Their entire grievous high command must be dismantled
by Anwar A. Khan
These feral people who call themselves Muslims and look like Muslims, are indeed totally anti-Islamic. They are nothing, but gangland killers. If they are not smacked-down ultimately, these culprits may raise the demand of breaking off the holy structures of other religions, say for Hindus, Christians, Buddhists… whereas Bangladesh was attained at a very heavy price in 1971 for people of all religions to live together in peace. And we categorically say we shall live with people of all religions unitedly in a peaceful manner in Bangladesh.
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‘The instigators, who were behind damage of the sculpture of Bangladesh’s Founding Father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on November 13 last and also afterward, must be identified. Any strike to Bangabandhu's sculpture means hurt to the heart of Bengalis and Bangladesh, which is an unforgivable crime. We strongly condemn over vandalism of an under-construction sculpture of Bangabandhu in Kushtia in Bangladesh. Those who vandalised the Bangabandhu's sculpture do not believe in the country's independence, its sovereignty and liberation war. They are the ghosts of Pakistan and also do not believe in the country's constitution.’ They belong to Pakistan like a rogue state. So, our people will not wait to drive away these goons to their homeland - Pakistan.
In almost all Muslim countries, there are dazzlingly beautiful sculptures of famed citizens. Every day, Bangladesh’s newspapers publishes those sculptures as cogent evidence, but these demons would not listen to the Scriptures.
These anti-Bangladesh liberation force even do not fly our National Flag and sing National Anthem on the occasions of our special days – on 26 March, 16 December and so on. These daemonforces should severely be punished for violating the country’s constitution.
Those who vandalised the Bangabandhu's sculpture and want to implement the agendas of Pakistan must be brought to justice. The country's people must remain alert against any intrigue of the anti-liberation forces aiming to block in implement the ideology of Bangabandhu and the spirit of the 1971 liberation war.
Derogative comments on Bangabandhu’s sculpture by some griffins likeJunaidBabunagari, MamunulHaque, Syed Fazlul Karim or any other persons must be dealt with an iron-hand.
In 971, when Bangladesh was established, it was conclusively ensconced how the country shall be run. So, it is a settled fact. Who are those ‘kathmollahs’ – anti-Bangladesh liberation force – religion traders, to whom we have to listen to their prescription to administrate the country? Their temerity is irremissible under any circumstances.
Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), the mass-murderers of 1971, is the wealthiest business organisation in Bangladesh. It has many killing squads under so many fictitious names which are working under the cloak-and-dagger of NGOs. Hefajat-e-Islam is one of the murdering progenies of JeI which uses the name of our holy religion –Islam to allure people to come to their flexure to make Bangladesh, once again, with so many public places of execution of our people, as they did to us in 1971.
Pakistan’s horrendous killing outfit ISI has got a very strong ties with JeI to carry-out dreadful activities using Islam to destabilize Bangladesh according to their volition to impose their own and deceitful brand of Islam on us which has got no connection with our holy religion - Islam.
Pakistan High Commission (PHC) in Dhaka is also involved in all badly activities in collusion with JeI in Bangladesh. PHC is the den of ISI and JeI. Bangladesh government should immediately put PHC + ISI under their strong scanner to catch those malefactors to face virile punishment.
It is high time to dismantle Jamaat-e-Islami high command and its various killing off-shoots into pieces for betterment of Bangladesh and its people.
The government should also break-down their money channels, confiscate all their properties and take full control of their business entities to block up these perpetrators eternally.
Many political analysts also allege that from behind the screen, Jamaat-e-BNP is provoking or stirring-up Jamaat-e-Islami–Hefazat-e-Islamclodhoppers to make all those disparaging statements on our Nation’s Founding Father’s sculptures using our holy religion - Islam. These crude uncouth ill-bred persons lacking culture or refinement are making discommodes in the country with a deceptive or fraudulent intention to do harm to the political party now in power, in particular and Bangladesh in general.
We know the Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in their country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.
Others were put in jail. The Chinese killed or imprisoned 18 to 20 of the C.I.A.’s sources in China, according to two former senior American officials, effectively unraveling a network that had taken years to build.
