Sri Lanka: Litigation against transitional justice expert Yasmin Sooka

It is true; the ITJP has published various reports on human rights in Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, some of the reports published by the organization seem to be based on narrow-minded political objectives.


For the first time in the history of Sri Lanka, an intelligence officer is seeking justice for the baseless accusations levelled against him. From the standpoint of the complainant as well as the suspect, we feel that this is an important step. One of the most effective ways to answer this issue is taking necessary actions for cause correction. It is a matter of accountability and transparency, the most important pillars of human rights which, fortunately, this responsible organisation is claiming for protection and promotion.

Major General Suresh Tuan Sallay ( Screenshot from a file video)
The organization's web site states: “The International Truth and Justice Project - Sri Lanka (ITJP) is administered by the Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa under the guidance of transitional justice expert Yasmin Sooka. ITJP both collects and stores evidence for any future credible justice process but also intervenes where we can to assist victim communities in Sri Lanka in seeking accountability. ”

According to this bold note, the organization is headed by a transitional justice specialist. We believe she has a deep understanding of justice with a lot of ground experience. Let’s hope she is an expert who stands up for the cause of everyone, fearlessly and independently. Let’s think she is valuing everyone equally. Let’s hope she has no hidden agenda but the purity of delivering justice for the plight of every human being. Let’s hope she is not leading to deceive the international community. Let’s hope she is driving by the principles of the rule of law developed through the sage words of A. V. Dicey, Thomas Bingham, and others who genuinely contributed.

It is indeed, significant that Major General Suresh Tuan Sallay, the current head of the State Intelligence Service, has filed charges against the ITJP and its head Yasmin Sooka. The ITJP's responsibility is to prove before the world how genuine their mission and objectives are.

The Sri Lankan intelligence chief has accused the transnational justice expert Yasmin Suka of making false reports based on false information and putting his life and his family members at horrific risk. As an expert of justice, we believe she will not find any excuse to ignore the responsibility of response. We believe that this expert has a deep understanding of the fundamental principle of the rule of law, “everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence."

It is true; the ITJP has published various reports on human rights in Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, some of the reports published by the organization seem to be based on narrow-minded political objectives. Also, some reports are false. Several reports have mentioned the incumbent head of the State Intelligence Service and accused him of various charges. One of the reports has cited the views of a Sri Lankan doctor living in the US who has accused the intelligence chief of torturing him. This is a very serious charge.

However, the image they have used as the current head of state intelligence service is fake. It is sad to say how some of their reports entirely based on a single source. The idea of that single source has been accepted as absolute truth. These facts, unfortunately, show how the ITJP has misled itself. Isn’t it surprise to see the experts who even do not do the homework properly? Justice is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We strongly believe, transnational justice expert Yasmin Sooka has an adequate understanding of this notion and she will not be a hypocrite when her misleading reports putting innocents on the knife edge.