Photos: Free meal project of Jaffna University

Snr. Prof. Sampath Amarathunga, Chairman University Grants Commission visited the University of Jaffna recently and spent his time with students. He along with his colleagues enjoyed their lunch with students at the “Community Kitchen”, free meal project of the University of Jaffna. Prof Sampath sitting with Prof S Srisatkunarajah, Vice Chancellor and V. Kandeepan, Registrar of University of Jaffna
Prof Sampath Chairman of UGC, Prof S Srisatkunarajah, Vice Chancellor and V. Kandeepan, Registrar, of University of Jaffna [ Photo: Sri Lanka Guardian ]

Prof Sampath, chairman of UGC is taking a selfie with a group of students in the University of Jaffna [ Photo: Sri Lanka Guardian ]