The previously unreported episode shows how successful the Chinese were in disrupting American spying efforts and stealing secrets years before a well-publicized breach in 2015 gave Beijing access to thousands of government personnel records, including intelligence contractors. The C.I.A. considers spying in China one of its top priorities, but the country’s extensive security apparatus makes it exceptionally hard for Western spy services to develop sources there.
Bangladesh should also adopt the same method against ISI and its mango-twigs, especially Jamaat-e-Islami–Hefazat-e-Islam gawks. Look at their audacities! These perps are also using the word ‘Islam’ in the names of their killing squads whereas, in truth, they have no connection with our religion -Islam. Government should embrace the famed words of an old adage, “Like dog, like hammer” and use this plan of action against these griffins.
‘Hydra, a water beast with nine heads and poisonous breath in Greek Mythology, couldn’t be killed simply by severing its head because each of the heads would grow back. The stump of each severed head had to be burned to prevent it from growing back. With the help of Iolaus, Hercules eventually managed to slaughter Hydra.’
‘Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh and its student wing, IslamiChhatraShibir (ICS), are like Hydras in Bangladesh with many roots in different names. Simply putting their cadres into jail is like severing Hydra’s heads. Failing to prosecute the alleged Jamaat, Shibir and Hefazat terrorists in the courts will surely have far reaching consequences’ in Bangladesh.
‘It has rather been a part of the concerted effort by these sub-humans to eradicate progressive and pro-liberation activities in Bangladesh.’Their ill-actions indicate how ferocious and tenacious they can get when confronting popular upsurge.’
‘Perhaps, the capacity of both Jamaat, Shibir and Hefazat to perpetrate violence against progressive and pro-liberation forces makes them a highly coveted partner to have like Pakistan’s ISI. During 2001-06, being a partner of the BNP-led coalition government, Jamaat’s strong influence in controlling the government’s agenda, placing its cadres in government offices, educational institutions, religious organisations, and penetrating diplomatic missions and security agencies should substantiate that claim convincingly. And, for the first time, as the testimonies of various individuals show, Jamaat’s complicity to state sponsored terrorists is beginning to come out.’
‘Surprisingly, however, not a single Jamaat or Shibir cadre has ever been prosecuted for any of the alleged crimes. Neither has a single Shibir cadre ever been arraigned for any of their atrocities.’ Following the past tradition, if the alleged perpetrators of the fundamentalist party are allowed to walk free, then the venom of the re-grown fang of Jamaat-Shibir-Hefazat terrorists will harm the progressive and pro-liberation forces all the more.
To keep that from happening, the government must combine judicial prosecution with effective campaign making both the public and the international community aware of the consequences of the fundamentalists’ rise to state power. The government must not do anything where it ends up losing public support and making extremists look as if they are the victims of a government witch-hunt. Only an effective prosecution and public campaign will deny extremist outfits opportunities to resort to violence and spread the venom of ophidians.
These gawks look like Muslims, but in fact, they are anti-Islamic, anti-Muslim and bitter enemies of humanity. They are thieves, liars, mass killers, looters, rapists and what not. They did all these crimes under the guise of Islam in 1971 and afterwards. Does Islam permit these things? We witnessed these during our Liberation War in 1971.
This reminds us of the brutal, cruel and inhuman activities of Al-Badr and Al-Shams, the killing outfits of Jamaat, in 1971. Jamaat and its gangsters have got no relation with Islam or Muslims. They are just the devils. They are the Satans. They are the sinners. We should all try to bring these demons to justice without further delay. Otherwise, they will bring about a holocaust for the people of Bangladesh, once again. And it will be far more dangerous than that of 1971. Jamaat and its various outfits deserve to be banned and this is a dire emergency need of the hour.
We repeat these communal, reactionary and extremist forces are using the name of Islam as their shield to ascend the throne of Bangladesh to make it a public slaughterhouse, once again, like 1971. So, these savage forces must be brought to justice in no time.It is also high time to dismantle Jamaat-e-Islami’s entiremonstroushigh command into pieces to keep Bangladesh peaceful.
-The End –
The writer is an independent political analyst based in Dhaka, Bangladesh who writes on politics, political and human-centred figures, current and international affairs.
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