Machinations of Father Cyril Gamini: Truth Versus Manipulation

To obscure the truth in pursuit of transient political gains, while the true adversary lurks in the shadows, is an affront not only to individual lives but to society as a whole. 

 by Special Correspondent

In a time when the very fabric of our society is at stake, it is imperative to cast a spotlight on two grievous transgressions committed by Father Cyril Gamini, actions that have not only flagrantly misled society but also sown discord like toxic seeds. As the looming parliamentary debate on the Easter attack sends ripples through our nation, a disconcerting unease has gripped the populace. Recent revelations have shattered the calm, revealing unsettling truths about the bombings. In the face of these revelations, there is no room for panic or complacency. Our solemn duty, instead, is to rise to the occasion and resolutely voice our convictions, backed by unassailable evidence. Clinging to stale rumours serves neither justice for our nation nor solace for the victims of this harrowing tragedy.

File Photo of Fr. Cyril Gamini Fernando

The source of the information concerning Father Cyril Gamini remains shrouded in mystery, but the statement issued by the current head of the Anti-Terrorism Investigation Division in Parliament the day before yesterday has ignited a seismic shift in public perception. Notably, it was not just MP Rauf Hakeem who was moved by this disclosure but also Dr. Harsha de Silva of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya. This underscores the undeniable societal significance of these revelations that should command the attention of every citizen.

To obscure the truth in pursuit of transient political gains, while the true adversary lurks in the shadows, is an affront not only to individual lives but to society as a whole. We share a collective responsibility to uproot the virulent extremism that led to these grievous attacks, transcending the confines of partisan allegiances.

Father Cyril Gamini launched a scathing attack on Senior Superintendent of Police Prasanna Alwis, who courageously divulged information about the Easter attack in Parliament the day before yesterday. In his diatribe, Father Gamini relied heavily on hearsay and unsubstantiated claims to mask his incapacity to confront the unvarnished truth. His evident distress following the officer’s revelations in Parliament only serves to underscore the gravity of his actions. Father Gamini’s behaviour is not only an attempt to deceive society but also a deliberate character assassination of an official who has never been found culpable by any court or commission. This is not only an egregious misjudgment but also a barbaric assault on the fundamental rights of a fellow human.

Consider this in a straightforward analogy: Suppose one of Father Cyril Gamini’s adversaries disseminated a false statement about him, alleging that he spent a night in police custody due to illegal activities and that he solicited high-ranking police officers and politicians to extricate him from the situation. Further, it is claimed that he berated police officers who helped him during a meeting and demanded their immediate dismissal. Such slander unquestionably tarnishes his reputation. No doubt. Viewing the accusations against Mr. Prasanna Alwis in this light, Father Gamini’s outburst appears not only outrageous but also morally reprehensible. His ire stems from the fact that this officer presented verifiable data on the Easter attack, dismantling the conspiracy woven by a small faction, of which Father Cyril Gamini is a part.

Let us revisit the case of Lasantha Wickramatunga’s assassination. In the aftermath of Mr. Wickramatunga’s assassination, it was Prasanna Alwis, not the now-prominent Nishantha Silva, who unearthed crucial information. Officer Alwis meticulously unravelled the details of the crime, including the transactions linked to the SIM cards purportedly used by the alleged assailants. In 2010, he played a pivotal role in exonerating 18 individuals falsely accused in the case. By 2015, he had removed those within the Terrorism Investigation Division implicated in tampering with evidence. Why was no action taken against him until 2019, following his dismissal?

While Nishantha Silva and a few others garnered media attention for their involvement in criminal investigations, it was officers like Prasanna Alwis who bore the brunt of the groundwork. They did not flee the country or encroach upon the investigations of their colleagues. Father Cyril Gamini should refrain from maligning officials who stand unaccused and instead, muster the courage to confront the unadulterated truth, allowing his convictions to stand or fall on their own merits.

Furthermore, Father Gamini’s press conference contained a blatant falsehood concerning Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Nilantha Jayawardena. He claimed to have invited Mr. Jayawardena to deliver a sermon on the Easter attack to Members of Parliament. This assertion is patently false. Even opposition politicians present at the conference expressed astonishment upon hearing it. 

However, on the 19th of September, Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Nilantha Jayawardena represented Inspector General of Police Chandana Wickramaratne in the Energy and Transport Sector Supervision Parliamentary Committee meeting —a gathering wholly unrelated to any discourse on the Easter attack. He attended the meeting on behalf of the Inspector General of Police, who had communicated to the Secretary of the Ministry of Defense through a letter that he was unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances.

It is regrettable that Father Cyril Gamini stoops so low in his efforts to obfuscate the truth. The inclination to fabricate outright falsehoods and ardently present them as truth may suggest signs of Bipolar disorder. If this resonates with Father Cyril Gamini it’s important to be aware of the next steps for the sake of healing him.