Breaking: Spy Chief's Zahran Suicide Mission Text Leaked After 4 Years

This revelation emerged during a special conference held yesterday by the Criminal Investigation Division and Anti-Terrorism Investigation Division to brief members of Parliament on the Easter attack.

In a momentous revelation, a text message sent by the former Director of the State Intelligence Service, Senior DIG Nilantha Jayawardena, regarding the impending suicide attack by Zahran and his fellow fanatics, who were targeting churches and hotels, has surfaced over four years after the tragic event.

Just one day before the tragic Easter attack, Senior DIG Nilantha Jayawardena sent a critical message to the Inspector General of Police, the Defense Secretary, and the SDIG in charge of the Criminal Investigation Division, all of whom confirmed its receipt. This revelation emerged during a special conference held yesterday by the Criminal Investigation Division and Anti-Terrorism Investigation Division to brief members of Parliament on the Easter attack.

The aftermath of the Easter attack

Despite persistent accusations against intelligence agencies for their alleged failure to prevent the Easter attacks, this newfound information sheds light on the proper execution of their assigned duties, while bringing to question the responsibilities of other agencies that may have been neglected.

The Director of State Intelligence confirmed that he viewed the message, sent at 4:54 pm on April 20, 2019, at precisely 4:55 pm. A screenshot of the message is as follows:



This revelation raises crucial questions: Could the intelligence agencies have provided more information about the imminent danger, and what actions were taken by the authorities who received this information to prevent the impending attack? Was there, at the very least, an attempt to establish a roadblock?”

Source: The Leader