Every crisis is different, every crisis somehow ends

Do you know offering anything from family favourites from spaghetti Bolognese, or Noodles, or cashew stir fry meal kits to Japanese rice bowls, is the new food inspiration in London?

by Victor Cherubim

This is a special message to the youth of Sri Lanka, from a very old hand. My last piece had an innuendo, parents, don’t waste your money on sending you children for music lessons, as music cannot be taught by remote control, don’t spend your hard earned money on getting your children into Medical School, because, the way people now react to medicine, at least from what I know is happening in UK, is not wasting time in Doctor’s surgeries. Pharmacies are cluttered with uncollected prescriptions from GP’s in UK. People are scared when they are diagnosed by Video Conferencing.

The Legal Profession in UK is also changing, with hearings in Courts by Video Conferencing. Barristers have no work. Conveyancing and sales of houses/ flats are going ahead in a brand-new way, with exchange of contracts expedited.

How about Car Insurance? The new normal is by “my miles”. It is not charged on the type of policy either. The premium is on the number of miles you estimate you would use the vehicle over the year. Car travel to office, is a thing of the past, so it seems. People are wanting to save every penny. We are informed by having your Comprehensive Car Insurance on the number of estimated mileage, you save £100 on a previous average annual premium of £700.

Nobody wants to shop for clothing at Marks & Spencer anymore, when you can buy a well-tailored suit for one fifth of the price at Primark, the new Amazon for clothing.

Business success is self education

The new normal, which many entrepreneurs say, is here to say is: “How to grow your own business, only one way – online”.
For some it means, not having to worry about a job security. Any move in the current climate, at least for the next two years of uncertainty, is a waste of time and money.

For others, it could mean living the life they want, on their own terms and wait for the tide to turn. The advantage of this choice is you get hands on experience, which money cannot buy with education. Experience how to survive with the fewer things in life.

If you are looking for a start in business, I have some good news for you. Start an “online business”. If you don’t know where to start, that you are concerned you don’t have any experience or technical skills.

You need to monetise whatever skills you have, the knowledge and experience or the little technical skills you naturally possess.

Do not wait to get a Government posting, you have to think that the Coronavirus pandemic will one day end, whether with or without a vaccine.

I read in the Sri Lankan papers that people are selling “lamprais” food packets and making money fast. What a wonderful idea? Don’t be a burden either on your parents or the government?

You have got to be an ideas man during this pandemic

It reminded me what I did for a living when I left secondary school in Ceylon. I started working without any experience as a Medical Representative for an Italian firm called “Carlo Erba,” for a Pharmaceutical Agent in Colombo. I did not know a clue of medicine, nor pharmaceuticals, but I had come to know a clientele of medics all over the island. I brushed up on my skill set and was sent to visit Doctors’ surgeries addresses, with a bag full of medical samples.

What my skill was that I had researched a Data Base, which was not easy. I was only 20 years old, but I was ahead of the times and ahead of Microsoft. My sales boomed and my commission rocketed. I made enough money to go to Aquinas University College in Colombo paying the fees. I did not sit still whilst at College, I applied for scholarship in the US and was selected to do Business Administration at Michigan.

How to monetise the skills, knowledge and experience you’ve got?

I can assure you it is not “rocket science”. Everyone has a hidden talent. It does not matter what level you have achieved, or what level is required in the marketplace.

You must train yourself to work from anywhere in the world, not sit and wait for a job on a platter?

Helping people and making a different is all that is required. If I can do it, I am sure you can do it.

Do you know offering anything from family favourites from spaghetti Bolognese, or Noodles, or cashew stir fry meal kits to Japanese rice bowls, is the new food inspiration in London?

Meal kits have enjoyed a sales surge during lockdown in UK. Pre-measured fresh food and vegetable and fruit ingredients are being delivered to people’s doors, while people work from home. Entrepreneurs say this service has attracted custom from people who never shopped online for food before. The fun of it isthat it is not “cooked” food, but all the necessary ingredients to cook it yourself. This “recipe bags and food boxes service has taken off in a big way, with 26 % rise in sales for online entrepreneurs since the outbreak of Covid-19. Food delivery in motorcycles is the fad in London.

Start online business, you can even sellHikkaduwa sea sand to the Arabs or even packets of Sri Lanka Ayurvedic medicine to the Brits. Create a niche, get your name brand, get your internet platform, get experience on the job. Get on with it?