Whether COVID-19 is intended to be the final step or just another in what remains of the series, we will soon know. In any case, if we are not resisting strategically, the elite will ultimately succeed.
by Robert J. Burrowes
While humans stand on the brink of
precipitating our own extinction, with the prospects of now averting this
remote – see ‘Human Extinction Now
Imminent and Inevitable? A Report on the State of Planet Earth’ – virtually everyone remains unaware of
the critical nature of our plight. Moreover, the ongoing human death toll from
the activities that are generating this crisis numbers in the many millions
each year while the number of species driven to extinction is estimated at 200 per

In contrast, a
virus that is killing a very small proportion of the minuscule number it has
infected is causing panic in many countries around the world, devastating the
travel and tourism industries while emptying supermarket shelves of food and
that apparently most vital of commodities: toilet paper.
According to the
Johns Hopkins University Coronvirus Resource Center (which is presumably separate from the JHU
bioweapons research facility), the last time I checked it before this article
was sent for publication, official reports indicate that the COVID-19 virus has so far infected 372,563
people in a world population of 7,800,000,000 (that is, about .0048% of the
human population), killing 16,380 (4.3% of those infected) with 100,885 (27%)
recovered already (and many more highly likely to do so). Of course, there
is an unknown number of people who have contracted the virus but not reported
it (through ignorance or intention) thus indicating that the death rate from
the disease is (probably significantly) lower than the official rate.
Moreover, as one
doctor has reported after researching the data on Italy, where the greatest
rate of COVID-19 infection has occurred: ‘80% of the deceased had suffered from
two or more chronic diseases’ and ‘90% of the deceased are over 70 years old’.
In addition, ‘Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons’ defined, very
simply, as ‘persons without pre-existing chronic diseases’. Given that northern
Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe,
which has already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths
in the past, these are undoubtedly factors that help to account for the current
local health crisis. See ‘A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19’.
Obviously the
utterly inadequate response to the genuine crisis in which humans now find
themselves and the panic-stricken response to a simple virus tells us a great
deal about how human fear is working in these two contexts and the way in which
elite agents, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), governments, medical
personnel and the corporate media, have no trouble manipulating this fear to
serve elite interests. A few minutes listening to or reading government and medical
personnel commenting on COVID-19, as reported in the corporate media, is enough
to reveal the extent of the fear they are peddling, although to those who are
terrified, this is not obvious at all. It is just frightening.
While the
multifaceted existential crisis clearly requires a concerted response ranging
from nonviolent strategies to compel key corporations in various industries to
desist from their biosphere-destroying behaviours to convincing ‘ordinary’
people to systematically reduce their consumption to relieve pressure on the
biosphere as well, the virus problem requires either zero precautions for those
individuals who make a point of maintaining their health (preferably by eating
healthily-prepared biodynamic/organically grown vegetarian whole food etc which
sustains their immune system), or the simplest of precautions (perhaps
including taking some nutritional supplements such as vitamins A and C, for
example), commensurate with precautions one might take to avoid catching the
Of course, it
should be noted, like many other threats to human health – including ‘doctor
error’ (see, for example, ‘Table Of Iatrogenic Deaths
In The United States’ and ‘Johns Hopkins study suggests
medical errors are third-leading cause of death in U.S.’), heart disease, cancer and tuberculosis –
the flu kills vastly more people, every day, than COVID-19 is doing. For
example, according to the WHO, which ignores deaths from other diseases such as
cardiovascular disease that can be influenza-related, seasonal influenza may
result in as many as 650,000 deaths each year (an average of 1,781 each day)
due to respiratory illnesses alone. See ‘Influenza: Burden of
That is, the global death toll from COVID-19 in the months since it originated
is equal to the global death toll from flu every 9 days.
Moreover, if we
were seriously concerned about our world, the gravest and longest-standing
health crisis on the planet is the one that starves to death 100,000 people
each day. No panic about that, of course. And no action either.
So, leaving
aside this last point, the key question is this: Why aren’t people scared of
the prospect of imminent human extinction and behaving powerfully in response,
while vast numbers of people are terrified of catching one particular virus
(but, apparently, not scared of being killed by their doctor or catching other
viruses, contracting heart disease, cancer or TB) and acting insanely as a
And the short
answer to this question is this: The elite is using its international
organizations (particularly the United Nations and its agencies), governments,
education systems, corporate media and other agents to suppress people’s
awareness (and hence fear) of the threat of extinction so that
business-as-usual (that is, profit-maximization) can continue for as long as
possible unhindered by efforts to contain this existential crisis while
deliberately triggering people’s fear in relation to COVID-19 so that a greater
degree of elite control can be achieved and greater profits can be secured by
exploiting certain opportunities (such as ‘short-selling’ on the stock market
and profit-making by pharmaceutical corporations) that the panic arising from
the virus generates.
