The longer it takes to muster a full response to defeat this coup, the more damage – to our rights, freedoms, economic security, opportunities, democratic governance, the global economy and the environment – will have been inflicted, making the struggle to restore them vastly more difficult.
by Robert J. Burrowes
As the elite coup against humanity
continues to gather pace – see ‘The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup
Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully’ – it is invaluable to observe the way in
which the dysfunctional and violent psychology of the global elite, including
those of its members who have a significant public profile such as Bill Gates,
is revealed more starkly.
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Who is controlling whom? |
Clearly complicated by a number of factors,
including the locust plagues that have been devastating several countries in
Africa, the Middle East and South Asia during early 2020 – see ‘360 Billion Locusts And
Growing – A Plague Of “Biblical Proportions” Is Destroying Crops Across The
Middle East And Africa’ – but now particularly because of official responses
to COVID-19, as World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director, David Beasley,
has recently warned:
If we don’t prepare and act now to secure
access, to avoid funding shortfalls and disruptions to trade, we could be
facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months...
our analysis shows that 300,000 people could starve to death every single day
over a three-month period. See ‘WFP chief warns of “hunger
pandemic” as Global Food Crises Report launched’.
That is 27,000,000 people, if arithmetic is
not your strong point, that will die of starvation, not COVID-19. And
this figure, of course, is quite separate from the phenomenal hardship that
millions are already experiencing as a result of the economic dislocation which
has created s staggering number of newly unemployed people around the world.
In this article I will do three things. I
will briefly explain the dysfunctional psychology of the global elite, using Bill
Gates as an example, which explains why they seek vastly greater control over
our lives at staggering expense to our rights, freedom and economic security. I
will briefly explain why so many people are fearfully submissive victims of
this coup, unable to perceive the deeper strands of what is taking place. And I
will briefly reiterate what those people in a third category, ranging from
those skeptical of the fear-mongering in relation to COVID-19 to those already
resisting the lockdowns, curfews, martial law and other serious impositions on
our lives, can do to ensure that their resistance has strategic impact.
The Violently Dysfunctional Psychology of
the Global Elite
While the world is in turmoil, partly in
response to the fear-mongering by WHO, governments, the medical industry and
the corporate media that has profoundly inflated people’s fear of COVID-19 but
also because of the adverse cascading impacts of the long list of ill-advised
decisions, particularly those that impact national economies made to supposedly
deal with COVID-19, the primary concern of Bill Gates is that we all submit to
vaccination and acquire a ‘digital certificate’ to prove that we have done so.
For explanations of Gates’ unsavory motives in promoting and conducting
extensive vaccination, see ‘Gates’ Globalist Vaccine
Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination’ and ‘Bill Gates and the
Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation’.
While this has led to substantial
resistance on social media, including that Gates be arrested for crimes against
humanity – see ‘“Arrest Bill Gates” – Says
every Instagrammer on Gates Account’ – it is, in fact, only the most public initiative by
a member of the global elite even though it constitutes a key element of how
the global elite intends to capture complete control of our lives to create
what Whitney Webb describes as a ‘techno tyranny’.
Citing a range of evidence obtained from
official but largely ignored organizations, decisions and documents in recent
years, Webb thoughtfully describes a frightening view of the techno tyranny
that is almost upon us and for which the latest moves are being rapidly
implemented under the guise of combating COVID-19. Involving an unsavory
alliance of the ‘intelligence’ community, the Pentagon and Silicon Valley,
COVID-19 is being used as cover to remove economic and social ‘obstacles’
(including so-called ‘legacy systems’ with which we are all familiar) to
implementing the so-called fourth industrial revolution – ‘a revolution
characterized by discontinuous technological development in areas like artificial
intelligence (AI), big data, fifth-generation telecommunications networking
(5G), nanotechnology and biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT),
and quantum computing’ – to achieve everything from a cashless society and
AI-driven technologies (particularly for mass surveillance and law enforcement)
to driverless cars and ‘telemedicine’.
For a sample of the documentation, see ‘Competing With China on
Technology and Innovation’, the US National Security Commission on Artificial
the ‘Chinese Tech Landscape
US Attorney General William Barr’s ‘Implementation of National Disruption
and Early Engagement Programs to Counter the Threat of Mass Shootings’, the ‘American Artificial
Intelligence Initiative: Year One Annual Report’ of the US Office of Science and Technology
Policy, and the recent advice by the White House that ‘President Donald J. Trump
Announces Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups’. Whitney Webb has written two recent
articles – ‘Meet The Companies Poised To
Build The Kushner-Backed “Coronavirus Surveillance System”’ and ‘Techno-Tyranny: How The US
National Security State Is Using Coronavirus To Fulfill An Orwellian Vision’ – and been interviewed – see ‘Security State using coronavirus
to implement Orwellian nightmare’ – that thoughtfully describe what is taking place.
