The Power Necessary to Deprive the Unipolarity Already Exists

United States policy has allowed Russia and China to act in a coordinated manner. 
by Ján Čarnogurský

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Moscow last month and, on his way out, told President Putin: “We discussed issues that will change the world as it has been for the last hundred years.” The Chinese president was too modest. Russia and China are pursuing a coordinated policy that will change the world as it has been for more than a century. Two prerequisites must be met for such a change in the world: the vision of a better world order than it has been so far and having enough resources to deprive the existing hegemon of its power.

China's President Xi Jinping, Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Russia's President Vladimir Putin during the 22nd Summit of the SCO [Photo Credit: TASS

This vision has been most accurately called out in the United States, or the negative form of the vision. Throughout the West, the deep state has disproportionate power, companies and individuals who are not elected by anyone and are unknown but define government’s policy and influence the media. There has never been slavery in Slovakia, they never imported controlled labourers from abroad, but the Slovak national soccer team had to take a knee before a match at an international tournament as a token of penance for the crimes committed by Americans against slaves. Only after the Slovak public outcry they stopped doing it. In none of Central European countries they asked voters whether they agreed with their country’s involvement in the war in the East, but the governments of the so-called “Bucharest Nine” led by the United States approved in February the deployment of foreign NATO troops on their territory allegedly to strengthen their defence. Except for Poland, none of the Central European governments has a mandate from its voters for conducting policies that could lead to a country’s involvement in a war. Formally democratically elected governments, parliaments, and heads of state do not enjoy the trust of most citizens. According to public opinion polls, half of U.S. citizens believe the last U.S. presidential election was rigged. The establishment of multiple poles of power in the world will make unilateral influence on voters impossible and will restore confidence in democracy. This would prevent the imposition of unilateral economic sanctions including the prevention of terrorist operations, such as setting up the explosion of the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea. All the evidence suggests that the U.S. was engaged in conducting this explosion, but the entire European Union is afraid to conduct an independent investigation and to name the culprit.

United States policy has allowed Russia and China to act in a coordinated manner. A week after President Xi’s visit to Moscow, Russian President Putin signed a new concept of Russian foreign policy that is tougher on the West than the previous one. At the same time, the Russian deputy foreign minister listed Russian military targets in Ukraine, which are more ambitious than those set at the beginning of the special military operation. Post-war Ukraine will not be able to join the European Union either. The war in Ukraine is a catalyst for changing the world order. The member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization generate more GDP than the G7 countries. The U.S. dollar is losing its exclusive status as an international reserve currency. Ukraine receives weapons and money from all of NATO countries (nine hundred million people), but Russia, with the population of 150 million people, retains the strategic initiative. The power necessary to deprive the single pole of the global power of its hegemony already exists.

How the world order will change depends on yet another important aspect. In Russia, Europe, and America, Christianity is the spiritual basis of people’s lives. Orthodoxy predominates in Russia and Eastern Europe; Catholicism predominates in Central and Western Europe and in both Americas. For centuries there has been a cold relationship between the two religions. Over centuries of Western hegemony in the eyes of the people, the Catholic Church seems to have become too attached to Western countries. Today the Catholic Church is just as much the target of attacks by progressive liberals as the Orthodox Church. The signing of a joint memorandum by the Pope and the Patriarch of Moscow at the Havana airport in 2016 was a good step toward improving relations. In the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Pope uses both Russian and Ukrainian symbols at public events, and the Ukrainian government has repeatedly protested. The goal should be the fraternal coexistence of Catholics and Orthodox people.

Ján Čarnogurský is a Slovak former politician, who served as the prime minister of Slovakia and the former chairman of the Christian Democratic Movement.