UNO Unable to Protect Ukrainians


Putin is increasing the intensity of the attack and his atrocities in Ukraine by more severe bombing and killing more people.

by N.S.Venkataraman    

In spite of the world wide anger and protest against Putin for mercilessly attacking Ukraine and killing innocent Ukrainians and forcing more than half a million Ukrainians to seek refuge in other countries,  it is extremely disturbing that Putin is continuing his attack mercilessly on Ukraine and he does not care about the world opinion against such brutal aggression by Putin.

United Nations has now discussed the grave Ukrainian  crisis two times in recent days, with the UN Secretary General and U N President speaking eloquently about the need for world peace, respect for U N charter  and international law and finally both of them concluded their speech in United Nations stating “peace is must”  and  “enough is enough”. 

However, the proceedings in the United Nations has not  helped Ukraine  and it’s citizens  in anyway in protecting themselves against the Russian attack , making one suspect  whether U N O is  virtually reducing itself to a mere debating forum .  

The Ukrainian representative in UNO,  while speaking in U N O,  made a telling statement  that “ if Ukraine would not survive,  then UNO would not survive”. This statement not only reflects the anger and frustration of Ukrainian representative but also reflect the views and opinions of very large section of world population.

While U N Security Council gives an impression that it can only be a witness to the grave justice being done to Ukrainians ,  NATO and other countries who have expressed much concern about the sufferings of Ukrainians , are not taking  adequate and quick steps beyond  imposing sanctions , using strong words to condemn Putin and sending some arms to Ukraine.  Mere scrapping of soccer match against Russia or removing Putin from the Presidentship of some global  body  are only cosmetic steps , that could cause sensation in the media  and would not have visible impact on Putin and his government.

There is an increasing world wide view and concern that USA and NATO countries and other concerned countries are  moving at snail’s  pace inspite of the gravity of the situation , instead of coming to the rescue of Ukraine with high sense of urgency .

Meanwhile, Putin is increasing the intensity of the attack and his atrocities in Ukraine by more severe bombing and killing more people.

The desperate Ukrainians facing death due to Putin’s attack  and friends and family members of those who have already lost their lives , wonder  that even as lives are being lost, which cannot be brought back, is there time left for the concerned world to save Ukraine ?  

Certainly, this is not the time for concerned countries  to keep watching and extending sanctions , which is unlikely to have immediate impact on Russia  that would  force it to  stop the killing process  in Ukraine.

Apart from the severe hardships and sufferings of Ukrainians , it is important to note that the cause of peace has been lost and UNO as an organisation has lost it’s credibility  as peace keeping organisation once for all.

Where would the world go from here?

If  a country or group of countries with military power would be daring enough to launch attack on weak nations and kill people in those regions to make them surrender, then the world would see  a chaotic scenario. Is Putin’s war against Ukraine point to such futuristic conditions?

Certainly, the world citizens feel extremely disturbed to see the plight of Ukrainian and think that  It is necessary that concerned countries should involve themselves actively by sending their forces to Ukraine to protect this beleaguered nation from total destruction.

While UNO has become an ineffective organisation, with Putin being defiant and unconcerned,  measures and some sanctions have to be reinforced with direct intervention by the concerned countries.

Many think that NATO countries want to make Putin behave even as they want to keep the supply chain for natural gas and crude oil from Russia intact. If this would really be the reason for not directly confronting Putin, then it would mean that the concerned countries are really not so concerned as they profess.