In short, it will leave those of us who are
still alive and who haven’t been replaced by robots as little more than digital
entities, devoid of rights and freedoms, who are monitored and controlled to
serve elite ends. You might still be able to choose what you buy, provided you
do it online.
But while you can consider this evidence at
your leisure, my own concern in this article is to explain why members of the
global elite are so willing to inflict their violence on us, and to exploit us
so mercilessly, without even caring. Why does their vision for the world and
their effort to create it resemble the works of Aldous Huxley and George
Orwell, rather than something that many more of us would consider desirable? Is
profit really all that matters? What about people?
In short, the explanation for their
behavior is that they are completely insane. But like some other versions of
insanity that are also defined as ‘normal’ – essentially because they are so
widespread (like over-consumption in industrialized countries) that few think
to question whether or not the behavior is actually functional – it is fairly
straightforward to explain both the origin and outcomes of their insanity.
At birth, every human child has enormous unique
potential. However, to fully realize that potential, the child must be nurtured
physically, emotionally, intellectually and in other ways so that their unique
potential unfolds. This includes caring for them in their unique physical
environment while allowing their natural inclination to learn, an
evolutionary gift, to guide the manner and nature of their inquiry.
Unfortunately, however, adult humans do not
appreciate and value the innate learning capacities of their children so we
‘teach’ them, in the ways of our choosing (particularly by funneling them all
through the one-size-fits-all institution we call ‘school’), what we want them
to know instead. Because the child naturally resists this, the child is
subjected to an extraordinary range of ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ violence to
force them to conform to societal norms.
Then, using what I have labeled ‘utterly
invisible violence’, we ensure that the feelings of fear, sadness, anger and
pain (among many others) that this causes are suppressed so that we do not have
to deal with the emotional and behavioral consequences of the violence we
inflict on the child. This leaves the child with an unconscious legacy of fear,
self-hatred and powerlessness that will manifest, depending on the context,
throughout the child’s life. For a thorough explanation of this, see ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.
One outcome of being terrorized into
submissive obedience throughout childhood is that the human ‘individual’ enters
adulthood with no sense of their unique identity but fully comfortable with the
social constructed delusional identity they gradually took on
during childhood. Having been terrorized into obedient submission to parents,
teachers and religious figures, virtually all people readily take on the role
of submissive worker/soldier and citizen fulfilling some fairly meaningless
role in a society largely devoid of meaning. Understanding no other way and in
a last resort to feel some sense of control over their life, they also then terrorize
their own children into being submissively obedient.
And people like Bill Gates are not all that
different except that the opportunities provided by their wealth and the
privilege that goes with it, enable them to inflict their dysfunctional and
violent behaviors on a vastly greater number of people in a fruitless endeavor
to feel ‘in control’. And they can do so without attracting the sanctions,
legal and otherwise, that might constrain the behaviors of the rest of us.
So, as documented in the articles about
Bill Gates cited above, his vaccination programs have wreaked havoc on adults
and children throughout the global south, killing or incapacitating substantial
numbers of people. This is unsurprising given the historical role of
vaccination in precipitating a great many disorders and deaths, by introducing
into the body contaminants such as aluminium and glyphosate. See Sayer Ji’s 326
page bibliography with a vast number of references to the literature explaining
the exceptional range of shocking dangers from vaccination – see ‘Vaccination’ – or, if you wish to just read
straightforward accounts of the history of vaccine damage and the ongoing
dangers, see these articles by Gary G. Kohls MD: ‘A Comprehensive List of
Vaccine-Associated Toxic Reactions’ and ‘Identifying the
Vaccinology-Illiterate among Us’.
But does Bill Gates care about the
staggering harm these vaccinations are causing? Does he care that future
vaccinations are intended to be used to grotesquely infringe our rights and
freedoms with the insertion of biometric data? See ‘COVID-19: Perfect Cover for
Mandatory Biometric ID’. What of his love? Compassion? Empathy? Sympathy?
Does he have a conscience to call him to account, even if no legal system does?
Does he respect people? Does he believe everyone should be given an individual
and informed choice about whether or not they are vaccinated?
Tragically, Bill Gates is so
psychologically damaged that he is simply devoid of qualities such as these.
They were never given the chance to develop by parents who showed him the same
lack of love, sympathy, care, respect and consideration. Moreover, because of
his fear of being out of control, as he was when endlessly suffering the
incredible violence of his parents throughout childhood, he now endlessly seeks
control in the highly dysfunctional ways that his unconscious fear projects. That
is, by seeking to control us all.
