India Confronts China – Sure Signal Though Belated


Having tested India’s resolve  during the  Gulwan clash,  it is doubtful whether China would attempt one more military conflict with India as long as Modi remains as Prime Minister.

by N.S.Venkataraman 

The decision of Government of India not to attend the opening or the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, in response  to China’s decision to  make a regimental commander of the People’s Liberation   Army  , who suffered severe injury during the Gulwan clash ,a torch bearer at the event ,is a clear signal that India has finally decided to confront China once for all.

At the same time, in New Delhi, the Tibetans in exile organized a protest against the Winter Olympics in China and burnt Chinese flags in public.  In this case, Government of India allowed the demonstration   by Tibetans to take place  and kept silent when the Chinese flag was burnt by the protesters. This is , again,  another sure signal that India would confront China   in the coming days.

In   the Indian Parliament ,  the Government of India has confirmed that China had been illegally occupying 38000 square kilometres in the Union territory of Ladakh for the past six decades. Further, the Government of India pointed out that Pakistan ceded 5180 square kilometer of Indian land in Shaksgam Valley in 1963  to China. Obviously, such occupation of Indian land by China has caused deep hurt in the mind of the Indians  and there have been consistent demands in the past that India should confront China and make it behave.

Around seven decades back, India made  a grave and historical mistake, when the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru remained silent ,  when China aggressively entered Tibet, massacred thousands of Tibetans and occupied this holy land of great Buddhist culture and philosophy.  All that Jawaharlal Nehru did was to provide asylum to the respected the Dalai Lama and Tibetans fleeing to India .

To add insult to injury , Atal Behari Vajpayee ,the later Prime Minister of India , signed a treaty with China approving the occupation of Tibet by China.  This was an extremely condemnable decision of Atal Behari Vajpayee , since the treaty was signed by him after   the 1962 war with China, when China occupied thousands of kilometres of Indian  territory and killed thousands of soldiers.

Vajpayee’s mistake was as grave as that of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Later on, when Narendra Modi took over as Prime Minister of India more than seven years back, many people expected that Modi would confront China , particularly since Modi is known to be a strong leader with great commitment  for the national cause. 

However, to the surprise of everyone, Modi gave an impression that he was trying to appease China by going out of the way to invite President Xi JinPing to visit India two times, with   one at Gujarat and another at Chennai in Tamil Nadu and accorded  huge reception to Chinese President  showing enormous respect to him.

What is particularly shocking  is that Modi extended such a warm reception to Xi JinPing when 33000 kilometre of Indian territory has been occupied by China and further,  China has been claiming that Arunachal Pradesh in India is a part of China. 

All such appeasement policy towards China by the Indian Prime Ministers Jawaharlal Nehru, Vajpayee and Narendra Modi has not brought any change of heart in Chinese leadership towards India  but China only developed more contempt for India and took India for granted. Several abusive remarks against India has been made by China in the past on  many occasions .

Finally, Narendra Modi appears to have realized that China has to be necessarily confronted and there is no point in reasoning with China.

When China tried to test  the Modi government’s resolve to confront China , China launched   the Gulwan clash in 2020.   This time, Narendra Modi decided to resist and   the Indian army gave a fitting reply to  the  People’s Liberation Army of China.

In the last few years, India has been considerably strengthening it’s military  capability by buying sophisticated weapons and aircrafts, obviously to prepare for a short or long war with China at any time.

Having tested India’s resolve  during the  Gulwan clash,  it is doubtful whether China would attempt one more military conflict with India as long as Modi remains as Prime Minister.

However, the pinpricks from China would continue in a variety of ways and border skirmishes are also likely .

In such circumstances, the decision of the Modi government to confront China by boycotting the Winter Olympics in China  is enthusiastically welcomed by everyone in India , stating that it is better late than never.

Ultimately, India can make China behave by forcing China into a defensive position politically and diplomatically , by India demanding that Tibet should be liberated from China’s occupation.  This would be the voice of wisdom and perhaps, Prime Minister Modi can clearly say that India’s earlier decision to approve China’s occupation of Tibet was ethically and morally wrong . India should not hesitate even to apologise to the Tibetans for India’s mistake in not protesting against the occupation of Tibet by China.

Today, China’s popularity in the world has taken a beating , as by and large ,the world opinion is that the present leadership of China is greedy, unethical , has no respect for human rights and   with territorial expansionist ambitions by fair or foul means.

There is ongoing confrontation now between China and USA and other West European countries   and India’s confrontation against  China would be in tune with the mood of the world opinion.

India’s confrontation against China has now started finally and  this could be a soft war against China , where India will have no serious disadvantage.