Global Biofuels Alliance: A Long Journey Ahead

When discussing the prospects of biofuels, it is essential to review the progress of other measures initiated to combat the climate crisis. This review will highlight the efforts required and the strategies necessary to ensure the success of the Global Biofuels Alliance. 

by N. S. Venkataraman

The G20 Summit has initiated the creation of the Global Biofuels Alliance, with the active involvement of over 30 countries and several international institutions. Its primary goal is to accelerate the widespread adoption and production of biofuels on a massive scale. The formation of the Global Biofuels Alliance is hailed as a pivotal moment in advancing clean energy and addressing the climate crisis. It is anticipated that this alliance will support global endeavors in research and development to optimize biofuel production processes and significantly increase biofuel production, along with offering capacity-building support.

[Photo source: Getty Images/iStockphoto]

Undoubtedly, the objective of the Global Biofuels Alliance is commendable and timely. However, there are doubts regarding whether sufficient groundwork and comprehensive investigations have been conducted to evaluate the issues and formulate time-bound strategies to achieve the objectives before announcing the Alliance. To date, there have been no discernible signs of public consultation or official announcements regarding these issues and strategies.

When discussing the prospects of biofuels, it is essential to review the progress of other measures initiated to combat the climate crisis. This review will highlight the efforts required and the strategies necessary to ensure the success of the Global Biofuels Alliance.

Incomplete Efforts to Combat the Climate Crisis:

Addressing the climate crisis and global warming is a pressing concern that demands immediate action. Unfortunately, very little progress has been made on the ground thus far. Despite numerous global climate conferences, including the recent one in Egypt, promises have abounded, but concrete actions have been scarce. While some steps have been taken, such as restrictions on the use of certain chemicals like hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), effective measures remain limited, and fundamental issues persist.

The primary cause of global warming and the climate crisis is the extensive production and use of fossil fuels derived from crude oil and coal. Regrettably, there has been no significant reduction in the production of these fossil fuels. Countries producing crude oil, natural gas (which emits noxious methane during handling and transportation), and coal have not curtailed production but, rather, have shown signs of increased production. For example, India and China have boosted coal production, while countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Qatar, and the USA have not committed to specific schedules for production reduction.

While fossil fuel production and usage continue unabated, green hydrogen has emerged as a potential solution for the climate crisis. Green hydrogen is expected to replace fossil fuels as an energy and feedstock source. However, green hydrogen production relies on renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power. Even if a green hydrogen economy were theoretically viable, it remains uncertain whether renewable energy sources could generate the required power on a massive scale. Moreover, green hydrogen technology is still in development, and its economic feasibility remains uncertain. Research and development efforts are ongoing, and the success of a green hydrogen economy remains hopeful.

Electric vehicles have been proposed as a means to combat the climate crisis. However, these vehicles’ batteries require substantial amounts of renewable energy for charging, and providing the necessary energy at the required scale poses significant challenges.

Nuclear power is another eco-friendly option, but it has become controversial since the Fukushima accident.

Afforestation is a positive approach, but progress has been limited. A study published in Nature Climate Change in 2022 showed that over three-quarters of the Amazon rainforest has experienced declining resilience, posing risks to biodiversity, carbon storage, and climate change.

Focus on Biofuels:

Despite the enthusiasm surrounding green hydrogen and other options, biofuels have gained global attention with the launch of the Global Biofuels Alliance. While this initiative is promising, numerous obstacles must be overcome. The idea that biofuels can entirely replace fossil fuels is currently wishful thinking. To realize this potential, biofuel production must be substantially developed.

The production of ethanol from biomass, proposed by several sources, including Indian Prime Minister Modi, involves biomass fermentation. Currently, the global production of biofuels from this process is limited, and the availability of biomass for mass production is uncertain. Although some ethanol plants based on biomass have been established on a pilot or semi-commercial scale, the feasibility of massive ethanol-based biofuel production remains uncertain.

One viable option is to cultivate and utilize algae crops, which grow rapidly and require only carbon dioxide and sunlight. Algae contains around 20 to 25% oil, making it a crucial resource. By processing algae crops, biofuels and ethanol, as well as methane (natural gas), can be produced. Unfortunately, algae biofuels have not received the global attention they deserve. Hopefully, the Global Biofuels Alliance will prioritize the exploration of algae biofuels’ feasibility and promote dedicated efforts to develop this technology.

The Global Biofuels Alliance is an exciting concept, but the road ahead is fraught with challenges. It must move beyond conference rooms, especially in a world marked by conflicts. Cooperation on global issues like this remains uncertain.

N. S. Venkataraman is a trustee with the "Nandini Voice for the Deprived," a not-for-profit organization that aims to highlight the problems of downtrodden and deprived people and support their cause and to promote probity and ethical values in private and public life and to deliberate on socio-economic issues in a dispassionate and objective manner.