If you want to read more about the
psychological dysfunctionality of Bill Gates and other members of the global
elite, as well as their agents, and how this always manifests to our detriment,
you can do so in articles such as ‘The Global Elite is Insane
Revisited’, ‘Love Denied: The Psychology
of Materialism, Violence and War’ and ‘Understanding Self-Hatred in
World Affairs’.
Sadly, however, it is not just members of
the global elite who are psychologically dysfunctional. There is a substantial
portion of the human population who have suffered a similar fate, even if it
manifests very differently. However, while this dysfunctionality might manifest
in an extraordinarily wide variety of ways, it almost invariably includes
fearful submission to those considered to be ‘in authority’.
The Dysfunctional Psychology of Victims
Because each human being is unique, the
individual is born with a powerful evolutionary gift: Self-will. This means that
the individual has an incredible range of tools, including the capacity to
apply sensory perception (sight, sound, touch…) to observe what is happening,
the emotional capacity to feel what this means (is it satisfying, enjoyable,
frightening, infuriating…), to think for themself about the significance of it,
to compare and contrast it with relevant memories, to gauge it against one’s
conscience and so on until an integrated sense of how to behave in response is
formulated and then acted on.
If a person is doing this then we might
describe them as ‘Self-aware’. And they are, truly, an individual.
However, because of the experience of
childhood terrorization, briefly touched on above, most children are compelled
to surrender the essence of these various capacities, and hence their
Self-will, by a very young age. In these circumstances, the child becomes a
fairly malleable instrument, easily transformed into a victim who is now devoid
of the capacity to look deep within themselves to make sound judgments about
what is taking place and to behave powerfully in response.
Instead, they simply obey the will of
another: parent, teacher, religious figure, employer, political leader…. and
act more out of habit than consideration. Given the endless violence (usually
labeled ‘punishment’) that is inflicted to ensure that children are obedient to
others, rather than allowed to follow their own self-will, it takes an
extraordinary child to survive with even a semblance of the potential with
which they were born. As a result, most
human behavior lacks consideration, conviction, courage and strategy, and is
simply driven compulsively by the predominant fear in each context.
For elaboration of this explanation, see ‘The Disintegrated Mind: The
Greatest Threat to Human Survival on Earth’ and ‘The Psychology of
Victimhood: Obama, Cameron, Netanyahu, Clinton, Kissinger’.
A primary outcome of this childhood
terrorization experience in materialist cultures is that the child learns to
suppress their awareness of how they feel by using food and material items to
distract themself. By doing this, the child rapidly loses their emerging
self-awareness and learns to consume as the substitute for this awareness.
Clearly, this has catastrophic consequences for the child, their society and
for nature (although it is immensely profitable for elites and their agents
whose Self-awareness is non-existent). For a fuller explanation, see ‘Love Denied: The Psychology
of Materialism, Violence and War’.
In essence, a victim is utterly terrified
and powerless. These feelings are unconscious to the victim, which is why they
are incapable of intelligently seeking out and personally assessing evidence
(such as that in relation to COVID-19 and how it is being used) and they simply
submit without protest once told to obey.
An equally important outcome for the
victim, is that they have little, if any, capacity to see beyond themselves or
their immediate concerns (which might include an activist preoccupation). They
are incapable of perceiving and considering the wider ramifications of what is
taking place – the ‘big picture’ – such as for those millions of starving
people referred to by WFP Executive Director David Beasley above. Any sense of
a ‘wider self’, of human solidarity beyond the most superficial kind, is
incomprehensible to them.
Making sure our Resistance to this Coup has
Strategic Impact
So this is why a third group in relation to
this elite coup is so important: Those individuals who are already resisting
the coup or those who will soon choose to do so. Clearly, these people have
sufficient sense of Self, the intelligence and emotional capacity (including
courage) to consider the evidence in relation to COVID-19 and what lies beneath
it, and to draw conclusions at variance with those presented by the elite
through its international organizations (such as the World Health
Organization), governments and corporate media.
And it is to these people that this final
section is particularly addressed.
I have previously explained a nonviolent
strategy to resist this elite coup against humanity. See ‘The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup
Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully’.
This included identifying its political
purpose – obviously ‘To defend humanity against a political/military coup
conducted by the global elite’ – and setting out a basic list of 26
strategic goals for achieving this purpose. You can read the ‘Strategic
goals for defeating a political/military coup conducted by the global elite
against humanity’ by scrolling down the page at ‘Strategic Aims’.
Remaining pages on the website fully
explain the twelve components of the strategy, as illustrated by the Nonviolent Strategy Wheel, as well as articles and videos explaining
all of the vital points of strategy and tactics, such as those to help you
understand ‘Nonviolent Action: Why and
How it Works’
and how to prepare, frame and conduct any nonviolent action to minimize the
risk of violent repression. See ‘Nonviolent Action:
Minimizing the Risk of Violent Repression’.
