Media Outlets Call for an End to Israel’s Massacre of Palestinian Journalists

“We are outraged at the murder of over 60 of our Palestinian colleagues at the hands of Israeli Forces since October 7,” reads the statement.

The world is waiting in cautious anticipation amid the four-day pause in hostilities in Gaza, giving Palestinians a brief respite from incessant Israeli airstrikes. Israel did not cease its bombing of the enclave from October 7 to the start of the pause on November 24. In these nearly seven weeks, over 15,000 Palestinians were killed and 33,000 have been injured. Some reports estimate that the true death toll could be around 20,000 given how many are still trapped under the rubble.

Palestinian protesters hold flags during a protest against the killing of Palestinians near the fence of the Gaza-Israel border, east of Gaza City, on July 3, 2023. (Photo by Rizek Abdeljawad/Xinhua)

The Government Media Office in Gaza has reported that 67 journalists have been killed in the Israeli attacks on the Strip. The Committee to Protect Journalists has stated that the last month was the deadliest for attacks on journalists since it started keeping records in 1992. Many press freedom advocates have argued that the killing of journalists and communicators in Gaza appears to be part of Israel’s sinister efforts to prevent the truth about its brutal attacks from reaching the world.

In this context, a group of left media outlets from across the world issued a statement expressing solidarity with Palestinian journalists and demanding a definitive end to what constitutes a grave violation of press freedom. The outlets are ARG Medios, Brasil de Fato, Breakthrough News, Madaar, Pan African TV, Peoples Dispatch, and the Insight Newspaper.

“We are outraged at the murder of over 60 of our Palestinian colleagues at the hands of Israeli Forces since October 7,” reads the statement.

“We stand with our colleagues in Palestine who are risking their lives to tell the truth that the world so desperately needs to hear.”

 from the Peoples Dispatch / Globetrotter News Service