Bangladesh: Birth Centenary of Father of the Nation celebrates in Sri Lanka

Bangladesh High Commission in Colombo in association with the Palliative Care Trust and Cancer Care Association of Sri Lanka celebrated the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh on 12 December 2021 at the Institute of Palliative Care Medicine in Matara, Sri Lanka. At the event, Bangladesh High Commission awarded "Bangabandhu Memorial Grant for Palliative Care" to the Palliative Care Trust (PCT) of Sri Lanka and "Golden Jubilee Scholarships for Blooming Flowers" to the Cancer Care Association (CCA) of Sri Lanka. The Bangabandhu Memorial grant was distributed among 100 cancer patients and their family members. The Golden Jubilee scholarships were given to 50 children of cancer victims from around the country.

Foreign Minister of Bangladesh Dr. A K Abdul Momen graced the programme as the chief guest through a video message where he highlighted the humanism and political ideals of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which motivated Bangladesh to uphold his legacy and to work for the cause of humanity at large. He also recognized the programme as a fitting tribute to Bangabandhu and a remarkable demonstration of warmth and depth of Bangladesh-Sri Lanka bilateral relations. Bangladesh High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Tareq Md Ariful Islam in his remarks appreciated the noble humanitarian endevours of Cancer Care Association and Palliative Care Trust of Sri Lanka. He stated that in pursuit of Bangabandhu's ideals, Bangladesh High Commission to Sri Lanka would continue its humanitarian efforts to further strengthen Bangladesh- Sri Lanka relations.