Why Is It Time for Interpol to Issue a Red Notice for Azad Maulana?

Findings collectively point to rape, financial impropriety, and forgery charges against Azad Maulana. Shouldn't the government of Sri Lanka and international institutions committed to justice and harmony promptly issue a Red Warrant through Interpol for Azad Maulana's arrest and prosecution? 

by Our Diplomatic Affairs Correspondent

The so-called documentary, featuring a select few screened on Channel 4 News, holds no value for those whose lives were shattered by the Easter suicide attack perpetrated by fanatics. Instead, it stands as yet another farcical attempt by certain social groups and non-governmental organizations in Sri Lanka, who laboured vigorously to bring this charade to light. A few days after its screening, the documentary’s director and producer admitted to possessing no concrete evidence to substantiate the allegations made by their introduced “whistleblower.”

A criminal complaint against Azad Maulana has emerged, alleging that he deceitfully married a woman and subjected her to days of sexual assault. Images were taken during the 'fake event' [Special Arrangement]."

Surprisingly, respected journalist DBS Jayaraj, based in the comfort of Canada, bestowed his blessings upon and adorned this intricate scheme. A Sri Lankan daily newspaper was exploited for this purpose, deliberately sidelining the other facet of the incident, thus painting a one-sided portrait of Maulana’s theatrics. Notably, all those discussing this matter conveniently omitted India’s involvement in financing Karuna and Pillayan’s factions, as detailed in Maulana’s comprehensive statement before UN human rights body. Such self-censorship suggests that not only this seasoned journalist but also others addressing this issue might have vested political interests.

The political reign over the Eastern Province, including the Batticaloa district, is currently in the hands of Sivaneshathurai Chandrakanthan, also known as Pillayan, who poses a significant challenge to the Tamil National Alliance. Maulana’s political adversaries might perceive Pillayan’s clout as a means to undermine him and remove him from the system. This inference becomes evident from recent statements by Tamil National Alliance MPs.

Furthermore, Vinayagamurthi Muralidaran, aka Karuna Amman, and Pillaiyan have long been regarded as traitors to Tamil separatists. Had Vinayagamurthy Muralidaran and the Eastern LTTE not separated from the LTTE, the terror organization would still be inflicting suicide bombings upon unarmed civilians. Tamil children would still be forcibly abducted and forced to partake in their fascist war. This tragedy remains a lucrative source of income for those who harbour separatist sympathies in Canada and parts of Europe. These individuals are evidently disoriented when this revenue stream is disrupted. This is precisely why Maulana has become a hero to them.

Contrary to claims that whistleblower Azad Maulana fled the country due to threats from his former boss, Azad Maulana was appointed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in January 2022. This revelation raises several pertinent questions. When was the initial job interview conducted? Also, when did Azad Maulana establish ties with the doctor who treated Saharan Hasim’s brother Rilwan at Colombo National Hospital after an explosive experiment gone awry left him seriously injured? Did this doctor play a role in securing a job with a UN affiliate for this so-called whistleblower? If the doctor’s involvement in any criminal activities is baseless, why is he evading authorities? Moreover, why has the Sri Lankan government pursued an extradition order against this doctor? Why are various organizations selectively presenting information that serves their interests while deliberately concealing the true details of this entire saga? The allegations against Azad Maulana suggest he is not a whistleblower but rather an accused party who warrants immediate national and international investigation. It is crucial to note that these accusations were pending long before his flight from the country.

As previously reported there have been allegations that Azad Maulana deceitfully married a woman and subjected her to days of sexual assault. Legal proceedings related to this incident are underway, with the affected woman reaching out to the Swiss Ambassador and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. What actions has the Human Rights Council taken in response? Why do non-governmental organizations, purported champions of human and women’s rights, adopt a hypocritical stance in such cases? Additionally, whistleblower Azad Maulana stands accused of extorting money from numerous Tamils and Muslims, promising them employment. These findings collectively point to rape, financial impropriety, and forgery charges. It is imperative to initiate an international criminal investigation against Azad Maulana. Shouldn’t the government of Sri Lanka and international institutions committed to justice and harmony promptly issue a Red Warrant through Interpol for Azad Maulana’s arrest and prosecution?

Amidst all these theatrics, genuine whistleblowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Katharine Teresa Gun, and Annie Machon, who have dedicated themselves to unveiling the truth, are unjustly overshadowed. Criminals may masquerade as whistleblowers, but they shall ultimately face the inexorable truth under the dictates of natural law. It is this plea that resonates with the tears shed by women subjected to prolonged sexual abuse at the hands of such predators.