Let me elaborate.
If one
investigates the state of Earth’s biosphere, it quickly becomes evident that
the biosphere is under siege on many fronts: There is the ongoing threat of
nuclear war (perhaps started regionally) as the Cold War infrastructure
containing this threat has been progressively dismantled. There is the ongoing
threat posed by the progressive collapse of biodiversity as habitat is
destroyed at an accelerating rate while animals, birds, insects, fish,
amphibians, reptiles and plants are killed in vast numbers by a multitude of
concurrent assaults. There is the ongoing threat posed by the climate
catastrophe. There is the ongoing threat posed by the deployment of 5G (and
electromagnetic radiation generally). And these threats are complemented by the
imminent collapse of the Amazon, the widespread radioactive contamination of
the Earth, the use of geoengineering and the ongoing ecological destruction
caused by the many ongoing wars and other military activity. Among a wide
variety of other threats.
The nature and
details of these threats are readily available – again, for example, see ‘Human Extinction Now
Imminent and Inevitable? A Report on the State of Planet Earth’ – and can be accessed by virtually anyone
on Earth interested. Moreover, there is a great deal of evidence to support the
argument that human extinction is now imminent given the synergistic impact of
these (and so many other) threats. In essence, if one chooses, one can consider
the evidence oneself and use this knowledge to behave sensibly and powerfully
in response.
However, only a
rare individual is seeking out and considering this wide range of evidence so
that they can consider modifying their behaviour in light of this multifaceted
crisis. Why?
Because our fear
allows our life circumstances (‘I am busy with work/my family’ etc.) and elite
agents, such as the corporate media, education systems and the entertainment
industry, to distract us from paying close attention to these
interrelated crises. This means that, if we do pay attention, it is usually to
the corporate media’s version of the ‘evidence’, as presented by corporate
scientists, and we are directed how to interpret this information; only the
rarest individual seeks out the science for themselves or reads the scientists
who courageously tell the truth. See, for example, ‘Arctic News’. In this way, strategically-focused action
based on an analysis of the driving forces, even by those who self-label as
‘activists’, can be prevented and business-as-usual continues.
In contrast,
because events such as the COVID-19 virus – like the long list of such threats
(including AIDS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome [SARS], Mad Cow disease and
Ebola) that preceeded it – are created to expand elite political, economic,
social and geopolitical control as well as to generate greater profits in some
sectors of the economy (including through stock market windfalls by
‘short-selling’), our fear is deliberately played upon by the propaganda
distributed through various elite agents. The resulting panic ensures that the
bulk of the human population – willing to surrender control on the promise of
greater material security – serves elite interests precisely. For a sample of
the literature and videos that thoughtfully discuss points such as these, as
well as others consistent with them (such as the push for compulsory
vaccination and marginalization of the elderly), see ‘COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake
Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic, Social and Geopolitical
Destabilization’, ‘This Is a Test: How Will the
Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?’, ‘China – Western China
Bashing – vs. Western Biowarfare?’, ‘CoVid-19 – What the
government is really covering up’, ‘Plunging stocks, pandemic fears,
quarantines – what’s the real operation?’, ‘How Many People Have
‘The Coronavirus Phenomenon
is a Political Pandemic, not a Medical Emergency’, ‘The Coronavirus COVID-19
Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”’, ‘The Coronavirus Hoax’, ‘Pandemic: The Invention of a
Disease Called Fear. People are being “Herded”. Disrupting the World Economy’, ‘Coronavirus scare – the hoax
of the century?’, ‘Corona Panic - erstaunliche
Einblicke / stunning insights’, ‘The Coronavirus: Crown Jewel
of the New World Order or Crippling Blow to Globalization?’, ‘Coronavirus and the Gates
and ‘In a Europe Closed Down by
the Coronavirus the EU Opens its Doors to the US Army. Could the Defender
become the Invader of Europe?’
In essence then,
knowledge – whether of those actually possessing it but even of one’s own – is
marginalized because once people are scared, their fear overwhelms their
capacity to think, assess, evaluate and critique, as well as to feel the other
emotional responses that tell them what is actually taking place. Only the
occasional individual pauses to consider – and research – what is happening in
order to respond powerfully.
Of course,
knowledge might not be easy to acquire given that, in this instance, there are various
theories, apart from those mentioned above, about what is happening. These
include the hypotheses that the virus is a (deliberately or even accidentally)
released bioweapon – see ‘Author of US Biowarfare Law:
Studies Confirm Coronavirus Weaponized’, ‘Who Made Coronavirus? Was It
the U.S., Israel or China Itself?’, ‘China is Confronting the
COVID-19 Epidemic. Was It Man-Made? An Act of of Bio-warfare?’ and ‘Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out
About Novel Coronavirus’ – and that the virus is being used to obscure the
death toll from the deployment of 5G (already done extensively in Wuhan, for
example). See ‘Wuhan China, One Big 5G FEMA
style Camp & Not because of Coronavirus’ and ‘China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s
New Virus’.
