Sri Lanka: From Republic to Syrupblic

Man in Sri Lanka claimed that he has received a secret recipe from Goddess Khali of Hinduism for ‘Magic Syrup’ which can cure Covid-19 for a lifetime. The country is on the edge of its transformation from Republic to Syrupblic. This is the peak of the madness.  


Myth satisfies the desires of ordinary human nature. Therefore, most of the time, science is being swallowed up by myths. The myth paves the way for hypocrites to gain economic advantages easily. In a world where it is easy to mislead people, such dramas are not strange. There are plenty of opportunities for such dramas in a country like Sri Lanka. Most of the media outfits competing not to standardize their messages with ethics and moral obligations but to have more viewers by selling nonsense and tommyrot are given ample opportunity for such lunatic dramas. It is easier to maintain this miserable situation when journalists are careless about the very responsibilities of the profession but turned into the tools of the crooked businesses of the blighters. 

Great Transformation: From Republic to Syrupblic

The Buddha Dhamma was subtly distorted and a non-Buddha Dhamma was disguised as the Buddha Dhamma. The Dhamma thus distorted was injected into the masses.  Consequently, it is hard to find people who do maintain sincerity to follow at least the five precepts ( Pancha Sheela), basic tenets of Buddhism. But it’s easy to see those who only know how to brag that they are the only a few who know the truth. The same destruction befell the doctrine of Jesus. Islam, too, was interpreted in such a way as to satisfy the personal desires of a few and chose its enemy according to those interpretations. Nothing original but distorted versions of each doctrine are ruining mankind.  

The latest scenario here is that various racketeers are abusing the doctrine of indigenous medicine (known as Ayurveda or hela wedakama) of Sri Lanka while acting as representatives of Gods and Goddess. It is very easy for them to be the son or daughter of those unknown gods and goddesses, as the thirty-three crores (330000000) of gods and goddess were introduced in Hindu scriptures. Not only in Sri Lanka but also in many other countries in South Asia and elsewhere this ugly scene is being screened in various forms. Most people are trying to deceive others for easy cash.    

One of the noted stories is a man who came on a private television channel with “Magic Syrup” which, according to the man, can cure the Covid-19 for a lifetime.  Shortly, this magic syrup was re-named as the “Kali Syrup” because, as the story told, the man received the ingredients for this mythical syrup from the Goddess Kali, one of the thirty-three crores of Gods and Goddess in Hinduism.  Alas; prominent Marxist, responding to criticism against this son of Goddess Kali, who introduced this “Magic Syrup”, said it was a Western conspiracy.  

However, such syrup racketeers occasionally encounter someone who sees the truth. One such meeting took place recently. During the meeting, the response given by the Chief Thero of the temple to the architect of the Kali Syrup who gave a try a syrup-bath to the Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura. Most of the reckless media outlets did not report the incident. However, the Venerable Thero was able to prove how a person who sees the truth should behave when he has to encounter a deceiver. The monk, we believe, should be praised by the nation. 

Many people with vested interests tried to destroy the Sri Maha Bodhi trees in this country as well as in India and other Buddhist centres. A large sum of money was spent on this modus operandi throughout history. The drama of this syrup actor is yet another brainless move of a group of so-called Buddhists.  If Goddess Kali had given him this “Magic Syrup”, he should have offered it to a Hindu temple instead of Buddhist temple. In a country where the rule of law has a real sense of securing the people who are being independently audited, this person and the other crooks would have been in jail by now. 

Many types of syrup that claim to cure Covid 19 are being produced across the country. All of which is said to have amazing power to eradicate the coronavirus. No science but secret formulas behind these "Magic Syrups", they bragged. This is the peak of the madness. Can any responsible government push ordinary men and women into an abyss by sponsoring such lunacy? 

When we look at all these dramas and the media institutions that inspire them as well as other unscrupulous people, we only feel sad about our country. It seems that this country needs a large scale nationwide psychiatric treatment program. At least a handful of monks who preach the correct Buddha Dhamma should do this national remedy. If this deplorable situation continues, it will not take long for us to eventually lose our Republic and replace it with Syrupblic.  

Alas! Dear Countrymen and Countrywomen, look at your ugliness and madness! What exactly happened to us?