The brainwashing information that would be flowing into everyone’s mind via phones and television has made the people to live in a world of complete suppression with the global masters and manipulators living free.
by Zulkifli Nazim
Many thought that the new world order proclaimed by George Bush was the promise of 1945 fulfilled. A world in which international institutions, led by the United Nations, guaranteed international peace and security with the active support of the world's major powers.

The New World Order is a chimera - A grotesque product of the imagination. It requires a centralized rule-making authority, a hierarchy of institutions, and universal membership. Equally to the point, efforts to create such an order have failed. And the manipulation of the Corona Virus Pandemic succeeded in establishing a centralized rule-making authority.
Assuming that it was something used by the world governments to control the population in a way of panic it would be doing a good job; something that is a little bit more potent to catch them - the flu - and as people stocking up on water, food and other utilities. They are also not going to be able to leave their house for months and the first thing you would want in the apocalypse, once all the food and water runs out and everyone is clawing at each other to survive.
If this was something used to control the people in a state of panic it would mean that the media is also in on all the panic that is happening, to work with some sort of world power to spread fear and make everyone become a hermit who is afraid to go outside. Why would the world powers work together to spread fear as the sickness spreads and people’s panic grows? It could be, because, the opportunity for all the world government to initiate a state of emergency allowing them to put people on lockdown and control entire countries over the course of just a few months once everyone is forced to stay in their homes. Curfews are set across several countries and martial law has been initiated on how every government would have a stranglehold on their people.
They would be forcefully imprisoned and the information spewed out to them now would be controlled by the government and even the once free internet will be policed depicting a doomsday scenario with no one having any free will whatsoever.
The brainwashing information that would be flowing into everyone’s mind via phones and television has made the people to live in a world of complete suppression with the global masters and manipulators living free. The majority of the people of the world would be delivered controlled levels of rations to their residence and they would be expected to survive, while the rich, the powerful and the influential would be living lavishly more extravagant than they ever have been because now they have to share even less than 1%. They would now have more control over their finances than ever while the 99% stuck away in their homes with nowhere to turn to they wouldn’t know who they could trust. You talk to the wrong person about the wrong thing and you would end up under arrest thrown away in a work camp or quarantine zone never to be seen again.
There would be no need for explanation by the police or the military and the government would just use the excuse of COVID 19. Every time someone questioned the powers-that-be they would go missing.
Speculating on another angle – What we have to consider here is the manipulation to store billions of barrels of oil, crude and refined, in the storage tanks of the so called world powers and their allies.
Globally, the lockdown of public transport, trains, buses and private vehicles together with the lockdown on international flights means, that all the countries will not need replenishment of their fuel stocks.
The lockdown of factories all over the world, also will not need to refill their fuel tanks. The result is not a drop of oil, whether crude or refined will be shipped to any country anywhere in the world. The prices of oil will hit rock bottom and the super – powers that be and their allies will lap up billions, may be trillions of barrels at these rock bottom prices.
They will need this oil for their Aircraft Carriers, battleships, destroyers, guided missile destroyers, fighter jets and other aircraft, and Ocean going vessels, without which, world domination is impossible. The entire network of mints, central banks, and governments that make up the global monetary system will be under the thumb of those possessing these trillions and trillions of barrels of fuel in their storage tanks. Consequently, the entire world will be under their supreme control.
So the New world Order proclaimed by George Bush, is going to be a reality.
All the media, electronic, print, audio visual and the social Media have not missed a heartbeat, when they keep on promulgating and propagating that “our country will not be the same as it was prior to the March 22nd – the date of the advent of the Corona Virus - Psychologically, conditioning the minds of the people the world over.
In conclusion, if you are under the impression that the so-called super-powers and their allies are feeling sympathetic towards you and your country and your people, and that your interests are paramount, let us take a leaf from the pages of history – A case in point - Ezra Weston Loomis Pound popularly known as Ezra Pound. Ezra Pound was born in Hailey, Idaho, on October 30, 1885.In 1924 and he moved to Italy; during this period of voluntary exile, American poet and critic, a major figure in the early modernist poetry movement.
To cut a very long story short Ezra Pound really knew how the freemasons exercised control over the American systems, which he hoped to liberate by warning the people of the danger which threatened to engulf them and by suggesting an alternative of life and government in his courageous broadcasts from Italy, midway during the Second World War (WWII). But he was foolhardy enough not to realise the degree of control the freemasons were wielding.
When the American forces reached that part of Italy where Pound was, he was immediately and in a subtle manner taken into custody. At that point Ezra Pound imagined that his broadcasts had been heard and he has received a positive response, in that he was going to be taken to America to advise the government as to how to best adopt and implement the Confucian mode which he had been suggesting into the American way of life.