However, just
because knowledge requires effort, it does not mean that it is not available if
we conscientiously apply our intelligence to identify and investigate credible
sources, such as those mentioned above. Moreover, if knowledge is genuinely
sought, we might also need to spend time endeavouring to comprehend the
complexity of some issues, starting by asking key questions. In this case, for
example, there are many people benefiting from this crisis but doing so even
though they work at different points in relation to it. How does this help us
to understand what is going on?
The fundamental
problem, of course, is that applying intelligence to a challenge is effectively
impossible if, as is the case with the bulk of the human population, the
individual is (unconsciously) terrified and hence easily stampeded into panic,
especially if the stampede is precipitated deliberately to serve specific elite
So why is
virtually everyone so (unconsciously) terrified? Unfortunately, it is the
standard state of virtually all human beings after being terrorized into
submission by parents, teachers, religious figures and other adults during
childhood. But also denied the opportunity to feel and release this fear, the
individual suppresses their awareness of the fear which simply remains in the
unconscious endlessly shaping behaviour without the individual even realising.
For a full explanation of this, including the roles that ‘visible’, ‘invisible’
and ‘utterly invisible’ violence play in generating this outcome, see ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless
Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.
One way in which this works is as follows.
Children start learning at a very young age to identify, often unconsciously,
when a parent or other adult is delusional about something. This is
particularly the case when this involves the parent projecting their fear onto
the child (or something the child is doing), when there is actually no danger.
See ‘The Psychology of Projection
in Conflict’.
The child can perceive the parental projection because the child’s perceptions
are not yet as damaged as those of the adults around them. However, because the
adult is always fearfully attached to their delusions and projections as a key
outcome of their own childhood terrorization experience, the child also quickly
learns that if they seriously contradict a delusion or projection held by the
parent/adult, they are highly likely to be punished. And so the child acts to
avoid punishment by not challenging the delusion/projection.
As Anita McKone further explained her
understanding of this process during a recent discussion, she noted the way it
feels for the parent in this context: ‘If you don’t help me to keep safe from
my projected fear/delusion (which, of course, for me is absolutely real), then
I consider you to be dangerous to me and I will attack you!’ The problem for
the child in this circumstance is that the parental fear and the threat it
poses are overwhelming and so, after a time, the child copies the fear and
ceases to remember how things actually were. But without a subsequent opportunity
to feel the fear holding this delusion/projection in place, the child will
retain this delusion/projection for life, just as the parent has done.
However, the problem is that once a
childhood fear is suppressed, it spends the remainder of the individual’s life
seeking ways of being felt and expressed. This can occur in ways that are
easily not noticed, such as feeling scared while watching a horror movie.
However, the most usual ways in which this suppressed fear manifests in later
life is by projecting it at activities undertaken by one’s children that
trigger this fear. And because it is not actually frightening to control the
child’s behaviour, the parent will seek this control so that they can feel the
relief of (temporarily) getting their own fear back under control.
But another way in which this fear can be
given a safe outlet on something that is not actually frightening, is by
participating in ‘socially-approved’ activities that allow the fear to be
expressed. For example, the people who are participating in the panic-stricken
purchase of foods and goods from supermarkets are simply responding to their
unconscious fear which has been deliberately triggered to enable elite-desired
outcomes for greater social control to be achieved by making political use of
this panic. Again see articles cited above such as ‘This Is a Test: How Will the
Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?’
In essence then, the COVID-19 pandemic was
created as just another step in the endless effort to fully establish elite
political, economic and social control. With the WHO, governments, medical
personnel and the corporate media warning the population (with their
superficially suppressed terror readily accessible) of the dangers of the virus
and directing them to respond in particular ways under threat of punishment,
governments implementing measures to restrict freedom and movement (including
‘lockdowns’, border closings, bans on gatherings in a variety of public
contexts and a range of other drastic measures), the corporate media endlessly
referring to and discussing possible ‘horror’ scenarios, people’s fear is
readily triggered to ensure there is little resistance to the ongoing
curtailment of their rights (and many even end up asking for these curtailments
if it will make them feel safer).
The fundamental problem is this: once we
fearfully surrender a right, it is rarely won back. And we are one step closer
to living in a dystopian (technologically-monitored and controlled) police
state. If you think this won’t/can’t happen, I gently encourage you to read the
relevant references cited above, each of which was carefully chosen because it
illustrates this point in one way or another.
Whether COVID-19 is intended to be the
final step or just another in what remains of the series, we will soon know. In
any case, if we are not resisting strategically, the elite will ultimately
So here is the summary:
Our existing parenting and education models
are designed to produce submissively obedient children, students, workers,
soldiers and citizens. After all, we want children, students, employees,
military personnel and even citizens who obey orders, not think for themselves.
