Sri Lanka Guardian: Illuminating a World in Flux

Embarking on a journey that spans 16 impactful years, Sri Lanka Guardian continues to unveil the truth in a world shaped by conflicts, shifting powers, and global crises. Join us in celebrating this milestone as we delve into the evolving narrative of our time and the power of journalism to catalyze change on a global scale 


Sri Lanka Guardian proudly stands on the precipice of its 16th anniversary, poised to embrace today, 16th of August 2023. This moment marks a significant juncture in our enduring journey, one that has reshaped us in profound ways. Throughout the years, we have steadfastly upheld the quintessence of journalism, a steadfast commitment to enlightening the masses and engendering novel perspectives on the intricate tapestry of socio-political issues. Our guiding light has been the fusion of contemporary insights from history, culture, and technology.

In our pursuit, an array of dedicated volunteer writers has converged, joining hands to ignite the flames of this transformative venture. Amid this dynamic landscape, even those who were deemed competitors chose not to shy away from tarnishing our efforts through defamation, marginalization, and scorn. Despite these tempestuous waters, our resolute team has steered this ship unwaveringly, tethered to a singular objective: to empower the public with unassailable facts and meticulous figures. Journalism, a realm unto itself, has undergone a metamorphosis, evolving into a more comprehensive and potent force than ever before.

We operate around the clock, 24/7, to create top-quality content for our readers

The genesis of Sri Lanka Guardian in 2007 coincided with a nation gripped by the throes of civil strife. A time when the populace of Sri Lanka grappled for each additional day, ensnared by the clutches of the world’s most merciless militant faction. This nefarious entity didn’t only target the military and political echelons; its brutality extended to unarmed civilians across the nation, abducting innocent children to satiate its most malevolent cravings, extinguishing the very aspirations of generations to come. Its victims spanned from the brilliant minds advocating for substantive social reform to the innocents who unwittingly became pawns in a sinister game, manipulated by those using Sri Lanka’s turmoil as a bargaining chip for their opulent Western lifestyles. From the realms of Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, to the vast expanse of Australia, this macabre spectacle has now invaded foreign territories, ensnaring political powers within its insidious grip.

The culmination of 2009 heralded the cessation of the civil war, breathing life into a new dawn for the nation. The initial years radiated with potential as dedicated individuals toiled tirelessly to reconstruct a country ravaged by a conflict some attribute to India’s punitive intentions towards a Sri Lankan government accused of marginalizing minority rights—ironically, a demographic that held electoral influence. The conflict, mired in misinterpretations, fabrications, and manipulations, had long shackled the nation’s potential. The demise of the LTTE marked an opening, a corridor towards uncharted heights. Yet, the tapestry of promise was unravelled by avaricious motives and opportunistic designs. This unfortunate trajectory culminated in a fresh crisis, where external actors and neighbouring behemoths coerced their influence upon the nation’s very fabric, threatening to fray its very essence.

Putting an end to years of political manoeuvring and the pervasive nepotistic culture, the Sri Lankan populace resolutely exercised their voting power in 2015, ushering in a new leader to helm the nation. Initially hailed as the Sri Lankan counterpart to Nelson Mandela, this figure swiftly unveiled his true colours, morphing into a self-serving predator concealed beneath a veneer of virtue. The ensuing period saw an unabated rampage of pilfering the nation’s coffers, not limited to his immediate family but extending to siblings and distant associates, who, remarkably, metamorphosed into billionaires with brazen audacity. A glaring instance was a humble photo studio owner in his constituency, who miraculously amassed an obscene wealth during the tenure of this purported local Nelson Mandela, a figure inexplicably tied as his father-in-law.

The year 2019 witnessed a zenith of Sri Lankan pseudo-nationalism, culminating in the election of a leader who inaugurated his term in Anuradhapura with an overt display of minority humiliation and Sinhalese sentiment amplification. At this juncture, media sensationalism peaked, and a crafty opportunist politician hailed the new leader as a colossal amalgamation of Lee Kuan Yew, Mahathir Mohamad, Fidel Castro, and Vladimir Putin. Regrettably, many within Sri Lanka fell prey to this grand illusion, envisioning a miraculous saviour in this messianic figure. Yet, the mirage crumbled within days, plunging the nation into an abyss of economic destitution.

The ensuing resistance against this branded leadership, devoid of political acumen, was labelled as “Aragalaya,” a term more driven by sensationalism than ideological depth. The bulk of those who initially rallied behind this potent unarmed movement, later co-opted by pseudo-Marxists, showcased a glaring lack of comprehension regarding social reform and nation-building. Their fundamental inadequacy to harness victory became apparent, and opportunists seamlessly stepped into the fray.

