Need For Free Insurance Scheme For Covid 19 Vaccine

What is even more disturbing is that not one type of vaccine  has been prescribed but several types of vaccines, developed by different companies with different  types of composition, which can have different reactivity.

by N.S.Venkataraman

Several governments  including USA,  United  Kingdom   have given approval for administering COVID 19 vaccine  on the basis of claims made by the medical research companies , even when the clinical  trials have been carried out for very short duration and certainly not exhaustively.   In such circumstances,  a widespread view amongst the cross section of people   around the world that administering COVID vaccine could be  a calculated risk  needs  to be recognized.

However, the governments cannot be blamed for giving clearance to COVID 19 vaccine at the present stage,  as they seem to have no alternative in today’s desperate conditions  , when people  need hope that humanity would be saved from the COVID 19 virus and  governments have responsibility to keep the morale of the people  high and ensure that people would not suffer from  feeling of helplessness. 

While some scientists  have supported the new vaccines, there are almost  equal numbers  of scientists who have pointed out the risk factors involved and have criticized the haste with which the vaccines have been approved.

What is even more disturbing is that not one type of vaccine  has been prescribed but several types of vaccines, developed by different companies with different  types of composition, which can have different reactivity.  Layman wonders how  there can be  different types  of vaccines for the same virus. Scientists who have developed vaccines  are yet to explain this  convincingly.

The British government has started  administering vaccines , with the choice of  a 90 year old woman  as the first person to be administered the vaccine,. . This too has caused skepticism, with people wondering as to why a woman in the vulnerable age of 90 years has been chosen as the first person to be administered  the vaccine. People wonder as to whether this could be due to the thinking that a  90 year old woman is “dispensable”.

Meanwhile, when  a vaccine was administered to a person during a clinical trial in India and the person was declared to be virus positive after being administered the vaccine , the medical  researchers have said that the vaccine should be administered two times to be effective. This was not said before   by the researchers,  even causing more doubt amongst the people about the efficacy of vaccine.

Overall scene is one of lack of clarity and misgivings,  even amidst hope and prayer that such vaccines should work with positive results.

Several governments have placed orders for millions of doses  of different kinds of vaccines from different companies and are actively discussing plans and  are developing procedures for administering the vaccine and prioritizing the group of people to be given preference in  administering the  vaccine.

Some governments have said that the health care workers  should be given the priority and some other governments have alternate priority lists.

Medical  teams  broadly come under two categories namely medical researchers and medical doctors who actually treat the patients. 

There is enormous  and visible confusion  and lack of clarity  amongst  the medical doctors  about the choice of people to be administered the vaccine . Certainly, apprehensions amongst the doctors are   justifiable , as  people interact only with medical doctors and not with the medical researchers and medical doctors would incur the wrath of people, if anything would go wrong.

While the governments are going with full speed to accept the recommendations of the medical researchers and  are taking steps to buy and introduce vaccines in a massive way,  the ground reality is that medical doctors have not been adequately taken into confidence at different  levels  all over the world.  It is known that doctors use medicines as per the recommendation of the researchers  and  derive  their own lessons by trial and practice. Sometimes, this has proved  to be too costly. It should be kept in view that in the past, several drugs which have been approved   have been withdrawn later  by the regulatory authorities ,due to adverse effects found later on,  causing confusion amongst the doctors.

There is confusion galore. 

All said and done, the governments across the world should have a policy to protect the interests of the medical doctors and the people  (patients )  in the  event of results of vaccine administration going  wrong ,  with serious consequences to the health of the people and even loss of lives.

In such events, the medical researchers may  explain away the problem or even withdraw the claims and the governments cannot undo the damage.

In such a situation, the governments have  two options.

 The governments should not  compel the patients or doctors in any way to use the COVID 19 vaccine ,  if they are not convinced.

If the vaccines are used, then free insurance schemes (without insistence on premium payment)  should be introduced to protect the financial interests of the affected people and their families in the short and long  run,in the event of bad results .

It appears that so far no government  has  thought about such “precautionary measures”,  which certainly would not be adequate but  however ,represent  minimum measures  in the present grave situation.