Sri Lanka: JVP’s Looming National Leader

Comrade Anura, the time has come not for opportunism and betrayal but for national endeavour with a sense of deep humanity. 


The political skills of the Leader of the JVP Anura Kumara Dissanayake should be commended. Anura, a young politician who has mastered science in his university education, can be seen fluent in his language of argument both in and out of Parliament. A few years ago, Anura publicly apologized for the grave mistakes made by his party in history and engaged in self-criticism. We hope he has genuinely understood the lines of Antonio Gramsci, “One must speak for a struggle for a new culture, that is, for a new moral life that cannot but be intimately connected to a new intuition of life, until it becomes a new way of feeling and seeing reality.”

Leader of the JVP Anura Kumara Dissanayake

Anura’s conduct and command as the leader of a major political party in the country is not only attractive but crucially vital. We believe that he also has the strategies to identify the problems of the people of the country quickly and bring the necessary social attention. This young energetic and dynamic politician and his key members do not hesitate to speak directly about the frauds and corruption of the state and private institutions. Will Anura Kumara become the political alternative desired by Sri Lankans who are exhausted of traditional and family politics and have become political slaves?

It is clear from listening to the views of the general public that Anura Kumara and his political party, the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), have been able to play a significant role in the group representing the Opposition in Parliament. However, despite the JVP's ability to gain social attraction over the past few decades, it has not been able to win elections. Why do the majority of voters in this country not trust the JVP when it comes to voting in an election? A genuine politician like Sunil Handunnetti, who has been able to play a major role in the anti-corruption crusade, have suffered massive electoral defeats. What are the missing links? It is undisputed that the essence of the party has been diluted due to internal conflicts that have taken place at various times.

However, in the current political context, we feel that the JVP is once again going through a transitional period. During this period, the party has to make radical changes in its activities as well as in the ideological-political arena. The first is to initiate a programme to unite social groups that have left the party but are engaged in individual social struggles and bring groups with similar views and ideologies into a common alliance.  It is important to take steps to build a broad front, not only with Sinhala political parties but also with political parties and social groups representing the Muslim and Tamil communities. As it is a very serious and difficult task, a long-term plan as well as an action plan with the time frame required to make that plan a reality is essential. No matter how advantageous the local political role can be created, it will not last long without the necessary regional and international support. Therefore, Anura should be aware of the wrongdoings of his predecessors and focus on a comprehensive programme to gain regional and international support and corporation. 

In the history of the JVP, no matter how beautiful its aims, it has not been able to make them a reality. Instead, those who represented the party and many of its ideologues were punished. Many were brutally killed. Opportunism and betrayal have been a grim reality within the party for decades. At the same time, the social movements, including the workers' unions, as well as the student unions, were disgusted by the general public for not making the necessary changes desired by the common men.  

However, we do not think it is important to repeat the details that many have talked about the history of the JVP and its misconducts. As a party that has had a profound impact on society for decades, now is the time to formulate a strategic plan to further expand the trust that is gradually building around itself. If this young politician Aruna and his group can make the most of this transitional period, history will absolve the JVP.  Let’s recall the sage words from Antonio Gramsci in his Selections from the Prison Notebooks, “Since defeat in the Struggle must always be envisaged, the preparation of one's own successors is as important as what one does for victory.” Comrade Anura, the time has come not for opportunism and betrayal but for national endeavour with a sense of deep humanity.