Will China Succeed in Bribing its Way to India’s Neighbours?

China would realize that it is not more clever than Hitler’s Germany. But, then, It would be too late.

by N.S.Venkataraman

China has not concealed it’s aim and determination to become super power in the world. It has not left anyone in doubt about it’s self centred schemes to dominate the world and expand it’s territories. China gives an impression that it would combine different types of strategies in the trade front, propaganda campaign and military warfare to achieve it’s objectives, depending upon the circumstances.

Obviously, most countries in the world are concerned about China’s methodologies and practices and it’s goal. Any attempt to dominate the world or expand it’s territory by China is bound to negatively impact the interests of the affected countries but China seems to be over confident that it can afford to ignore the concern of other countries , as it moves on with it’s plans to achieve it’s objectives.

These strategies of China are largely similar to that of Hitler and many dictatorial regimes in the past across the world , that have adopted such methods in different measures . Ultimately, history has shown that such ill conceived , unethical plans do not provide the intended end results and the initiator of the schemes suffer and fall out in the process. China is once again doing the same mistakes that Hitler did and seems to think that it can succeed where Hitler failed, by modifying it’s strategies and schemes in a manner that would be more clever than that of Hitler.

Obviously, China seeks to implement it’s schemes to dominate the world in several stages over the coming years. It’s One Belt One Road scheme is part of the grand plan to make the economically weak and developing countries to firmly fall under China’s control. As India has refused to enter the OBOR trap, China considers India as a stumbling block and thinks that India should be weakened in all possible ways.

As part of this scheme to weaken India and also as part of global domination plans , China is trying to encircle India ,by bringing all the India’s neighbours namely Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka as well as nearby Maldives under it’s thumb. It is adopting combination of methods for this purpose.

China is reported to be bribing the political leaders in these countries in variety of ways , participating in infrastructure projects and enabling such projects to be implemented by extending financial assistance from China and sending Chinese equipment and technicians to these countries to implement the projects and in the process making these countries debt ridden to China and dependant on China.

It has already succeeded to some extent in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan and enough evidence are there to prove this.

However, China seems to have ignored the ground reality that while it can buy the politicians and sectarian groups in India’s neibhouring countries and even the political and activist groups in India and make the economy and territory of these countries vulnerable to influence and coercion from China , it cannot over power the people in these countries. Over powering the territories is totally different from over powering the people living in these territories.

The people in the neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka , Bangladesh and others have tasted freedom of speech and have participated in the democratic process. If and when the domination of China and coercion by China would extend beyond a limit, which is likely,the people are bound to protest, as it is now already happening in Pakistan. It is known that Pakistan military is now protecting the Chinese technicians working in the projects in Pakistan.Protests are already heard in Pakistan, as the government has virtually handed over Gwadar port and several important mines to China. Protests are also heard in Sri Lanka ,as the government has virtually handed over the Hambantota port to China. The protests are still not loud enough, but they are bound to intensify ,as people would realize the extent of dependence on China.

India’s neighbouring countries are already burdened due to the debt that they owe to China, which they cannot repay in the foreseeable future . In the course of time , these countries may fail to repay the debt or even refuse to honour the debt , terming the terms of debt as unreasonable and exploitative. China will not be able to handle such situation, particularly when it would happen in several debt ridden Asian and African countries. Public protest on large scale would become inevitable against China. If China would try to enforce terms of debt agreement, it would lead to a war like situation. China can ruthlessly suppress protest by people in China but not in other countries. Is China biting more than what it can chew?

Finally, China would realize that it is not more clever than Hitler’s Germany. But, then, It would be too late.