Sri Lanka: Victim of Hegemony

Sri Lanka is a country that has long been a victim of hegemony, both during the colonial period and in more recent years. Sri Lanka must work to assert its independence and sovereignty and to protect its people and resources from exploitation by foreign interests.

Sri Lanka is a country that has often been viewed as a victim of hegemony, or the dominance of one country or group of countries over others. This has been a result of a long history of foreign influence and intervention, dating back to the colonial period and continuing through to the present day.

During the colonial period, Sri Lanka was ruled by the Portuguese, Dutch, and British, each of whom imposed their own cultural, political, and economic systems on the island nation. The colonial powers exploited Sri Lanka’s resources and labor, and imposed a social and economic structure that was designed to benefit the colonizers and marginalize the native population. This legacy of colonialism has had a lasting impact on Sri Lanka, and has contributed to the country’s status as a victim of hegemony.

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In more recent years, Sri Lanka has continued to face the challenges of foreign intervention and domination. The country has been the target of geopolitical struggles between major global powers, and has often found itself caught in the crosshairs of competing interests. For example, during the Cold War, Sri Lanka was viewed as a strategically important country due to its location at the crossroads of the Indian Ocean, and was a target of influence by both the United States and the Soviet Union.

Additionally, Sri Lanka has faced the challenges of economic hegemony, as multinational corporations and international financial institutions have sought to exploit the country’s resources and labor. This has often led to the exploitation of workers and the depletion of the country’s natural resources, and has contributed to a growing inequality between the wealthy and the poor.

In conclusion, Sri Lanka is a country that has long been a victim of hegemony, both during the colonial period and in more recent years. The country has faced challenges from foreign powers seeking to impose their will, as well as from multinational corporations and international financial institutions seeking to exploit its resources and labor. To overcome these challenges, Sri Lanka must work to assert its independence and sovereignty, and to protect its people and resources from exploitation by foreign interests.


Here are a few references:

“The Political Economy of Development in Sri Lanka, 1940-2004” by Kumari Jayawardena (2006)

“Sri Lanka: A Political History Since Independence” by James Manor (2015)

“Post-War Sri Lanka: The politics of peace and reconciliation” edited by Sharika Thiranagama and Tim Menkel (2017)

“Globalization and the Transformation of Cultures: The Case of Sri Lanka” by S. Hettige, D. Little, and D.S. Jayasuriya (1999)

“The International Political Economy of Transition in Sri Lanka” by Dushni Weerakoon (2006)


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