But this outcome can only be achieved by terrorizing children throughout
childhood until they suppress their awareness of their own self-will so completely
that they submit to the will of adults virtually without protest. Now devoid of
their own unique and powerful self-will, they become sheep herded from one
supermarket to the next by their own fear. No need for a shepherd.
Then, when the global elite plans and
implements its next move, using COVID-19 as ‘cover’ on this occasion, to
consolidate its ever-tightening grip on the human population (more militarized
policing, new and improved police/military weapons systems, privacy-abusing
law, surveillance technology, facial recognition system, vaccination regime,
genetically-mutilated organism, monetary or banking convenience….), it simply
instructs its agents in the UN, government, education systems, the corporate
and social media, and elsewhere to carefully explain why this particular
response is so beneficial to everyone with genuine critiques confined to those
few outlets with modest audiences, such as this one, that tell the truth.
Terrorized into accepting adult dogma as a
child, the typical adult now participates in many delusions, such as the one
that the choice offered at elections constitutes having a say in how a country
is governed. Devoid of the capacity to critique society beyond the most
superficial level, elite propaganda is devoured as ‘knowledge’. And once their
deeply-suppressed terror is triggered, these ‘adults’ will be readily panicked
into doing as the elite directs. People in a terrified state are in no
condition to defend themselves and their rights and so they readily give these
up on the promise of not having to feel afraid.
What can we do?
Well, because the foundation of this entire
elite-controlled world is the submissively obedient individual, the world can
only be rebuilt as we might like it if we stop terrorizing children into being
submissive. So I would start by parenting and educating children so that they
become powerful. See ‘My Promise to Children’ and ‘Do We Want School or
If you need help to parent in this manner,
try ‘Putting Feelings First’ and learning how to nistel to your
child(ren). See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep
If you know someone who is frightened, or
even panicking, about COVID-19, and you feel capable of doing so, it will help
them enormously if you are able to listen to them talk about, and feel, their
fear. Again, see ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep
If you want to better understand the
origin, identity and behaviour of the global elite and why it is insane, see
the section headed ‘How the World Works’ in ‘Why Activists Fail’ and the articles ‘Exposing the Giants: The
Global Power Elite’ and ‘The Global Elite is Insane
If you want to better understand the link
between suppressed fear and panic-buying in supermarkets, see ‘Love Denied: The Psychology
of Materialism, Violence and War’.
If you wish to campaign to defend our
rights and the integrity of our biosphere, then consider doing it
strategically. See Nonviolent Campaign Strategy. The global elite is not about to give way
unless we compel it to do so. We have plenty of power if we deploy it
If you wish to remove a corrupt or
electorally unresponsive government, see Nonviolent Defense/Liberation
If you wish to fight powerfully to save
Earth’s biosphere against those governments and corporations so intent on
destroying it, but you prefer local engagement, consider joining those
participating in ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’ which outlines a simple program to systematically reduce
your consumption and increase your self-reliance over a period of years.
You might also consider joining the global
network of people resisting violence in all contexts, particularly that
inflicted by the global elite, by signing the online pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a
Nonviolent World’.
Or, if none of the
above options appeal or they seem too complicated, consider committing to:
The Earth Pledge
Out of love for the Earth and all of its
creatures, and my respect for their needs, from this day onwards I pledge that:
1. I will listen deeply to children (see explanation above)
2. I will not travel by plane
3. I will not travel by car
4. I will not eat meat and fish
5. I will only eat
organically/biodynamically grown food
6. I will minimize the amount of fresh
water I use, including by minimizing my ownership and use of electronic devices
7. I will not buy rainforest timber
8. I will not buy or use single-use
plastic, such as bags, bottles, containers, cups and straws
9. I will not use banks, superannuation
(pension) funds or insurance companies that provide any service to corporations
involved in fossil fuels, nuclear power and/or weapons
10. I will not accept employment from, or
invest in, any organization that supports or participates in the exploitation
of fellow human beings or profits from killing and/or destruction of the
11. I will not get news from the corporate
media (mainstream newspapers, television, radio, Google, Facebook, Twitter…)
12. I will make the effort to learn a
skill, such as food gardening or sewing, that makes me more self-reliant
13. I will gently encourage my family and
friends to consider signing this pledge.
Each of the measures nominated in the
section above identifies ways in which we can restore our power to resist elite
insanity and/or take strategic action to resist elite violence once we have the
power to do so.
If we do not take measures such as these,
the insane global elite will continue to manipulate us into doing its bidding,
usually using more insidious techniques than COVID-19, until human beings cease
to exist. As touched on above, the evidence strongly suggests we do not have
much time.
What you decide is therefore critical.
Biodata: Robert J.
Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence.
He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human
beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the
author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is flametree@riseup.net and his website is here.
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