Facing Shadows: 33 Years After the Kattankudy Mosque Massacre – Unveiling the West’s Silence on LTTE Terrorism

As the LTTE sympathizers rally for justice for war crimes on the international stage, it is imperative for the global community to stand in solidarity with the victims of the Kattankudy Mosque Massacre and countless other acts of terrorism perpetuated by the LTTE 

 For three decades, Sri Lanka has been haunted by the ghosts of its dark past - the reign of terror inflicted upon innocent lives by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The Kattankudy Mosque Massacre stands as a chilling reminder of the atrocities committed by this ruthless terrorist organization. Today, as we mark the 33rd anniversary of that tragic incident, it is disheartening to witness the continued ignorance of Western-centric nations like the UK, USA, and Canada towards the heinous crimes perpetrated by the LTTE, all for the sake of political expediency.

"My nephew was six years old, and he wasn't even taller than the gun they used to kill him," ALM Ismail's poignant testimonial echoes the pain and suffering endured by countless innocent victims. 103 lives were mercilessly snuffed out, leaving behind grieving families and shattered communities. Over 200 others were left wounded, scarred for life by the senseless violence. The brutal reality of that day continues to haunt survivors and their loved ones, demanding justice that has been repeatedly denied.

Aftermath of Kattankudy Mosque Massacre [File Photo]

In the wake of this tragedy, over 300 innocent Muslim lives were abducted and killed, and more than 6,000 acres of paddy land were seized, depriving generations of livelihoods and prosperity. The LTTE's insatiable thirst for power and wealth also saw them looting over 100 million rupees during this dark period. Yet, despite the eradication of the LTTE in Sri Lanka, many of its perpetrators roam free, unscathed, and astonishingly, some even hold positions of political power.

The Western-centric nations, who champion themselves as the paragons of human rights and justice, continue to turn a blind eye to these harrowing realities. Their deliberate ignorance serves only to preserve their political interests while allowing lobby groups sympathetic to the LTTE to manipulate the social fabric within their borders. This is an affront to the very principles these nations claim to uphold.

As the LTTE sympathizers rally for justice for war crimes on the international stage, it is imperative for the global community to stand in solidarity with the victims of the Kattankudy Mosque Massacre and countless other acts of terrorism perpetuated by the LTTE. Not only Muslim but many unarmed civilians in all communities have endured immense suffering and must not remain silent any longer.

Just as the Mass grave in Mullaitivu was unearthed to reveal the gruesome extent of LTTE's crimes, so should there be an excavation in Kurukkalamadam, where over 150 Muslim travellers met a similarly tragic fate. The truth must be uncovered, and those responsible for these heinous acts must be held accountable for their actions.

In the face of such horrors, there is no room for political expediency or selective silence. The West must cast aside its indifference and actively support efforts to bring justice to the victims of LTTE terrorism. The world cannot be truly just until those who perpetrate acts of terror face the consequences of their actions, no matter where they hide or how powerful they may seem. 

Let us unite against the menace of terrorism and champion the cause of justice, no matter how uncomfortable it may be for some. Only then can we ensure a safer, more equitable world for all, where the innocent are protected, and the guilty are brought to justice, regardless of their affiliations or origins.