Sri Lanka: Canada Debunks the Genocide Allegations

In the face of sweeping genocide allegations against Sri Lanka, Canada takes a firm stand, debunking the claims and highlighting political opportunism. 


The Canadian government has officially communicated to the Sri Lankan government that there is no credible evidence supporting the occurrence of genocide in Sri Lanka. This information was reaffirmed by reliable sources within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo and, surprisingly, only one local newspaper in Sri Lanka covered the news. It is astonishing that such a significant development did not receive broader attention from the country’s mass media.

The false allegations of war crimes and genocide against Sri Lanka have had a detrimental impact on its reputation. Opportunistic individuals, both local and foreign, with ulterior motives, have exploited these accusations for personal gain. Politicians in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada have leveraged the perceived plight of Tamils of Sri Lankan origin and other migrant populations to secure and maintain their power, capitalizing on reduced voter turnover of natives in their constituencies. It should be acknowledged that among these Tamils, there are individuals who have taken advantage of the ethnic crisis in Sri Lanka for personal gain and financial opportunities.

[ Photo: Special Arrangement ]

Regrettably, even Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has embraced this falsehood as inspiration. These individuals are inclined to accept false information as truth and strive to prove the existence of a genocide in Sri Lanka. Their basic strategy revolves around propagating ideas created by various parties without considering the truth or supporting data.

Officials who have served in Western embassies in Sri Lanka have repeatedly confirmed that no genocide took place in the country. They acknowledge the sacrifices made by the Sri Lankan security forces to end the war in May 2009, which could have concluded much earlier. The primary objective of the Sri Lankan security forces was not the elimination of civilians, as seen in the history of the United States and its allied forces. Their focus was on safeguarding and serving the maximum number of unarmed civilians. However, these statements have been disregarded and replaced with manufactured falsehoods by several parties.

Various parties, driven by their political goals, have attempted to conceal information and disseminate false narratives. Ban Ki-moon, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, is one such leader who engaged in such deceitful practices. Despite presenting unsubstantiated data, he propagated false information about Sri Lanka, presenting himself as a guardian of humanity within the international community. It is ironic that such an individual was warmly welcomed into our parliament, along with opportunistic politicians who have embraced false ideologies. However, this welcoming approach was not extended to Imran Khan, then the Prime Minister of Pakistan, a leader whose country has historically stood in solidarity with Sri Lanka. This discrepancy further underscores the unfortunate politicization of our local politicians, revealing their disgraceful motives.

While the pursuit of unaccountable power and personal wealth seems to be the motivation for these politicians, it is commendable that the Canadian state, the bureaucracy, has responded rationally to the false accusations against Sri Lanka, distancing itself from opportunists at various levels. We do not deny that there were casualties among unarmed civilians during the war against the Tamil Tigers, which is an unfortunate reality in any conflict. Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a balanced perspective and avoid undue exaggeration regarding the overall extent of damage caused. Regrettably, certain politicians and Western-funded NGOs have amplified these issues beyond proportion. However, we hold the belief that the Canadian bureaucracy has come to a discerning realization, acknowledging the need for a more nuanced understanding of the situation.