Afghan youth volunteers promote education among poor children

Seeds of hope were planted by a group of Afghan youths as they voluntarily taught over 1,000 village children, who were left out of education, basic reading and writing skills in their mobile school.

Amid lack of educational facilities to pupils in Afghanistan's rural areas, Wazir Khan, 23, has volunteered to open a school for village children to teach the sons and daughters of the most unprivileged families.

Located in Both Khak, a poor village in the outskirts of Afghanistan's capital Kabul City, Khan established a simple educational center named "Today Child Mobile School" one year ago to provide education for the children of needy families free of charge.

"Today Child Mobile School virtually is a mobile school and has been providing education to the children over the past year," Khan told Xinhua.

This photo taken on May 9, 2023 shows a charity class provided by a simple educational center named "Today Child Mobile School" in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. (Photo by Saifurahman Safi/Xinhua)

Studying outdoors under the scorching sun, the poor children eagerly attended their classes to learn and the number of these pupils has surpassed 1,000 over the past year.

"The children didn't have access to formal school and had remained illiterate. And that was why I established the school," the young teacher said proudly.

Each class is composed of 100 to 200 children, mostly from extremely unprivileged families. Despite the harsh weather, they gathered on dusty ground while facing a tatty blackboard, to study for two hours per day and three days a week.

"I teach them in the afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. local time. We teach them voluntarily and free of charge," said Khan, who is also a student at a private university.

Accompanied by three more volunteers, the young teacher muttered that his students have no textbooks, no notebooks and no financial support for their education.

"The children of many elders in this area don't go to school. We have visited their houses, knocked on their doors and discussed with them the importance of education in several meetings and finally convinced them to send their boys and girls to our school," Khan said proudly.

Safa, a 12-year-old girl, said that she had learned much and can now read and write since attending the mobile school.

"I have been attending the school here over the past year and learning a few subjects, including Pashto and English, and it is my dream to become a teacher in the future," Safa spoke softly.