A different place, a different world after 4 days of war?

Today, President Vladimir Putin is furious with his Commanders, with his Oligarchs, with himself, besides, after they and he failed to deliver himself a quick victory in Ukraine. Did he even fail to contemplate that Ukraine was surrounded by the EU nations?

by Victor Cherubim 

President Putin attacked Ukraine in an attempt to create a new geopolitical order in Europe, perhaps, the world. Vladimir Putin as the world came to know him over two decades at the helm of the Russian State, was a tried and tested man, who was supposed to be calculating, if not cautious, someone not averse to taking a chance, but only when the odds of winning were straightforward. He never was a gambler or had a tendency to gamble his whole future in a roll of the dice?

He was no General in the Red Army, neither was he a Technocrat, in a strict sense of the term. He was a man educated in the Intelligence Service. He was a man thirsty to bring back Russia to the fame of the days, the era of the Russian Cossacks. He was ashamed of the Russia under Boris Yeltsin, or the fall of the Russian “Empire” in 1989?

If he was a General, he may have marched his men straight to Kyiv. If he was a Technocrat, he, perhaps, may have done the assault differently?

Everything with the annexation of Crimea in 2014 was covert, yet meticulously calculated.

Does anyone know that only six (6) people were killed in that Covert Operation?

This time in Ukraine, in Kyiv, in particular, nothing is covert or calculated. He drove his Army for so called “prolonged military exercises”, his Navy for naval manoeuvres, his Air Force for “Operation Air Strike”, his Nuclear Submarines, on alert. He uncharacteristically gave his enemies advance warning, to prepare themselves, for all eventualities. He entertained so many dignitaries, as I wrote in an earlier piece, that they came to know his “mind-set”. Sad, a man of such potential, being tired out by “talks on talks”?

Today, President Vladimir Putin is furious with his Commanders, with his Oligarchs, with himself, besides, after they and he failed to deliver himself a quick victory in Ukraine. Did he even fail to contemplate that Ukraine was surrounded by the EU nations? Did he not know that they had waited years for his faux pas?

Why do Experts blame Putin now?

Of course, not only enemies but experts in battle strategy will blame President Putin, for “setting up Slav against Slav”, for wanting the cake and eating it? The paradox of Putin’s strategy is that what he is doing; is leading to exactly what he does not want happening – the unification of the West – the isolation of Russia. 

Putin must surely know he is doing? But, Experts in “Putin-ology,”have “put the blame” that during the last two years of COVID-19, President Putin has spent long periods in isolation, which may have fuelled his “paranoia” and his “bunker mentality “and he has had too much time, “stewing in his own fears”. They question his mental capabilities.

They say: “Could he be not normal, could he be unwell”? I put the blame not on him. But, those responsible to care for the President? It is not only the “looneys of the tabloids” in London, who today hit their headlines with captions: “Mad Vlad”. Besides, even so called sensible US Politicians, like US Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio, suggesting that “Putin is unwell”? His medical assessment of President Putin, was hardly called for, or is warranted?

But, what is more upsetting is that Russian Billionaire Oligarchs in UK and Europe are furious with Putin, for perhaps,” making them greedy rich,” to have enabled them to enjoy a lifestyle in the West. Someothers, like Roman Abrahamovich, the owner till yesterday of my team, Chelsea Football Club, has volunteered at Ukrainian President VolodymyrZelensky‘s request to mediate at the Ukrainian border with Belarus to achieve a peaceful solution with Russia.

Peace talks between Ukraine and Russia on Sunday (27 February 2022) broke down, though

Officials said further discussions would take place in coming days.

The “New Statesman” in its World Review states:

“Russian war in Ukraine is senseless, brutal and most of all unjustified. This is primarily leveraged on the Ukrainian people, whose State faces an escalated threat to its independence and sovereignty and its supposed Allies in the West, took far too long to finally offer it only, part of the support it will need to defend itself.”

“It is also leveraged on the Russian people held hostage and which purports to act in their name.”

“Moscow knows that this war is unsellable. Tens of millions of Russians were born or have relatives in Ukraine. But the harsher the tactics Russia uses, the more unachievable its political goal will become.”

What is sad is that the attack has made Ukraine civilians united in not welcoming their Slav Russian brothers and sisters with the traditional Slavic gift of “bread and salt”.

Likewise, Russians in cities spanning from Moscow to Siberia have taken to the streets again on Sunday (27 February 2022) to protest. These demonstrations were generally peaceful. While all this is happening, President Putin has flown in 400 highly trained mercenaries to hunt down any deserters.

The Forecast

Accordingto former Estonian Defence Minister, RhioTerras “If the Ukrainians manage to hold the Russians off for 10 days, then the Russians will have to enter negotiations, as they seem to have no money, weapons or resources.”

Of course, we are told today that the Rouble fell by 29%; currently, with US$ 1 buys 105 “Rub lay”. Besides, Russian mercenaries are behind enemy lines. Gold has risen, gained 1% to US$1.905, an ounce. 

More than half a million refugees have fled Ukraine in just over four days. Some have walked miles through the night, while others fled by train, car or bus to neighbouring countries of Poland, Moldova, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Some even fled to Belarus. 

Britain prides itself in willing to take a very large number, as much as 100,000 Ukrainian refugees. This will replenish their shortage of skilled and unskilled labour, which they are desperate after Brexit. 

This episode is not only an idle thought, but we know each country and people, will have to draw their own conclusion of its outcome?