Sri Lanka: Cardinal’s Wake-Up Cal

Cardinal Ranjith's urgent plea for caution in building bridges with India highlights the critical need to safeguard Sri Lanka's sovereignty and navigate complex international relations. 

by Our Diplomatic Affairs Editor

The recent statements by His Eminence Malcom Cardinal Ranjith and the ongoing discourse between India and Sri Lanka demand our immediate and resolute attention. Cardinal Ranjith’s stark call to build a bridge to India serves as an unambiguous wake-up call, echoing the potential consequences of rash decisions and the perilous erosion of our national sovereignty. These aren’t mere words; they’re an urgent call to action.

Cardinal Ranjith’s comments are steeped in historical grievances and lingering suspicions, and they should not be taken lightly. Instead, they should jolt us into a profound contemplation of the fragile terrain of diplomatic relations and the paramount significance of safeguarding our nation’s hard-fought independence.

[ Photo: iStock]

To dismiss Cardinal Ranjith’s allusion to our historical context would be a grave error. Sri Lanka carries the painful memories of external influences that led to disastrous outcomes. The specter of terrorism armed and funded by foreign forces, as well as their interference in our domestic policies, still haunts us. These scars are a stark reminder that we must remain steadfast in preserving our autonomy, ensuring that our decisions genuinely mirror the will of our people.

Cardinal Ranjith’s call for a special public opinion poll on the notion of a bridge to India is not without merit; it is an imperative. We must engage our citizens in decisions of this magnitude, decisions that possess far-reaching ramifications. The Cardinal’s concern is not merely about a physical bridge but about the very sovereignty and self-determination that define our nation. Our people have an unassailable right to shape their destiny and should never be subject to decisions imposed without their consent.

Furthermore, the current state of affairs in Indo-Sri Lanka relations is rife with genuine concerns. The rhetoric surrounding issues like Kachchatheevu Island, allegations of genocide, and dubious conditions attached to projects funded by India adds complexity to the situation. The looming Indian elections in 2024, with a focus on influencing Tamil Nadu, only heighten our apprehensions. Sri Lanka stands at a crossroads, confronting one of the most formidable challenges in recent history.

In this tumultuous scenario, defining the parameters of this longstanding relationship is of paramount importance. The bedrock of any healthy relationship is communication. Sri Lanka and India must engage in open, transparent, and candid dialogues that facilitate the exchange of ideas, concerns, and aspirations. This dialogue should encompass not only government officials but also civil society, business communities, and citizens at large. By nurturing a culture of open communication, both nations can address issues before they fester, thereby building mutual trust.

Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, like India’s, is non-negotiable. We insist that both nations respect each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, free from undue external influences. Decisions made by the Sri Lankan government, whether pertaining to domestic or international matters, should be upheld without external coercion. In turn, Sri Lanka should also demonstrate the same respect for India’s sovereignty and territorial rights.

Fostering mutual respect and sensitivity necessitates an investment in understanding each other’s historical, cultural, and social contexts. This entails acknowledging past grievances, such as the arming and financing of terrorists, and earnestly working towards reconciliation. Building bridges of empathy and understanding can help dispel suspicions and diminish the potential for misunderstandings.

While disagreements are inevitable in international relations, they must be resolved through peaceful means. Both nations should commit to diplomacy, international mediation if needed, and adherence to established international norms and agreements. Avoiding escalations and military posturing is vital for preserving a stable and respectful relationship.

The Indo-Lanka relationship should be grounded in mutually beneficial cooperation. Both countries can identify common interests, such as trade, economic development, and regional security, and work together to achieve shared goals. This cooperation can establish a bedrock of trust and goodwill between our two nations.

It is imperative to involve citizens in the decision-making process. Conducting public opinion polls, as suggested by Cardinal Ranjith, can gauge the sentiments of the Sri Lankan people on significant issues like the construction of a bridge to India. Involving the public ensures that policies align with their aspirations, reinforcing democratic values.

Cardinal Ranjith’s outspoken opinions may stir controversy, but they underscore the need for prudence and thoughtful deliberation in our foreign relations. We must not forget the lessons of our past, where external influences led to unfavourable outcomes. Transparent and democratic decision-making processes, genuinely reflecting the interests and desires of the Sri Lankan people, are paramount as we navigate the complexities of our relationship with India and the broader international community. Above all else, we must prioritize the sovereignty and well-being of our nation.