Will Biden Be Able to Contain China?

The question now uppermost in the mind of the world observers is whether Biden  would  be successful in containing China effectively.

by N.S.Venkataraman 

U S President Joe Biden has now said that his administration would take all necessary steps to contain   China, which obviously mean containing China’s expansionist policies, trade strategies etc .  This also mean that Biden has virtually said that he would not permit China to overtake U S and emerge as super power of the world, pushing down USA to a second  position.

The officials in the Biden administration have  further clarified that  the Biden administration would follow the same policy against China, as adopted by former President Trump.  This  indicates that Biden feels that Trump’s approach towards China was correct. He has not cared to say this during the election campaign  , when he bitterly accused Trump on various counts including   his  China policy.  Certainly, Trump and his supporters would be laughing at their sleeve now.

In any case,  it  is now clear that the hostility between  the US and China would continue , though one is not sure whether Biden would be able to maintain the level of intensity that Trump could do in his China policies.

The question now uppermost in the mind of the world observers is whether Biden  would  be successful in containing China effectively.

All said and done, the ground reality is  that Biden and his administration and China baiters  around the world   have to necessarily  recognize  that China is now in a stronger position than  the USA for all practical purposes on various fronts. In all likelihood, China is unlikely to change it’s approach and would  not be cowed down  by   threat from Biden.  China would try to act cleverly  in a variety of ways, even without risking  a major military confrontation with USA

If Biden were to be successful in confronting China,  total support from West European countries is necessary,  The economy of the West European countries have been severely affected by the COVID 19 crisis and these countries   need strong  trade relationships with China to  prevent  further deterioration in their economy  and sustain their growth profile. . China is the largest market for European countries today and the US cannot replace   China by offering equally widespread market outlet for trade to European countries.

Given the fact that the economy of  the US is still in recession  in contrast to that of Chinese economy which is now  registering strong growth , the US is in no position today to challenge China on trade front to the level that would destabilize Chinese economy. If  Biden  would   impose tariffs on Chinese products in  the way that the  Trump administration did, China would find   Europe to be a  favourable market outlet for it.

Further, there are substantial investments  by US based companies in China and Biden may  even face  resistance to anti China policies by the US based business houses.

Today, the dependence of China on the  US and other countries in the technology front is much less than what it was a decade or so back.

Given such circumstances, it remains to be seen whether Biden would be able to get the type of support from European Union that is required   to effectively confront China.

One wonders whether President Biden has  carried out his homework properly before  expressing his determination to confront China.

To succeed in a war , whether trade war or military war, one needs to  assess the  weakness   and limitations  ,instead of straightaway  jumping into the fray which amounts to taking a calculated risk.

China does not have the luxury of democratic conditions, and  utmost secrecy would be maintained  in        China and people  or media would not be allowed to criticise.  On the other hand, Biden is leading a democratic country with a hostile opposition and  media that  more often than not   indulge in criticism than praise,  irrespective of the merit of the  case, just to maintain the sensational  effect and business interests .  In all likelihood , the media which was hostile to Trump are unlikely to be less hostile to Biden,  as hostility  to the administration  is the central focus of US media.

With  lukewarm support from Britain and European Union, Biden needs to buy peace in the USA, to  succeed  in his confrontation with China.  In such circumstances, it is surprising  that Biden is maintaining an element of confrontation with Trump , which  prevents the development of conducive domestic political climate , which is absolutely necessary  for Biden at this stage.  This  raises suspicion whether Biden has a holistic  strategy now.