Big Steps to Help Small Business in Britain

With Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, everything is meticulously planned, timed and executed to provide the most effect and the most benefit as he sees fit for the Conservative Party and the Nation. Nothing is left to chance, though he’s often ridiculed.

by Victor Cherubim

Britain is nation of small shopkeepers. Trying hard to understand Britain and the way it works is like trying to pick up a needle in a haystack. What you see is not what you get.  What you get is what is generally underestimated, never undervalued?

What is in the mindset of the British is always understatement rather than overstatement. The way of approach of most issues is not through hyperbole. Underplay any situation rather than overplay is a technique mastered by the British over centuries?

We saw this philosophy in practice in the recent Budget presented by the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak on Wednesday 11 March 2020,

The Budget

It was all about “getting the balance right, levelling up the country, protecting the people of the four corners of the nation, called The British Isles, delivering on the Conservative Election Manifesto promises.”

It was a measured approach about reducing taxation, boosting enterprise and “giving what the people wanted”. The sort of thing that Conservatism is all about.

Yet, it was different. Panic was not considered as preparedness. From the way the Coronavirus threat was actioned without much over anxiety and panic stations, the Budget and the half percentage point rate cut to 0,25^% by the Governor of the independent Bank of England in tandem, clearly made people at ease. It saw a new way to contain anxiety.

The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak,39 years old, P.C, M.P, a G. P’s son. a graduate of £42,000 per year private school Winchester and Baliol Oxford and of Harvard University, is believed to be, one of the richest members of Parliament for the safe Conservative seat, vacated by once Leader of the Conservative Party, William Hague in the constituency of Richmond, Yorkshire, in the 2015 General Election.

There was speculation that the new Chancellor Sunak would postpone the Budget to give himself more time, as he was not in the job for more than a month, with the bombshell departure of the previous Chancellor, Sajid Javid.

Besides, his critics wrote hm off as a “Chancellor in Waiting”, rather than an incumbent member of Boris Johnson’s Inner Cabinet, when he took over as Treasury Secretary in January 2020.

Fortunes always favours the brave.

There is the saying that time and tide wait for no man. We know that when the tide turns it is sometimes, a flood. It appeared that Chancellor Sunak came at the right time. He was asked to do a difficult job. But to those in the know, he was being groomed for this position and his dizzying rise to power, was never in doubt, or by chance.

Sunak was the man who was prepared for some time to do the difficult job of turning the nation. It was never broadcast. Instead, it seems Sajid Javid, Sunak’s former boss was brought in to lead as Chancellor of the Exchequer, to make way at the opportune moment?

Britain in Europe and a Free Britain

From the days of austerity of former Chancellor. George Osborne, to those of the “Wet Chancellor” Philip Hammond, during the office of Prime Minister, David Cameron and later Theresa May, respectively, the Labour Opposition Leaders in waiting, Ed Milliband and Jeremy Corbyn had been harping on the lack of investment in the NHS, in infrastructure, roads, railways, schools and education by the Conservatives over nine solid years. Their voices were unheard, their spending plans were discounted as unworkable and Labour was not fit to rule.

John McDonald the Labour Shadow Chancellor stated that: “The Tories were trying to patch up problems they created without getting a grip on the underlying state of infrastructure in the country. The Tories had created a £192 billion infrastructure investment hole over the last decade, which they could never bridge.”

The Tories were preparing to flex their true muscle when most needed

With Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, everything is meticulously planned, timed and executed to provide the most effect and the most benefit as he sees fit for the Conservative Party and the Nation. Nothing is left to chance, though he’s often ridiculed.

Sunak today is standing ready not only for the Coronavirus pandemic, but also to unwind a decade of austerity. He has said that the Conservative Party is a low tax, strong economy party. He can preserve their flexibility for when it is needed most.

Sunak is so confident to give half of all UK business, SME’s and BAME’s a tax holiday with no rates for the next year to help them weather the storm, while at the same time focussing his attention on the threat posed by the Coronavirus. By pumping in £20billion, plus another £30 billion fiscal stimulus to boost the economic growth by 0.5% over the next two years, he has become the darling of the party for the present?

We are told UK Debt is set to top £2 Trillion by 2024/25. He is also ready to do even more. Would it be hard to imagine that he has made the people of Britain very pleased?

This is because he has now got the confidence of His Master’s Voice (HMV) to support the financially vulnerable who are as fearful for their economic security and survival as they are for their health?

Historic Investment

The Chancellor has promised “historic investment” in roads, railways, broadband, scientific research, a funding of over £600 Billion over the 5 Year Parliament term. This is what the people wanted, and he is giving it to them on a platter.