Sri Lanka: The Myth of Merging North & East - Learn from Zuhair

According to some sources, some of the points in the joint statement issued at the end of the virtual meeting between the Prime Ministers of the two countries, Narendra Modi and Mahinda Rajapaksa, were made in defiance of Sri Lanka's objections. It's regrettable. 

Sri Lanka Guadian View: Editorial 

He has correctly understood that. Isn’t it wonderful? But many people do not understand this basic fact. Some people do understand the truth but will not accept it in public. Isn’t it hypocrisy? 

Former Member of Parliament Mr M.M. Zuhair (Mohamed Mohamed Zuhair) has stated at a recent public meeting in the Eastern Province that the merging Northern and Eastern Provinces is a serious obstacle to national unity in Sri Lanka. We feel that the scheme for merging these two provinces is the root cause of the further complication of the manufactured ethnic dispute in Sri Lanka. So it should be read and corrected immediately. 

Of course, the point to consider here is that India's policy towards its neighbours needs to be re-engineered to suit the present times. The consequences of not doing so are well illustrated by the current attitudes and some policy decisions of countries in the region such as Bangladesh and Nepal towards India. 

The merger of Northern and Eastern Provinces is an old proposal imposed by the Government of India on Sri Lanka in late 80s. Only the people who created it know the motives behind India's intention to do so, but the main said believe was that the amalgamation of the two provinces would fulfil the aspirations of the Tamil people. The legal form of the program came before the Sri Lankans under the name of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. The sad fact is that in the face of Sri Lanka, this non-solution as the solution was forcibly imposed at the sole discretion of India. As a result, Sri Lanka, at the foot of the vast Indian peninsula spreads across South Asia, had to face a number of tragedies. Some events have proved that the idea put forward in an old political school of thoughts that history repeats itself first as a tragedy and then as a farce is true. 

Unfortunately, the present Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not changed the old Indian ideology even in his so-called “neighbourhood first” foreign policy. Does this prove that India does not sincerely want to help for lasting peace in Sri Lanka? According to some sources, some of the points in the joint statement issued at the end of the virtual meeting between the Prime Ministers of the two countries, Narendra Modi and Mahinda Rajapaksa, were made in defiance of Sri Lanka's objections. It's regrettable. That is to say, this incident also spreads ugly domination that forced the then President of Sri Lanka to sign the Indo-Lanka Accord. 

India continues to advocate that the Northern and Eastern Provinces should be merged in a united country to fulfil the aspirations of the Sri Lankan Tamil people living not only in North and East but almost in all provinces in the country. However, a senior politician representing the Muslim community, a so-called minority in the country, said the resolution to merge North and East Provinces was the biggest obstacle to unity in the country. He has been active in Sri Lankan politics since before the signing of the 1987 Indo-Lanka Accord. This is why his ideas are important. 

If anyone admits that history cannot be forgotten and solutions cannot be found without addressing the scars of the history, then the wrongdoings committed by all parties, including the Indian Peace Keeping Force, must be held accountable. Does anyone have a sincere intention to consider the policy of 'Neighborhood First' in order to find a solution to the injustice done to the Sinhalese and Muslims who were expelled from the Northern Province within 24 hours? Is anyone raising their voices about the ability of the Tamil people in many areas, including the Colombo District, to be able to live in great harmony? On contrarily, why can’t anyone raise their big voices to identify the deprivation of the enjoyment and freedom of the inhabited Sinhalese and Muslim people in the Northern Province? Anyone who has a sincere desire to solve this forcibly created ethnic dispute should look at the truth and not the false propaganda and myths made by different parties to achieve different personal goals. 

The Indian government has maintained a longstanding sense of the aspirations of the Tamil people, perhaps it is because of the political reality in Tamil Nadu. But history has shown that using those hypocritical politics as a tool to resolve the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is not successful. Also, if there is a genuine desire for lasting peace, it must stand not only for the aspirations of the Tamil people, but also for the aspirations of all peoples’, including Sinhalese, Muslims, Malays, and others. But aside from that, talking about irrational and divisive issues is nothing but a mockery of the real needs of the people. 

That is why we are endorsing the ideas of ex-parliamentarian that the merger of the Northern and Eastern Provinces is the greatest obstacle to the unity of Sri Lanka. So, if anyone cares about the internal affairs of Sri Lanka, those parties must first be honest enough to understand the truth on the ground. It is the first step in overcoming all delusions. Then the light will be there to see the road.