As history unfolds, the nation bore witness to its first-ever leader ascending to power without a substantial mandate. However, as democracy’s primitive principles suggest, the majority’s choice isn’t invariably the best one for Sri Lanka. Hence, the emergence of an “Accidental President” wielding executive authority didn’t stir significant astonishment. Irrespective of the ruling figure, a recurring pattern endures: a select clique of corrupt politicians and businessmen asserting dominion over the island. It’s crucial to clarify that these individuals are far from being elites; they are nothing but unabashed looters, though their traits may span a spectrum, a common malevolence courses through their veins. The relentless quest for a better tomorrow, a yearning cherished by the masses, remains unattainable as long as these unscrupulous looters remain unchecked. This encapsulates the essence of Sri Lanka as witnessed centuries before the inception of Sri Lanka Guardian.

Amidst the tumultuous currents of time, the global landscape has undergone a profound metamorphosis, marred by conflicts that have rewritten the contours of geopolitics. The world has grappled with an array of crises, from regional conflicts to the seismic tremors of a global health emergency. These challenges, in turn, have catalyzed the reshuffling of power dynamics in the global order. The traditional status of superpowers has been challenged, while emerging nations from the Global South have risen with unprecedented vigour, wielding influence that echoes far beyond their historical precedents.

Sri Lanka Guardian stands as a beacon within this ever-shifting landscape, a platform unafraid to illuminate both the light and shadows of these transformative times. The Sri Lanka Guardian’s unwavering commitment to presenting a balanced perspective on these issues serves as a testament to its journalistic integrity. By providing a nuanced portrayal of the multifaceted facets of these global shifts, the platform underscores the importance of upholding universal values and embracing collective efforts in confronting pressing global challenges.

The need for universalism has never been more poignant. In a world intricately interconnected by technology, economics, and culture, a myopic approach to crises is no longer tenable. The urgency to address issues like climate change, the spectre of nuclear deterrence, and the potential pitfalls of artificial intelligence calls for a unified front. Journalism, as an essential pillar of society, plays a pivotal role in this endeavour. Through comprehensive reporting, in-depth analysis, and unflinching pursuit of truth, journalism has the power to galvanize awareness and spur action on these global fronts.

The world’s intricate tapestry of conflicts, aspirations, and challenges necessitates a collective response—one that transcends borders, ideologies, and self-interest. Sri Lanka Guardian recognizes the profound potential of journalism in forging this collective consciousness. By providing a platform for dialogue, disseminating accurate information, and fostering understanding, the Guardian contributes to the essential process of unifying diverse perspectives in pursuit of shared global betterment.

In an era where the repercussions of decisions made halfway across the world can reverberate in our local communities, the imperative for responsible and inclusive journalism grows more acute. The role of media outlets like Sri Lanka Guardian isn’t just to report events, but to contextualize them, shedding light on the intricate threads that weave together our global reality. Through this illumination, the platform contributes to the formation of informed citizens, engaged communities, and a world united in its efforts to surmount challenges and seize opportunities.

In this intricate web of global transformation, let us extend our heartfelt gratitude to the countless writers spanning the globe. Their unwavering commitment and voluntary contributions have propelled Sri Lanka Guardian forward, enabling its steadfast pursuit of truth and insight. Our appreciation also extends to the millions of readers scattered across the world, who have breathed life into our endeavor. Your embrace of our platform has not only validated our mission but emboldened us to believe that our words resonate, that our thoughts hold significance and merit attention.

With each passing day, the journey of Sri Lanka Guardian continues, undeterred by the complexities that surround us. Our compass remains steadfastly pointed toward the betterment of humanity—an aspiration that ignites our purpose and fuels our commitment. In this dynamic era, where challenges intermingle with opportunities and the world’s future teeters on the edge of uncertainty, our resolve remains unshaken.

Amidst shifting tides, the essence of our mission endures: to illuminate the truth, to foster understanding, and to catalyze meaningful change. Our journey is woven into the fabric of global discourse, contributing to the shared understanding that transcends borders and ideologies. As we tread this path, we carry the torch of universalism, guided by the belief that a collective effort can pave the way toward a brighter, more harmonious tomorrow.

So, let us stride forward with determination, embracing the powerful potential of journalism to inform, inspire, and galvanize action. We recognize that in the grand tapestry of humanity, few endeavours hold more significance than the pursuit of knowledge, the exchange of ideas, and the dissemination of truth. In this realm, our dedication finds purpose, and our mission finds meaning.

As we complete yet another chapter, our hearts brim with gratitude—for writers, for readers, for the vast community that rallies behind Sri Lanka Guardian. Together, we stand at the threshold of possibility, ready to seize the challenges that beckon and shape the narrative of a world in flux. Our commitment remains unyielding, for in the pursuit of the greater good, we find purpose, unity, and a shared vision for the future of our global community.