While many of the tactics identified are
designed to make it very easy for individuals to be involved, an increasing
number of people are already participating in nonviolent actions based on
public gatherings to ‘End the Lockdown’ using social media messaging with that
or similar labels. See, for example, ‘Protesting the Lockdowns is
Getting Going – #endthelockdown’.
Therefore, as more people become aware of
the coup and the energy to resist it continues to gather pace, it will be
worthwhile to choose a locally significant date on which as many people who are
willing to do so act to ‘End the Lockdown’ in your country. Using a locally
relevant focus, or perhaps several, for which many people would traditionally
be together – a cultural or sporting event, a community activity such as
working to establish a community garden to increase local self-reliance, a
birthday celebration and/or a return to work – we can mobilize people to
collectively resist the coup that is taking place.
Because the actions taken can be dispersed
with large numbers of people responding in a vast number of locations, it will
be impossible for police and military forces to inflict violent repression
against everyone, particularly if local organizers have implemented the points
in ‘Nonviolent Action:
Minimizing the Risk of Violent Repression’.
Equally importantly to any of the points
above, particularly given the pressing threat of human extinction – see ‘Human Extinction Now Imminent
and Inevitable? A Report on the State of Planet Earth’ – but also because becoming more
self-reliant is vital to our ongoing capacity to resist elite encroachments on
our rights, freedom and economic security, consider joining those
participating in ‘The Flame Tree Project to
Save Life on Earth’. This project also explains how to take full advantage of non-monetary
forms of community where goods and services are exchanged directly, without
money as a medium of exchange. Money only has value in certain types of economy
and these types of economy must be superseded if humans are to survive.
Moreover, given the enormous pressure on
children at the moment, as their lives are upended, it would be useful to spend
time listening to them. Of course, if you know an adult who is having trouble
coping, it will help them enormously as well if you listen while giving them
the opportunity to talk about, and focus on feeling, their own emotional
reactions to what is taking place. See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep
If you do not have anyone who can listen to you, try ‘Putting Feelings First’.
In addition, because the foundation of this
entire elite-controlled world, and the coup it is now implementing, is the
submissively obedient individual, the world can only be rebuilt as we might
like it if we stop terrorizing children into being submissive. So I would start
by parenting and educating children so that they become powerful. See ‘My Promise to Children’ and ‘Do We Want School or
Finally, as touched on above, apart from
the ongoing elite coup the Earth is under siege from our assaults on a vast
range of fronts. See ‘Human Extinction Now
Imminent and Inevitable? A Report on the State of Planet Earth’. So if we are serious about tackling this
crisis too, we must be willing to consider committing to:
The Earth
Out of love for the Earth and all of its
creatures, and my respect for their needs, from this day onwards I pledge that:
1. I will listen deeply to children (see explanation above)
2. I will not travel by plane
3. I will not travel by car
4. I will not eat meat and fish
5. I will only eat
organically/biodynamically grown food
6. I will minimize the amount of fresh
water I use, including by minimizing my ownership and use of electronic devices
7. I will not buy rainforest timber
8. I will not buy or use single-use
plastic, such as bags, bottles, containers, cups and straws
9. I will not use banks, superannuation
(pension) funds or insurance companies that provide any service to corporations
involved in fossil fuels, nuclear power and/or weapons
10. I will not accept employment from, or
invest in, any organization that supports or participates in the exploitation
of fellow human beings or profits from killing and/or destruction of the
11. I will not get news from the corporate media
(mainstream newspapers, television, radio, Google, Facebook, Twitter…)
12. I will make the effort to learn a
skill, such as food gardening or sewing, that makes me more self-reliant
13. I will gently encourage my family and
friends to consider signing this pledge.
Given that any serious investigation of the
circumstances underlying the so-called COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ reveals that the
entire global episode has been contrived to further an unsavory elite end, at
staggering cost to humans everywhere, it is imperative that those who are
capable of perceiving this reality also take action to bring this ongoing coup
to an early end.
The longer it takes to muster a full
response to defeat this coup, the more damage – to our rights, freedoms, economic
security, opportunities, democratic governance, the global economy and the
environment – will have been inflicted, making the struggle to restore them vastly
more difficult.
More importantly, if human solidarity means
anything to you, the lives of millions of people (in the global south) are at
stake and the economic security (through lost employment) of millions more.
And these lives, if lost or marginalized,
while suiting some elite depopulation agenda, will be a stark but ugly reminder
that COVID-19 was never about a virus but about our fear.
Biodata: Robert J.
Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence.
He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human
beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the
author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is and his website is here.
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