The basis of this mode echoed the resolve of the original founding fathers of America, in that interest in any form or guise should not be charged on any kind of debt or loan.
Pound's subsequent treatment soon demonstrated that he was sadly mistaken in his belief and showed how inimical the controlling elite of America were to any suggestions which threatened their chief source of revenue and control, that is the creation of debts and the charging of interest thereon, so that the debtors had no choice but to work continuously in their producer consumer process, in order to raise the money to pay off the old debts, whilst at the same time incurring fresh ones.
The takeover had already been virtually completed in America, and accordingly as far as the ruling elite of America was concerned, Ezra Pound was public enemy number one.
Soon after his arrest, Ezra Pound was taken to Pisa, where he was put in solitary confinement in an iron cage which stood in the middle of a military compound, and which provided no shelter from the sun by day, neither from the cold of night, nor from the wind and the dust and the rain. No one was allowed to hold a conversation with him. Eventually he became so ill that he had to be put inside a tent in order that he be kept alive. After several weeks he was transported to America, still suffering from exposure and ill health.
On arrival in America Ezra Pound was given no time to recover, but was immediately brought before a judge and charged with treason, the very charge which he had been levelling at the freemasons, since in his opinion they were destroying and corrupting the America in which he personally believed - the America which the original founding fathers had envisaged - and were, through their manipulation control techniques, busy establishing the America which in fact exists today.
Ezra Pound was not permitted to have the defence lawyer of his own choosing. Instead he was allocated a lawyer who was himself a freemason, as was the judge who presided over the judicial proceedings, and as were the medical experts who were appointed both by the prosecution and the defence lawyers.
It was important that Pound neither should he be given the opportunity to give evidence, nor indeed come to trial, since this would mean that his knowledge of the takeover would become known to all those who followed the trial, and might become too well publicised, even though the main media systems in America - as in Europe - were, and still are, controlled by the freemasons.
Accordingly Pound's lawyer advised him that the best course of action was to avoid the danger of his being convicted for treason, which is an offence carrying the death penalty, by maintaining that he was unfit to stand trial by reason of insanity.
In order for this stratagem to succeed, it was necessary that Pound did not speak a word in court. Pound, who was already ageing and, because of the treatment which he had just received, a sick man, submitted to the pressure exerted by his lawyer and by his wife, agreed to adopt this approach.
Pound appeared before the judge and a grand jury on his arraignment. His lawyer made the submission that Pound was unfit to stand trial, and the judge ordered a medical enquiry to be undertaken by medical experts who were to be selected by both the prosecution and the defence lawyers.
It is usual in such cases for the medical experts to disagree sharply, since they are only usually selected by the respective sides in the case because their opinion is going to support and strengthen the arguments put forward by the lawyer who chose them. It came as no surprise that the prosecution medical experts - who like the defence medical expert, all the lawyers concerned and the judge, in fact agreed completely with the defence medical expert. Everyone concurred in unison. Once the necessary but unnecessary rigmarole of due observation, examination and psychiatric tests had been performed, that Pound was indeed 'insane' and therefore unable to stand trial.
This decision was of course portrayed by the freemasonic controlled media as an example of the humane treatment which an insane person, who could not really be held responsible for what he said or did, could expect to receive from a just and understanding legal system.
Once the medical experts had come to their inevitable conclusion, and once that conclusion had been given weight by voicing it in the correct Judicial setting, Pound's committal to an insane asylum for an indefinite period was a mere formality. As a result of the skilful and polished use and combination of their medical and legal systems, had succeeded in silencing one of their most eloquent and knowledgeable opponents with utmost ease, and all with the appearance of complete what is called legality and due judicial process. The Pound pantomime, the play acting, had been a resounding success: The audience were satisfied and unaware of what had really been going on.
Ezra Pound spent the next fifteen years in an insane asylum
Finally, after fifteen years, when Pound was no longer capable of being a threat to simply because he was old and worn out and preparing for death, he was released from the insane asylum. He returned to Italy, where he subsequently died.
If you ask anyone today who Ezra Pound was, they will probably tell you, a famous poet; but slightly insane with fascist inclinations. Hardly anyone knows his real story, simply because it is very well hidden in the US information retrieval systems, and not available for all and sundry. The way in which Pound was effectively silenced was only possible because of the efficient interlink which existed, and continues to exist, between the American governmental, legal, medical and media systems, an interlink which was and is made possible by virtue of the control exercised by those interested parties.
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