Precious People With Moderate Approach

The historical city of Delhi, for the past many days, has been burning in the fire of communal clashes. These clashes started with an ordinary quarrel between pro and anti CAA groups but the law-enforcement agencies could not or did not try to settle down the matter.

by Ali Sukhanver

Tom is a Christian because his parents were Christians and Akbar is a Muslim because his parents were Muslims. Same is the case with Ram and Gupta; they are the Hindus because they were born in a Hindu family. Religion is, most of the time, not by choice. People do change their religion but such cases are very rare. However, extremism in religious thoughts is all time a very personal trait. We have ample examples of the people belonging to Christianity but taking care of helpless Muslims and vice versa. Though increasing economic pressure and everyday growing social problems have made life more complicated and more complex than before but at the same time these factors, to some extent, are diverting the attention of religious extremists to the issues directly linked with their existence and survival. A change is in process; the change of minds and hearts. The days are not very far away when the world around us would come to realize that humanity is the strongest bond and the most trustworthy basis of sincere relationship. Recently New Delhi presented a very sublime example of this humanity-based cordiality.

The historical city of Delhi, for the past many days, has been burning in the fire of communal clashes. These clashes started with an ordinary quarrel between pro and anti CAA groups but the law-enforcement agencies could not or did not try to settle down the matter. The clashes soon turned into riots resulting in the death of more than 27; more than 200 received serious injuries. But during that entire massacre there were many who simply endangered their lives in trying to save the Muslims in trouble; these rescuers included the Hindus, the Sikhs and even the Christians. Premkant Baghel was also one of those who bravely fought for his Muslim neighbours. According to the media reports the saved the lives of his six Muslims when an unruly mob threw petrol bombs and set Muslim homes on fire. In his rescue-efforts, 70% of his own body received serious burns. He is still in hospital battling for his life.

Certainly Premkant is an exemplary character and his name would always be remembered whenever there is a talk of religious harmony, tolerance and sacrifice. Someone has very beautifully commented on the ‘humanity-loving’ behaviour of Premkant Baghel, “ When you face a raging fire, you have the choice to sit and stare at it, add more fuel to it or jump in it to save lives. Your choice defines what your religion has taught you.” Same caring attitude was shown by the Sikh community in Delhi during the riots against the Muslim community. Media reports say that almost all Gurdwaras in Delhi opened their doors to Muslim families who were forced to move out from their homes. This is the real passion we need for making this world a paradise on earth. This world doesn’t need hatred and enmity based on religious differences. Anyone who is promoting religion-based hatred and disgust is in fact a terrorist. Such rascals must be discouraged, rather chained in the larger interest of the world peace and prosperity. Our world needs people like Premkant Baghel not like Narendra Modi. Moreover it is not only Premkant Baghel who put his life in danger for saving his Muslim neighbours; there are countless other examples in India.

The Guardian recently has published an article of Samanth Subramanian with the title, ‘How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart.’ The writer says, “For seven decades, India has been held together by its constitution, which promises equality to all. But Narendra Modi’s BJP is remaking the nation into one where some people count as more Indian than others.” He further says, “The Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad (ABVP) is the youth wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Founded 94 years ago by men who were besotted with Mussolini’s fascists, the RSS is the holding company of Hindu supremacist: of Hindutva, as it’s called. Given its role and its size, it is difficult to find an analogue for the RSS anywhere in the world.”

Certainly the ideas expressed by Samanth Subramanian would not be welcomed by the BJP extremists but this type of positive and mild approach towards life, in fact, keeps societies alive. India is a country doing trade and business very successfully with various countries all over the world. It has so many big names and brands like Ambanies, Tatas, Birla’s, and Mittals; extremism and narrow-mindedness of the BJP might bring a catastrophic disaster to these business organizations. Disaster in the field of trade and business means destruction of the whole social fiber. Mr. Modi must review the direction he is moving to if he wants to keep India strong and integrated. The Indian nation is expecting from him the role of a hero but he seems opting for the role of a villain. Coming up to the expectation is certainly not an easy job.