Let Not Punjab “Farmers” In India Emulate Capitol Hill Rioters

In a democratic country like India, where freedom for individuals and media appear to have reached ,what some people think as an absurd level,  the popular view is that any non violent protests should be considered as legitimate.

by N.S.Venkataraman  

The agitation by section of farmers   and their associates in Punjab against the recently enacted  farm laws  in Parliament by Government of India have been now going on for over 45 days, with no sign of ending too soon. Obviously, these protests are carried out by  a section of farmers ,middle men and their associates  in Punjab and Haryana states and millions of farmers in India have not joined the protest.  The Government of India has been extremely patient in dealing with this agitation, in spite of the huge economic loss to the country and millions of common men being inconvenienced due to several acts of the protestors such as  blocking the highway etc.

Several agriculture economists have  justified the farm laws clearly stating that it is the need of the day and it is  a necessary agricultural  reform measure. The Government of India has  called the protesters for meeting nine times so far and explained the justifiable need for these  farm laws and how the interests of the farming community have been protected.

However, the protesters are adamant and are sticking  to their stand.

In such a  situation, very disturbing news are appearing in sections of  the media that the protesters are really egged on by the middle men and traders who are affluent and have the money power and staying power  and may be by  some motivated anti government elements too.

The protestors, though are sitting on the highway and are exposing themselves to cold conditions,  are very well fed and have enough warm clothings   with a  variety of convenient conditions specially created. Many people wonder how these protesters have been sustaining themselves for such a long period and what appears to be in nearly comfortable conditions. Obviously, they are being funded by some agencies , which the government should be aware of.

The statement of Canadian Prime Minister and some members of Parliament in the UK and some senators in the USA supporting the agitation by the protesters make one suspect whether some international  agencies are involved in this episode. It is said that members of the Khalistan Movement,who are demanding separate state out of India for Sikhs ,are reported to be  participants in this protest and several slogans hailing the Khalistan Movement have been voiced. Some opposition political parties in India too have been  supporting the agitation against the enactment of farm laws, though the  clauses  in the farm laws are almost exactly the same as advocated by several political parties in the past. 

Now, the scene appears to be that the protest against farm laws looks  like  an anti Modi government agitation.

In a democratic country like India, where freedom for individuals and media appear to have reached ,what some people think as an absurd level,  the popular view is that any non violent protests should be considered as legitimate.

At the moment, the matter of highest concern is as  to whether the protestors would become violent, emulating  the rioters in Capitol Hill in the USA, where they entered the building which is the official seat of power and caused huge violence and the death of a few people.. 

Some of the protesters in Punjab  have said that they would continue the agitation ,even if it has to be prolonged for six months and more and some have said that they would not mind even being killed in the process. Further, they have said that they would disturb the forthcoming Republic Day celebration in Delhi by entering Delhi. Recently, they organized a “tractor procession” and some have said that it was the  rehearsal for the protest that would be launched on Republic Day.

This condition is disturbing and certainly causes concern ,particularly after seeing the unruly behavior  of the rioters in Capitol Hill.

 Will the protesters in Punjab take the cue from the Capitol Hill  protest and model their actions in similar fashion?

So far,  Govenrment  of India has given no indication that it would put down the agitation by force, even  creating an impression that it would be soft towards the agitators at any cost.

 It is very necessary that  the Government of India should not take a chance and allow the protesters to become violent, which may be the objective of some of the external and separatist forces directly or indirectly associated with the protest .

The Government of India should not be caught napping, just as the police  force in Capitol Hill  did.

In recent times, in India as well as in several other countries, mob agitations have been unruly and caused violence and anarchy, Let it not happen in the case of protest against farm laws in India.

Let  the Government of India remain forewarned    and take necessary preventive measures  to ensure law and order.  Let not the Government of India cry over the spilled milk later on, as it has just happened in the USA.