What Mindset to Overcome Carona Fear?

Hindu philosophy discusses what is known as “Karma theory” , which means that every act of human beings in life are pre destined and will occur at the appropriate time , which is unpreventable. The Hindu philosophy virtually ask the people to reconcile themselves to the pre destined situation.

by N.S.Venkataraman

When caronavirus attack happened in Wuhan region in China, many governments and people around the world thought it was a localized affair and Chinese government would tackle it. However, when Caronavirus started spreading across the world , a sense of vague fear gripped the people. Further, when several governments including USA declared national emergency to tackle the crisis, a world wide alarm and fear amongst people all over the world set in. Today, the world community is under the vice like grip of fear psychosis, making people extremely anxious and restless about their own safety and that of relatives and fiends.

Even after a few months, after the death of around 5000 people due to coronavirus attack and several thousand more being treated , still there is no conclusive evidence as to why the virus occurred, how long it would last and what could be the drug/vaccine to treat the virus attack.

Countries are closing the borders , denying visas to foreigners and many suggestions have been made such as hand washing , wearing of mask and avoid shaking hands etc.

However, at the bottom of heart everyone knows that panic is not prevention.

Situation has now become so grave that everyone looks at others with suspicion. Even slight fever or cough are being looked at as possible indication of coronavirus attack and such people are treated as untouchables. The fact that fever and cough have been happening to people all over the world for several thousands of years when coronavirus was not known, is not enough reason for people not to fear simple cough or running nose, today.

While the scientists and medical industry are striving hard to find drug for treating coronavirus attack, no one seems to be thinking of strategies to tackle the “mental attack” that people are facing nnow due to coronavirus. It appears that no religious heads or non governmental organisations or activists have thought about the need to build proper mindset amongst people in facing this coronavirus crisis.

Today, while a fraction of world population has been identified as suffering from coronavirus attack, billions of people around the world are shivering with fear about the “impending coronavirus attack” on them from “anywhere or nowhere”.

In this difficult situation, the Hindu philosophy has an answer and shows the way.

Hindu philosophy discusses what is known as “Karma theory” , which means that every act of human beings in life are pre destined and will occur at the appropriate time , which is unpreventable. The Hindu philosophy virtually ask the people to reconcile themselves to the pre destined situation.

At the same time, Hindu religion does not advocate inactive or action less life. It calls for every one to do his/ her duty and strive for achievements at every time and opportunity. It certainly does not ask people” to go to sleep”, while facing problems in life.

While advocating the concept of destiny and at the same time leading an active life, the Hindu philosophy further advocates the concept of detachment. This implies that everyone should work and strive and at the same time accept the developments as the Will of God wherever He is and whatever He is.

This Hindu philosophy is very apt in today’s conditions of coronavirus attack, where the scientists and medical industry should strive to develop drug for treatment of the virus and every individual should observe all suggested precautions to safeguard himself / herself. At the same time, the individuals should not allow themselves to get into a psychosis of fear and develop a panicky mindset as if coronavirus attack is on the doorstep.

Strive hard to prevent unhappy development and develop a mindset of reconciliation ,if any unfortunate event were to happen.