, a fact often overlooked by the state mechanism. The focus on addressing the issues faced by these voiceless communities is overshadowed by the opportunistic agendas of politicians exploiting the situation for personal gain.

The real danger lies in the insidious nature of this ideology, infiltrating the minds of young, impressionable individuals. While the resurrection of the LTTE in its former glory may seem improbable, the indoctrination of a new generation poses an unprecedented and unpredictable threat. Such a movement could not only challenge the stability of the central government but also jeopardize regional geopolitical interests. Regrettably, responsible political parties and social organizations appear engrossed in day-to-day headlines, neglecting the urgency of a proactive approach to comprehend and tackle future threats.

Sri Lankans, often blinded by ignorance and false pride, may only awaken to the gravity of the situation when confronted with an enemy attack. The danger is not confined to the isolated event of the April 19 attack but in the broader, recurring pattern of turning a blind eye until it is too late. The haunting image of children in Maveerar Naal serves as a stark warning — a reminder that racialized minds, influenced by Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, or atheism, can give rise to threats that manifest in various forms.

It is imperative for Sri Lanka to confront this distorted narrative head-on, dispel the perilous ideologies being imparted to its youth, and cultivate an environment that champions understanding, tolerance, and unity. The future stability of the nation and the broader region hinges on acknowledging the silent threats lurking beneath the surface and taking decisive action before it’s too late.