Sri Lanka: Maturity of Family Members

What is the best way to bring justice to the killing of our fellow Sri Lankan by Islamic fanatics in Pakistan? 


The clever and disciplined response of the family members of Engineer Priyantha Kumara, who was lynched to death by Islamic fanatics in Pakistan, is exemplary. Various groups tried to manipulate the incident as a pretext to stage a racial mutiny. However, right from the beginning of the incident, the Sri Lankan intelligence services and their counterparts as well as other responsible agencies have been working with the family members of the victim to prevent every possible attempt for social disturbances.   

 The family members of the deceased were able to understand the truth behind the incident with facts and responded to media inquiries accordingly.

It is truly appreciated that these family members teach the world how to behave in such situations. The maturity they showed here taught many lessons. The family members of the deceased were able to understand the truth behind the incident with facts and responded to media inquiries accordingly. Therefore, this incident has not been caught by the conspirators so far. This is what human civilization expects from mature people when opportunists and vulgar social groups seek to exploit the crisis situations caused by sensitive events. 

Fortunately, after this incident, the media in neighbouring India launched a series of false propaganda against its arch-enemy, Pakistan, but to no avail. Meanwhile, decisive responses and rapid actions of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the majority of the people of Pakistan to this incident should be appreciated, except for the reckless response of the Minister of Defense in Pakistan, Pervez Khattak, on this cold-blooded murder. Mr Khattak is not only a symbol of immaturity but also a slapdash man who is, unfortunately, in charge of the most important portfolio in the country.   

The history of Pakistan has taught us how extremism and bigotry have disrupted the lives of the people in society. The cold-blooded murder of Priyantha Kumara is not an isolated incident but another incident in a series of incidents that have been reported from time to time over the years. To address this barbarism, some have sought ad hoc solutions without implementing genuine social reforms that no one can disregard for religion or customs. These can only be eradicated through comprehensive social reforms that value human life above all else. 

However, this tragic situation is not only in Pakistan but also in other countries in the region. The abduction, rape and murder of Dalit girls by Hindu extremists who claim to represent the so-called upper castes in India and the hanging of their corpses on bare feet are tedious incidents that show the degeneracy of this rotten society. Moreover, the attack on Hindus in Bangladesh by Islamist fanatics and the killing of unarmed people in Sri Lanka by Islamist fanatics are part of this chain of gruesome social events. 

The Indus Valley Civilization, which for thousands of years was enlightened by peace and harmony in an inclusive society with multicultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic beauties, became a land of vulgarity and disunity when it started playing the power game. Western power entered the Asian region and applied divide and rule to eliminate the unity we have had with each other for centuries. Instead of fighting the common enemy, we were divided, religiously, ethnically, and culturally. Sectarianism and separatism became the way of our life. 

After hundreds of years of plundering the natural resources and livelihoods of Asia, the British imperialists destroyed the Asian region and parted the territory into Pakistan and India on mere assumptions just moments before withdrawing. They called it the "Grant of Independence." Millions of lives perished. Many died of starvation. The British then facilitated the arrogant leaders to rule India and Pakistan. Although those who came to power were revered as the fathers of the nation, what they really did was abuse political power to further their racist and extremist aims. With the demise of the British and other European powers in Asia, the Soviet Union and the United States began to litter the region. When the Soviet Union seized power in Afghanistan through proxies, the United States provided all the facilities needed for the dissidents including fanatics to fight back. That is why the Afghan-Pakistani border is still a paradise for these fanatics. 

If we want to solve this, we must put aside our hypocritical political ideologies and devise a system that can provide immediate remedies to deep-rooted social problems. Social reforms are needed not to kill people but to create an environment where all human beings can live their life with dignity. That is the best way to bring justice to the killing of our fellow Sri Lankan by Islamic fanatics in Pakistan.